Making the kids our priority....that's a touchy one for me and I suspect for you. We didn't have a choice, for years. That's why our kids are doing as well as they are..... it had to be that way. I don't think it's possible to explain to people who didn't live that way, or experience it first hand for many years.
Now..... it's blurred. I see where self care and proper boundaries are better, more helpful, the right course to take.... now. Now that I have the time, energy and ability....... and the will to learn how..... the Will to unlearn how I've been living, which is tricky stuff, IME.
Amber: I suspect you're right about this being tricky stuff, without end, with adult children.
I just got off the phone with my brother and I noticed the general slide into the past legal troubles, mostly regarding real estate theft and getting screwed by a Trustee purchasing property through a straw man...I thought it was my FILagain, but it wasn't...... I wonder if brother had simply validated it for me, what happened is likely still happening behind closed doors with the good'ol boy system in place (as far as us being denied permits and anything else we rely on the county for) AND my In Laws working against us alwas...... would I, COULD I have risen above it and skipped the spiral? I feel pretty OK now,but there was mad pacing around the house as we spoke. I pace madly when I'm holding myself back, not speaking my truth, being marginalized, patted on the head....... and honestly....... the problem is how I handle it. Not that I'm marginalized or patted on the head. I know this is true.
I lived the truth. It's in my bones and nervous system. I don't have to have the understanding of those who don't get it, though frankly I don't understand how my brother could NOT get it. He just doesn't. He doesn't live under the same understanding bc he's never been crushed by it, held there, forced to fight through it with both hands tied behind his back, paying SO MUCH MONEY..... he's pretty much always fought on an even playing field and not been consistently stolen from for years while everyone patted him on the head an TOLD HIM HE NEEDED TO LET IT HAPPEN.... it was good for him. It would end things sooner, even if it really meant 10 or 16 more court battles, sans the ability to use the hard won evidence given up at the last settlement agreement, weakening his ability to fight the next batch of battles, but hey..... it's a great reason to stay OUT of the court system, we both agree. I had no choice. I'm not sure he understands that completely.
OK, now I'm back in fight or flight,but I'm noticing it. Taking stock of it.... how it feels, what it would mean to shift back out again...... and be out from under the weight.
I was holding my breathe...... I have to really focus on breaathing now....... interesting.
The moss is moist and happy. Perfect to blow or vacuum twigs and small things from.
I think I'd like to go and do that for a while.
I have a sticking point that keeps me in the kitchen right now. DD18 shared her fear regarding the damage she may have done to her body.....functions.... digestion... going to the bathroom normally again, particularly damaging nerves. There's a name for it, but it's escaping me just now.
I read up on it last night and told her flat out she's going to do what is suggested to HEAL these problems...... including getting her heart rate up daily, eating flax and chia seeds, etc........ no more wishy washy letting her lead on this and I really do think she wants me to put my foot down.
I'm WITH her a lot. For a reason. I'll ask her what she thinks she should do, but I'm not letting her make choices that slow the healing process.......if you guessed she's wants to see a gastrointerologist... fears she needs to have some of her guts cut out BEFORE trying her hardest to heal herself with good food and choices..... you'd be right.
And that makes me angry.
Just like DD20 desiring to have gastric bypass surgery as a quick fix to her problems makes me angry.
There are no quick fixes. There's more damage and harming the body....... shoved down our throats as healing.
They can't wave a magic scalple and fix leaky gut, beaten down gut flora and organs saturated and overwhelmed with toxins.
I know how nutsy that looks to read.
I don't really care right now. I know it's the truth in my bones and mabe it's the girl's DNA......... their father and his father are more sensitive to food and insulin resistence and that's a tough thing I never had to deall with before I had kids.
The eating disorders complicates the simplicity of eating whole, clean foods. Oldest won't touch anything DD18 and I eat right now I watched DD18 speak to DD20 with compassion last night.... ask her to join us (like we're a cult) and DD20 had a big NO! push back response I ignored completely.... didn't comment or look up. Not once.
For F's sake...... there has got to be a lesson in all this for me. It seems like similar lessons just keep coming up, again and again.
And I need to change my responses.
::thinking about what it would look like to take myself completely out of the adult equation for the girls::.
To just let them go....
even as I plan to hold DD18's nose to the grindstone with regard to choices.....
I feel pushed and pulled to DO for DD18. She wants me to lead then she wants to be grown up then back again.
And I care.
Too much.
Now is the time for me to step back, forget the history, and figure out what's best for us all NOW.
I stretched and left my arms and one leg extended, tense.....thinking about the attorneys an Trustee who got away with stealing and almost stealing MORE from my children...... and I release the tension and dissect it in words.
It's a physical thing, but it's created by my thoughts. It shows up in my body immediately, which is alarming, but my nervous system is doing pretty good right now. Shifting down and out of fight or flight. I have the space to shift in and out of observer mode.
And I can't say there's only negative experience when I picture justice.... even some veangence.... holding the criminals accountable. It FEEEELS pretty good to experience that rush of anger.... beginning the process of finding other people the attorneys have cheated an stolen from as Trustees an pretend realtors/stawman buyers. THAT is NOW very familiar to me. I've proven it before, Iknow how to do it again.
But it's time I could spend with my family. Time I could spend in the moss. Time I could avoid being thwarted in the good'ol boy system where the bad guys always win, even if you prove your case an "win." I don't want to do that any more. I know that, but the point is.... there are things I get from going ro0und an round with those thoughts.
I haven't quite accepted, without reservation, the fact of letting go is better than hanging on in every single imaginative way.
Young Lighter will just have to trust me on this one. She's pretty sure veangence could feel better than choosing serenity and peace. I have to look at that with her.
My brother says "it's all behind you now....they can't hurt you now" and I know that's not real. And it's OK. I'll fight the dragons when I have to. Like I always have. The worst dragons are getting quite old, by now. The dragons in crime don't have the same committment or shame in getting caught, which they were...... they don't have the same grudges or feelings of entitlement..... or so I think.
Whatever it is..... it's time for leaning into the present. Letting the past go. No leaning into the future as way of BEING.
And so..... what is best for everyone now?
My lips purse and my head shakes back an forth as I ponder Western doctors........ which may be where this goes, but it feels very wrong in so many ways.
::going to grind flax and chia seeds for DD18 and myself::.