Author Topic: on a break  (Read 2211 times)


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on a break
« on: April 09, 2021, 02:05:45 AM »
Hi All,
I'm going to take a break for a while.
I'm trying to wean myself from some of my online pasttimes and turn more attention to health, stress reduction and such...and getting more done that could put my life (and creative dreams) into better shape.

What a long strange year it's been. I don't know how I would've gotten through it without our daily talks here. I think I have done okay and made mistakes and understood and been understood (as well as the other way around). I know I've received more than I've given, and I've grown more than I ever could have alone.

I'm so grateful to all of you, and especially to Doc G. It's inexpressible how much this board has done for me and meant to me and how being here has comforted me for so long now. I've certainly never felt so close to a group of people I've never laid eyes on! It's an astonishing place and you are all inspirations. Thank you for more kindnesses than could ever be measured.

Sending you much thanks and joy in being alive this extraordinary spring--
love to you,

PS Before I go tiptoe through the dandelions, thought I'd share a Covenant Group discussion I led tonight. It was loving and healing and made us all feel more connected. (For all my fears about groups of women, it's turned out wonderful.)
TOPIC: What Does it Mean to Me? Personal Lessons from the Pandemic

This is about glimpses of meaning that have arisen for us (individually) as a result of all this time alone and/or with changed lives, due to the pandemic.


1) What have I learned from this experience that has surprised me?
2) What has been the "gift within the problem"? Discoveries, nuances large or small.
3) What has been the hardest part, and what will I ask for now in my life to help me heal from it?

« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 02:22:14 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: on a break
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2021, 07:29:31 AM »
Happy Trails Hops.
It's really one of the nicest springs in a long time, IMO. Go get out in it!
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Re: on a break
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2021, 10:03:07 AM »
I knew last evening's lightening storm with  wind, rain then lots of hail was a sign,
Hops; ) 

 Take good care of yourself.  You will be missed.



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Re: on a break
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2021, 11:20:57 AM »
Noooo!  Aw, Hopsie!  I do completely understand the need to improve health, work on important things and cutting down on online time is always part of that.  But in my purely selfish way I can't imagine not seeing you on here each time I log on.  You have given me far, far more than I can ever put into words (or even remember, probably :) ).  I do hope, very sincerely, that good health is something you can improve on (and man adventures!), and I equally hope that you can get on from time to time just to let us know what's happening and how you are (even if it's just for a minute to say "All is good!").  Which I very much hope it will be.  I hope the real life world appreciates just what it's getting.  Lots and lots of love, I hope you don't disappear for too long xx xx xx


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Re: on a break
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2021, 05:07:17 PM »

You're not leaving for good, right?

Just on break....right?



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Re: on a break
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2021, 07:13:52 PM »
Good Luck out there Hops.

Sometimes we need to re-calibrate and reset our habits.

I understand that maybe you are trying to get out of a rut and do an inventory of your energy and time etc.

Hope you find a routine that boosts your health.

This morning I was stretching my neck a little bit and even that small thing reminds me of how easy it is to neglect self-care when forced to do too much mind-stuff, thinking, reflection, reading, on-line work production etc.

Too much in the head space happens for me too.

Anyhow. Sounds like a type of Spring cleaning.

Blessed Be. XOXOXOXO


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Re: on a break
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2021, 05:41:46 PM »
Hi everyone--
Poking a toe back in, about a month now.
I've been reading daily but likely will post shorter and not regularly. In a nutshell, you're each as real and important to me as when I responded every day. Don't know if that means anything but I hope the goodwill merges with all that helps.

My updates:
Submitted a recent poem that I thought was significant and it won second prize in a contest judged by the state's Poet Laureate. Super motivating moment...

Home/ADD, etc:
House is a mess but I've found someone to clean, starting soon. Cheap, thorough and nice. WHEW. Also hired some garden help and for once, all the veggies are planted. Tidied up patio so friends can visit again, irises and some mystery perennial are gorgeous. Hostas woo! (20 ft bed along fence, out of deer reach).

