I hear you, Tupp. I completely understand why you're doing the SSRI and I hope the low dose kicks in for you, so you can avoid the worst side effects. It's ironic to me that in the side effects lists for many SSRIs they'll list "sleep problems" or "insomnia" and ALSO "drowsiness," for the same drug. It's an individual crapshoot, but if I were feeling anxiety severely enough for a lot longer I would give an SSRI (or maybe an SSNI) another round anyway. Although they're called antidepressants they're often prescribed for anxiety, and can help either. I was just so pleased to be off everything some years back. Hoping I can keep it that way but I'll be realistic.
I did make an appt for a video talk with my doc in a week, so I'll talk it all over with him. I will likely be feeling a lot better by then, having adjusted to the light changes that affect me so strongly. Sometimes just having a unfilled prescription in my pocket if I need it eases the anxiety state, or gives me confidence to weather it.
Lighter, ironically, in this study of magic mushrooms (they're for treatment-resistant depression, not so much for anxiety, but it's pretty individual how one reacts, if my few college LSD adventures were any indication!) they compared it --favorably--head to head with Lexapro (Tupp's Rx). It's a pretty small study of 59 males, though etc.
https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/219413/magic-mushroom-compound-performs-well-antidepressant/I don't think that route is right for me. Years ago when I still smoked weed now and then I had a huge anxiety reaction once and quit permanently on the spot. Though I've been going through some sadness and delayed grief, I'm not depressed. I feel the difference between true sorrow and that heavy gray blanket of depression.
My issue is anxiety, almost purely. Chronic insomnia is key to it also, so maybe if I find a safe (non-valerian) treatment that helps with that, I can avoid Rx. I was reading recently something that makes perfect sense that I'd never thought of before, dunno why....ADD can be a major contributor to serious insomnia. Brain just won't stop hopping.
Long story shorter, I'm hopeful. Tonight at dusk I intentionally put on a lovely and very distracting film (on Amazon Prime, The Electrical Life of Louis Wain, which I could tell from the trailer would take me to a really great place about love and beauty). Indeed it did. And I should confess I'm a major Cumberbitch. Sighhhh.
Amber, if my breathing is working I do think pushing through my resistance is a good idea. To that end I've had a thing posted in my kitchen pass through lately -- three words that struck me as a very helpful message to keep taking in: Do It Anyway. That's what I did the morning the cleaner came and it felt awesome. House is still looking quite nice. It's the habit of pausing and reminding my ADD-self to COMPLETE whatever small task or mess, so things get put away. It's that simple.
I've got an ocean of laundry to do tomorrow, both hampers are full, so we'll see.
Thanks much to all three of you for hearing my distress and writing. You've no idea how important this safe space is to me, and each of you. I'm better just from this!
grateful hugs,