I think it's satire, Posh - it's fake but looks very real (to highlight the amount of 'fake' information that's out there at the moment) and also, I think, to highlight the hypocrisy of the media. Over here, Meghan Markle was often criticised by the press which was taken by many to be racially based (she was subjected to a lot more of it than, Kate, the one who's married to Prince William), with one broadcaster posting a picture of two people with a baby chimp when she and Harry announced the birth of their son. She's been blamed for them leaving the country and turning their backs on the monarchy whilst Prince Andrew, who seemingly had a close friendship with Epstein and who's been accused of rape by more than one woman, I think, was whisked off to the palace, the wagons were circled around him and everyone's left him alone. So there's been very different treatment of them by the press - the woman with an opinion has been vilified and the rich, white, suspected racist has been protected. Johnson comes under the same bracket - he's had multiple children by various partners and got his current one pregnant while his at the time wife was battling cancer and raising their other kids and he just upped and left her. The police have also been called to a domestic incident at his home with the new partner and allegations about his mother being beaten by his father surfaced at one point as well, but it all gets swept under the carpet quite quickly. So I think that's what they're getting at - the manipulation of media and protecting rich white men, essentially. Channel 4 always do an alternative Christmas message - not everyone here supports the monarchy or thinks they should be in the position they are (especially financially) so they tend to do something that's the opposite to the 'actual' message (which often does sound like she's been told what to say - she did quite a big talk on poverty one time whilst sitting on a gold throne which didn't go down too well lol) xx