Okay, not fabulous, but I'm relaxing more. Got a grip on the bingeing. Exercise, feh. A bit better, and the shortness of breath is way improved IF I stay relaxed. Frozen (well-chilled) shoulder has been frustrating but seeing doc tomorrow. Less anxious.

Poor man hasn't felt well for weeks. He needs a cardiac ablation and must change his habits. Been worried about him and it turned out, for good reason. Supporting.

Had a few dates and though a second one with one was planned, I tuned into my intuition and thought, I already see/hear red (pink) flags and this hate-the-ex and hyper-ambitiou$-career and oblivious-EQ showed up already, why spend more time trying to imagine it otherwise? Gently turned him down, he accepted with grace, all went fine. Feeling zero urgency about it all though I'll check the site now and then.

Catch-up socializing (like, seeing 2 people/week) is enjoyable but draining. Happy to pace it out. Recognizing I'm more introverted than I knew.

Perfection. Also some peeing on rug (rare).

That's it for now...I'll keep reading though I may not type again for a while.

love to you all,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: on a break
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2021, 08:24:34 PM »
Hi, Hops!

Glad to see your update....happy you honored your intuition with regard to pink flags. 

I love reading about your happy garden: )



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Re: on a break
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2021, 04:25:08 AM »
Hi everyone--
Poking a toe back in, about a month now.
I've been reading daily but likely will post shorter and not regularly. In a nutshell, you're each as real and important to me as when I responded every day. Don't know if that means anything but I hope the goodwill merges with all that helps.

My updates:
Submitted a recent poem that I thought was significant and it won second prize in a contest judged by the state's Poet Laureate. Super motivating moment...

Home/ADD, etc:
House is a mess but I've found someone to clean, starting soon. Cheap, thorough and nice. WHEW. Also hired some garden help and for once, all the veggies are planted. Tidied up patio so friends can visit again, irises and some mystery perennial are gorgeous. Hostas woo! (20 ft bed along fence, out of deer reach).

Okay, not fabulous, but I'm relaxing more. Got a grip on the bingeing. Exercise, feh. A bit better, and the shortness of breath is way improved IF I stay relaxed. Frozen (well-chilled) shoulder has been frustrating but seeing doc tomorrow. Less anxious.

Poor man hasn't felt well for weeks. He needs a cardiac ablation and must change his habits. Been worried about him and it turned out, for good reason. Supporting.

Had a few dates and though a second one with one was planned, I tuned into my intuition and thought, I already see/hear red (pink) flags and this hate-the-ex and hyper-ambitiou$-career and oblivious-EQ showed up already, why spend more time trying to imagine it otherwise? Gently turned him down, he accepted with grace, all went fine. Feeling zero urgency about it all though I'll check the site now and then.

Catch-up socializing (like, seeing 2 people/week) is enjoyable but draining. Happy to pace it out. Recognizing I'm more introverted than I knew.

Perfection. Also some peeing on rug (rare).

That's it for now...I'll keep reading though I may not type again for a while.

love to you all,

Aw, Hopsie, it's so nice to see you post and I'm so delighted to read all of your news!  Your poem won a prize!  That is just incredible, congratulations :)  You must be so pleased, and it's always so nice when someone who knows their stuff (Poet Laureate, no less!) gives you that recognition and acknowledgement of your talent.  It's lovely when friends say "ooh, that's nice" but even better when you have someone that can give good constructive feedback and their feedback is to give you a prize!  Oh, I'm grinning from ear to ear :)  That's so lovely, I'm so pleased for you.

I'm glad that your garden is sorted out; it will give you so much pleasure over the summer months, I'm sure, and outdoor get togethers with friends will be lovely after all those months of being indoors.  A good cleaning lady will relish a bit of mess to clear up, I used to love my clients whose houses always looked like they'd exploded :)  And once you've got someone coming in regularly it's much easier to keep on top of it in between and it just feels nicer.  You've been so busy getting everything sorted out!  Well done you :)

I hope the doc can help with the shoulder.  Health/diet/fitness, I think they're difficult habits to change and improve upon, especially when you're going through other changes, and you've sorted so many other things out in such a short space of time, I think the health side of things will start to improve.  Better weather will help and hopefully as the vaccine programme continues the Covid thing will be manageable so it will just be easier to get out and about more, and be less stress to cope with day to day.  You'll get there, Hopsie, all your steps are heading in the right direction :)

I hope M starts to feel better and takes any advice given about his health.  He's lucky he's got you for support, Hopsie, but do keep in mind if there are changes he needs to make that he needs to make them.  It's easy to fall into that caregiver role but you need to reserve that for yourself.  I'll be checking!  Lol.

