For what's it worth, Mouse, I've always thought that 'sensitive' is a really nice compliment. I think, unfortunately, in this cut throat world of madness that we live in, 'sensitive' people often get caught under the bus so I think for many it does take a negative connotation. But I think we desperately need more sensitive, artistic, creative people and far fewer mass producing crap in factories where no-one gets paid much.
Maybe the world seemed like a very violent place when you were a child and that's why it's linked with your inner child when you think about that. I know I never felt safe as a child and to me the world, and the people in it, have always been very scary, even if they weren't violent or openly nasty. I just never met many that were nurturing or secure enough in themselves to put a child's needs first.
I have a similar obsession with serial killer documentaries and true crime shows. I think it's two things with me - there's always a hero cop in these programmes, the one who puts in all the extra hours, notices the clues other people don't, makes it a personal cause - and they get their man. So it's someone who cares (I don't feel like I got that) and justice is served (I didn't get that, either). So it kind of feels like I'm watching other people get what I didn't. For some reason I find that helpful. I also have a thing, I think, where if I can recognise abusive behaviour, I can keep myself away from it. Almost feels a bit instructional. I do think I watch too much of it and there are times when I make myself switch if off because it's probably not good for my brain to watch too much. Maybe there is something in the cult/brainwashing thing that reminds you on some level of things in your past and it's a way of trying to learn more or understand it all better. I feel like I got out of a cult when I got away from my mum and when I watch documentaries about that sort of thing it is amazing how so often it's a charasmatic person who slowly chips away at people until they lose themselves and just do what they're told is best. It does send chills down your spin. I think you're a good egg, Pseudo Mouse, whether there's some kind of diagnosis to dig into or not xx