Author Topic: Not New Topic: same ol'  (Read 1117 times)


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Not New Topic: same ol'
« on: December 12, 2021, 08:59:05 PM »
Just the same thing as always.

Today, my mother brought up a topic to me that I knew she didn't really give a rat's ass about.

Turned into an empty nagging power conversation, the kind of convo where there is just no way to 'win. By 'win' I mean there is no way to come out of the conversation without being belittled. 

Either let her berate me or defend myself and then have her get angry for defending myself.

So it ended up in a shouting match like some stereotypical advertisement about alcoholics or something.

Same ol same ol. It's like dealing with a mindless zombie. She yammered on about her neighbors and long stories about them because that apparently is what is rolling around in her head. She barely makes eye contact with me and it's like I'm not even there so I don't pay attention to most of what she is saying. It's details about other people's lives that I barely know.

I swear if she was a recipe she would be 40% boxed wine, 45% television, and 15% monologue.

There is nothing to be done about it. I didn't really need a screaming match and yet doing 'gray rock' is also pretty fake too. Gray rock = emotionally dead. Belittled, screaming match or emotionally dead. I guess I picked screaming match, sure.. one screaming match to go please.

She sounds like an idiot always trying to give unsolicited 'advice' of the most obvious pointless type. She nags about it from some unrealistic view on the world. The view from her wine glass and TV. I just want to tell her to shut the F up.

I'm almost always anxious and stressed. Anything she has to say I've already thought about it likely 1,000 time over already.

words, words, words, words, empty and annoying somehow important and also utterly worthless

I'm going to stop thinking about it.


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Re: Not New Topic: same ol'
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2021, 08:33:12 AM »
Hiya!  :waving:
I was wondering how you were doing. Sorry your mom is such a waste of humanity. I pinged loud & clear on the observation about wine, tv & monologue... 'cept my mom doesn't, never has really, drank.

Are you still taking classes? How's that going, if ya are? Are you starting to get out a little more?

I wish I had some advice on how to avoid those kinds of conversations - they're never pleasant and I seem to get trapped in them before I see it coming. BUT, I think it's progress for you to stand up & be angry with her about her self-absorption. Any normal person would be angry with that. It's not real; it's not connection or caring.

I miss your musing posts; your sorta thinking out loud about different things. Maybe you'll find some surprises that are pleasant & joyful during this season... those magical moments. I sure hope so! Life is always both things at once and we just have to hang on to the toboggan until we learn to steer.  ;)
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