Hopsie saw a pink flag and just said no thanks?!  This is huge!  Oh my goodness, such amazing progress.  "You're a nice man, but not right for me".  No second guess, no what's ifs or maybes - just simple acceptance and move on.  You are turning into the Dalai Lama :)  Lol.

Socialising, it's funny, but I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were both saying we don't really want to get back to a lot of socialising, either.  Who knew it was so tiring?  It's good to have things organised and pace them out but yep, I think a lot of people have found they enjoy solitude more than they realised before.  I think that's a good thing.

Perfect Pooch, the rug piddler :)  Lol, she's got to have one little fault, no-one can be completely perfect.  I'm so glad you've got her to keep you company on this amazing journey you're having.

I'm so impressed, you've done so much in such a short space of time and I know it sounds silly when it's online, but you sound more relaxed?  More accepting of getting on with things that can be got on with but keeping honesty and reality in place at the same time.  I need to channel more of that.

It was such a lovely update to read, Hopsie, I've really missed you being on here but at the same time I'm delighted that you are taking time for you and doing real life stuff.  Especially the poem, that's such an amazing acknowledgement for you.  Yay! xx


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Re: on a break
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2021, 06:27:43 AM »
Awww, Cool news about the poetry contest!!!!!!


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Re: on a break
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2021, 09:21:43 AM »
NICE update Hops - even tho there are things still to sort out. Congrats on the prize! Do you write as a practice or only when inspired?

I've been dragging myself away from the screen a lot more, too - in favor of conversation or projects with Hol or on my own. Deb's been here for a few days and it's been so relaxing she slept long and then dozed off in front of the house restoration tv programs. She even turned the phone off.

It makes a difference, when you engage "the world" on YOUR TERMS without pressure to do/be/do what some collective "society" says one "should" be doing/being to be healthy. Healthy (defined) is as individual as our life stories.
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Re: on a break
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2021, 02:47:54 PM »
Thanks, Amber.
I write mostly when inspiration strikes, though turning that into regular practice is the goal. No idea whether the ADD brain will allow it but I'll take what comes.

May sound unrelated but progress at home (with hired help) has been making the goal of a serene writer's practice more visible. Still some distance, but I can see it. I have a "deep cleaning" happening tomorrow with a lovely new person. And outdoors feels like a miracle -- found another helper very reasonably priced who has done all that got stalled with my frozen shoulder. Veggie beds - planted. New beds - dug. Planters - fresh soil. Other couple beds - weeded. Soil and seedlings shopping list - in her pocket with my cash. She'll shop this weekend and finish all the planting and pots next week. After that I may just have her for a few hours' maintenance now and then. But this has been joyful, though I can't afford this much help long-term.

All in all, this spring has been wonderful. Encouraging. Overwhelming some days. The rain garden has been excavated and will be planted next week out front. Very nice shape and I'm excited (this was the free one from a river foundation grant).
House will be power-washed in the next day or so.

I think after abandoning home-with-M ideas, I just pivoted to spend $$ and time on my own. Need to put on the brakes soon, but it's been worth it, morale wise.

M is off to California today for a week with the sons and grandkids. I'm glad for him.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: on a break
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2021, 02:53:22 PM »
Tupp, I neglected to thank you for that lovely, detailed response to my updates here. I felt your joy for me and that has touched me a lot.

It's beyond nice to be so closely seen, appreciated and supported. To hear my own changes reflected back with such a generous spirit feels like a huge hug.

Much gratitude, and much needed. I'm lucky in a thousand ways.

hugs back,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."