Author Topic: Supa Fazy  (Read 4493 times)


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Supa Fazy
« on: December 24, 2020, 10:53:11 PM »
So I'm not sure what to make of this, what the full motivation was for making this video and are they targeting Canadians. The timing, why now, why such a distraction. Why.


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2020, 06:26:18 AM »
I think it's satire, Posh - it's fake but looks very real (to highlight the amount of 'fake' information that's out there at the moment) and also, I think, to highlight the hypocrisy of the media.  Over here, Meghan Markle was often criticised by the press which was taken by many to be racially based (she was subjected to a lot more of it than, Kate, the one who's married to Prince William), with one broadcaster posting a picture of two people with a baby chimp when she and Harry announced the birth of their son.  She's been blamed for them leaving the country and turning their backs on the monarchy whilst Prince Andrew, who seemingly had a close friendship with Epstein and who's been accused of rape by more than one woman, I think, was whisked off to the palace, the wagons were circled around him and everyone's left him alone.  So there's been very different treatment of them by the press - the woman with an opinion has been vilified and the rich, white, suspected racist has been protected.  Johnson comes under the same bracket - he's had multiple children by various partners and got his current one pregnant while his at the time wife was battling cancer and raising their other kids and he just upped and left her.  The police have also been called to a domestic incident at his home with the new partner and allegations about his mother being beaten by his father surfaced at one point as well, but it all gets swept under the carpet quite quickly.  So I think that's what they're getting at - the manipulation of media and protecting rich white men, essentially.  Channel 4 always do an alternative Christmas message - not everyone here supports the monarchy or thinks they should be in the position they are (especially financially) so they tend to do something that's the opposite to the 'actual' message (which often does sound like she's been told what to say - she did quite a big talk on poverty one time whilst sitting on a gold throne which didn't go down too well lol) xx


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2020, 08:41:16 AM »
Hi Two,

I didn't quite know all that about Meghan Markle, I think I heard a tiny murmur.

If there are broadcasts that are known to be unreal using this technology maybe it should just be taken down as hoaxes. I guess I feel it's odd timing to release something like this near Christmas time. It seems like it's meant to unsettle people AS if people are not already unsettled. But I'm not in Britain so the meaning it has in the UK is different compared to the meaning in the US I guess.
So the internet bullies hate Meghan for being biracial and the prince is swept under the rug by the racist royal family.

Haha okay I know nothing about royal family drama. I did watch the prince's interview when it first came out but I didn't know all the rest of this. Ah I see they do a satire every Xmas holiday. I had no idea.

There is a high sentiment of mistrust or just a vibe of reality augmentation going on in general. Always lots of conspiracy theories going around.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2020, 08:58:05 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2020, 10:10:33 AM »
I think it makes more sense in the UK, Posh, there's loads of sub text to it that wouldn't make sense if you don't know all the other stuff lol.  It is causing much debate here as well, as does the Queen's speech and everything else that ever goes on :)  I'm ignoring everything now to be honest lol, there are just too many opinions and points of view on everything.  I think the internet's become a beast that needs to be put back in its box.  It's just too open to abuse, misuse, misinterpretation and so on.  We were given the chance to use it responsibly and we've failed!  Lol.  Human nature, I guess.  I've had Christmas songs on the radio, no news (mute volume when it comes on), I've been watching The Undoing?  Have you seen that one?  Loving it so far, very eager to find out who really done it!


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2020, 09:59:43 PM »
Information pollution


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2020, 01:24:06 AM »

What if people with anxiety just have a heightened sense of mortality. Pharmaceutical companies and therapists never discuss anxiety in that type of context. The pop culture messaging is that a person's brain is broken, unbalanced.


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2020, 03:29:48 AM »
The Nashville bombing targeted the Feds.


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2020, 11:20:26 AM »
What the right wing has unleashed is going to go on for a very long time, I believe. I don't know that it'll ever be put back in its bottle.

Domestic terrorism has a lot of appeal to alienated white men who live online and in gun culture. It's incredibly sad.

May sound radical (especially for someone who's online for hours daily) but I think the internet has broken our society. It'll take a long time to rebuild and repair but I think it can be done. Perhaps in another generation or two. Look what Ireland went through. There were bombings in London when I lived there in '74.

Despite the horror broadcast everywhere, it's important to hold perspective and remember that you're about as likely to be the direct victim of domestic terrorism as you are to have an airplane fall on you. It hurts us all but once we devolve into a state of panic, they win. We might as well hand over the keys and let them drive the country away.

I still have hope for America.

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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2020, 12:50:45 AM »
The bombing hasn't been linked yet to any political motivation. So far it's only conspiracy nonsense. I mean I'm just guessing I have no idea what is really going on there.

The ATT building however was a big hub. If anything the bomber may have been anti-5G network at the moment that would be my random guess.

Who knows all we can do is guess until more details come out. It's very strange. If all the FBI ends up saying is that it was a random act by a computer geek loner well that will be underreporting of info. If people try to link this to some voting machine conspiracy well so far I have a hard time believing that. It seems to be a rumor constructed to connect this to a political party. If any side can connect this to their opposition it sure will make somebody look bad. 

