NRP listed coconut oil and ghee as safe for higher heat cooking. Olive oil for lower heats. Avocado oil good, forget what for.
Pretty much everything else is bad, so we threw out the grapeseed oil we'd been using for some high heat cooking.
By the time NRP explained Canola oil, from Canada, originally used for engines or something mechanical till someone got the idea CHEAP, let's sell it for cooking oil too...I was not ok.
When water came up, RO filters were, in her opinion, best. The expensive little Britta filters were "useless."
Before Covid I was schlepping 5g water bottles to fill with RO water, but switched to the Britta, bc I didn't have to leave the house to manage it.
For some reason, and partially bc I'm already stressed, and my brother had just asked why his kids, who eat junk, are healthy as horses while my kids aren't....
I just lost the thread of keeping myself together.
I reminded my brother, gently, in that earlier discussion his DD had seizure disorder and ADHD when she was very young and her Neuro doc finally admitted to my brother nutrition played a large part.
Brother drifted away from the subject at that point, but I was picturing my niece, blue, dead in his arms as far as he could tell, terrified......I was thinking about his son's skin problems, and then my brother's gallbladder surgery and fatty liver and how often I'm left standing there....truly horrified I'm"right" again came to mind. I'm so tired, bone deep, of being " right."
Then I had a flashback...
My brother didn't know I secured my father's MRIs from the hospital, made 2 appts with neurosurgeons and attempted to stop my father's brain surgery, bc it was likely to go worse than it actually did.
And there's something for my mindfulness thread, bc I have always neeeeded people around me to be OK, responsible, just.
So, yesterday when the NRP talked about the chemicals we shower with and drink and eat I was not ok.
I couldn't really form words. Or breathe. Pretty much all day.
She stopped the session and suggested I "see someone I can talk to" The despair dropped away for a moment. I've heard that so many times. Oh....and I'm supposed to breathe out of one nostril of my completely clogged up nose. I saw the humor...for a moment.
It's really difficult to eat clean, healthy food exclusively.
It's compounded by everyone I know and love, almost exclusively, eating chemicals and unbelievable amounts of sugar at every meal and snack.
All around me.
Sometimes smugly.
Maybe it's old trauma from Dad's brain debacle. Maybe I'll outlive my little brother and watch his likely BPD ex wife parent my now grown niece and nephew into....
See? I knew this belonged on the mindfulness thread.
I'm going to try breathing for a while.