With very little information both the left and the right are trying to connect this to the opposing party. Maybe it will be linked to some radical political party in the end. Who knows. So one wonders if the guy left behind any computers for the FBI to mine data from.

It seems like this is something a person would have to plan for years, not months. Anyhow has nothing to do with the purpose of this forum at all. It's just a random intrigue I guess.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 01:05:53 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2020, 10:45:43 AM »
One of the most remarkable comments I read (before they identified him) after plowing through all the conspiracy stuff was: "That sounds like an extremely lonely person."

You're right, no explicit motive has been yet identified. He was a computer geek who lived with his parents and then his mother for most of his life so far, although he had his own place eventually. Sounds like an alienated, isolated white man to me. He may not be political, just alienated. So maybe it's irrelevant that as I understand it many far-righties turn out to be seriously alienated; some are mentally ill. Some far-lefties are too, but numbers-wise lefties overall tend to be less involved in violence. That's a fact (despite some looting during protests).

Regardless of my rightie-leftie take on things though, I hear you.

Moving beyond the Nashville incident, I don't think violence like an ISIS-style suicide bomber is about political party as much as it is about detachment from community and others' humanity. At some point, it may be widely accepted that one party went farther in the direction that tends to divorce people from others' humanity (and their own). I personally believe we have enough evidence of that, but don't think my understanding (or political stances) are at herd immunity level!

I do think the internet has broken society. People that isolated get drawn into very conspiratorial and non-fact-based corners of the internet. (Not saying I know he was.) We all live with the results of the internet, whether it spurs on rabid incels, organized hate groups, ISIS beheadings, school shooters, or a white nationalist drift, or isolated domestic terrorists...all of it is fed by the internet's id. Id is like Honey Badger.

Ids be dangerous. Loneliness can be too.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 11:12:40 AM by Hopalong »
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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2020, 10:17:22 PM »
"always the weird recluse nerds"
"always the muslims"
"always the far right whites"
"always the tranny latinx libtards".....

There's always a focal point, I guess everybody needs a cause and has to hate someone.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 10:57:44 PM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2021, 09:51:52 AM »
The no-plan PLAN.

Like order within absence of routine. Sigh.

Vaguely thinking about this whole idea of planning within the context of no plan at all. The past few weeks whatever plan I had for my stupid classes has sort of fallen apart and even though I am signed up for classes next semester technically I don't know if I will be allowed to do/want to do it/can do it.

I've pretty much been doing zero socializing here where I am at. The very few friends that I would see in-person BEFORE I moved   I absolutely don't see anymore because of a) distance and b) covid.

I'm sort of sick of all the massive amounts of advice that swish around on TV and the Internet but really amount to nothing but words.

I've just emotionally checked out and I think I need to maybe just write down some kind of weekly plan of doing certain things.


Should I make a list of the so-called multitude of crises currently being yapped about and maybe experienced.

- Vaccination rollout organization failures
- Covid deaths
- Healthcare system and worker burn out and capacity thresholds

- Social isolation/distancing
- Mental health crisis
- Substance use crisis

- Unemployment system fraud and stagnation
- Potential further economic and unemployment uncertainty

- Media Editorializing everything instead of merely reporting
- "Government security" crisis 
- Mistrust of government, mistrust of media and cults forming
- Actual government fraud
- Start of new role out of censorship bound to create a storm of retaliatory censorship into the future
- Russia hacking Homeland security etc.

I'm not sure why I'm making a list of crisis. It's something about the piecemeal way all information is received these days. I left off toilet paper shortage crisis because that one seems to have resolved hehe.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2021, 10:49:29 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2021, 05:47:00 PM »

not sure it has much to do with voicelessness but I also feel compelled to make some kind of inventory of information dissonance

- Listening to an inquiry about some government workers have died of covid, some specific details about how people could not get PPE or distance themselves in their jobs, there are morgues over-loaded, how a plethora of suffering happens when people get sick with Covid AND on the other hand those who continue to make statements like how the (vast majority of people will only become mildly ill), It's only the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions who are at the highest risk (which is a lot of people).

I'm too tired to write anymore about that at this second. It's been a constant onslaught of so much advise from too many random commentators, seemingly tasked with calming the masses and encourage the economic machine. 


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2021, 01:20:54 PM »
I get it.

For me, one reason the avalanche of media news and opinion can go toxic if I don't limit that the isolation of quarantine binds me tighter to the news, ironically.

It's as though all those human opinions matter to me much much more than they would if I weren't yearning for connection, human voice, and stories.

Once again it drives me back inward for my strength, which means I find sometimes my well is low or leaky or dry, and other times, it feels fuller and I'm encouraged.

Hope you'll find some "streams" that serve you well until we're all outside and relaxed again.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Supa Fazy
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2021, 04:26:50 PM »
Yep, people trying to do social distancing/trying to stay healthy are naturally going to the TV, Internet or Radio.