Author Topic: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report  (Read 20623 times)


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #120 on: June 26, 2022, 11:58:31 AM »
Naw... I wouldn't worry about jinxing anything. Even if there are billing issues later - we'll deal with it.

Day 2 after surgery:

He is sleeping pretty well. Not pushing too hard to get back at it, at his normal kick-ass pace. We've kept him busy enough to keep his mind from drifting back into old neural pathways. And he is expressing his amazement that things are going better this time, than any other before. Lots of things helping. Incisions are smaller, less bruising than previously. Pain in his back is only now starting to make a return engagement - but it's only 2 1/2 more days till the pump gets programmed (on a controller in B's hands) so when he does something aggravating to the injuries - he can boost the dose within parameters.

I finally hit the wall last night & fell asleep on the couch early after realizing I needed to get us a room (and website wouldn't work), driving there - being uncomfortable on so many levels in the city, the search for what turned out to be the elixer of life in a coffee cup the next morning, flawless surgery & the run as if chased by the devil on the way back home. And it's HOT again.

But we're still tired & will entertain ourselves for a bit today. I can piddle around the house too. Have a very easy job for B.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #121 on: June 26, 2022, 10:13:42 PM »
That's as good an update as updates get, IME, Amber.

Flawless surgery is EVERYTHING... it's enough.



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #122 on: June 28, 2022, 09:09:12 PM »
How you guys doing, Amber?

Everyrhing still OK?


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #123 on: June 29, 2022, 09:06:52 AM »
Doin' about as good as one could expect Lighter.

Today, is the followup appt so fingers crossed he goes fully pain managed today. We've been making do, with what has come up. It's been over a year since he's had either piece of the system implanted and it takes a little getting used to. But he's been sleeping really well.

I'm good. I'm starting to let him do some light stuff again since he's going stir crazy. I've gotta get moving now. More later.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #124 on: June 29, 2022, 03:29:16 PM »
OK!!!! his preliminary (very minimal) drip has been turned on. We go back in 2 weeks for a rate adjustment, if needed - then the parameters on his controller will be set and he doesn't go back till September for a pump fill. I'm hoping then, they also get us set up with home infusion for future fills.

This was the goal of this trip, and now, I can focus on getting his incisions to heal up. The back one looks real good; front one where the pump is needs some air and more time.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #125 on: June 29, 2022, 07:19:22 PM »
What an incredible relief it must be for you both, Amber.

How is Buck responding to periods without excruciating pain?
I so hope you see signs of bloom.

Bless him and bless you too.

What a loooooooong endurance saga, you've both hung in.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #126 on: June 30, 2022, 08:53:56 AM »
I guess there are worse things than having to drive to get the pain pump refilled.

I do hope the pump can be filled closer to home, but that's small potatoes IF the incisions heal, the pump restors B's life and the paperwork goes smoothly.

It's a miracle B's at this point, honestly. 

How does airing out the front incision work, Amber?  CanB work with his shirt unbottoned out of doors? 



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #127 on: June 30, 2022, 02:31:32 PM »
He's not shy about hanging out or working without a shirt. And there's no one out here to object. And it's bloody HOT again. Today he's going to load some stadium lights on my trailer so we can deliver them to a nearby farm that holds special events. He brought them to go in the shop - and he changed his mind about lighting, so we ended up with hanging, plug in LED shop lights. These will donated to a good cause.

Got his first shower last night so it was time for fresh bandages anyway. Back incision is small and almost completely healed up already. Bandaid is all it needs. Big bandaid.  ;)  Front incision about 4.5 inches long and a 4x4 gauze pad and waterproof seal handles that pretty well. The stitches are self dissolving and the sewing is a work of art. No leaks so far. So after the shower he goes shirtless to let everything completely air dry and air out.

I have a betadine salve and a colloidal silver wound spray (both antibacterial) to boost healing.

It's 24 hrs since the first level of dose - less than 1 thousandths of a milligram - was turned on, on the pump. I can tell he's moving easier and he's been able to do things that hurt just a week ago (surgery was last Friday). He's going for a walk and will disassemble and load and tie down the lights today. As long as he doesn't do a lot heavy lifting and working in awkward positions for another week - I think he'll be fine.

He's even noticing the difference between this surgeon's work and the previous "butcher"; and he was treated well by the med staff too. Hol has been hovering somewhat and going out of her way to help. She's a tad "over" helpful - but the two of them do get along way better than I feared. S has been working a lot - so she's been trying to find useful things to do around here.

Both of us have our peculiar habits or ways of doing things - but there's been plenty of "space" for each of us to be who we are. So while the anxiety over the surgery was high, we're just about right and cozy with each other. It will be a new experience for both of us - when he's more pain-free. It's really been EASY to be around him. It is going to require a firm counter to his tendency to overwork himself - but there is plenty to be done around here all the time and since he likes to work in the heat (and I can't) we can find a happy medium.

We took a drive yesterday looking for Ice Mountain - the only arboreal forest south of Canada - and maybe because the road was so challenging and it was new for both of us - we didn't find it. But he got to see another section of the county and walk around the grocery with me. Maybe over the weekend, I'll take him the other direction and show him the house I built with Ex #2. There's a farm market or two I want to check out in that area - local, grassfed meats and other produce. And I definitely want to take him to the valley where the little cabin is, I used to own, when he's more able to scramble over streams and rocks. He likes to hunt fossils and that seems to be "the land that time forgot". We also make that a "loop" drive and catch the ski area to the west and Mount Storm and some of western MD, on the way back.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #128 on: June 30, 2022, 05:40:15 PM »
Wonderful. Physical healing going right, not traumatic.
Wonderful. Y'all feeling/discovering a good groove together.

WONDERFUL. The thought of you two exploring, going out together, learning the area as a pair.

*BFS here.

(*Big Effing Smile)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #129 on: July 01, 2022, 02:25:23 AM »

Sounds like healing is really going well. I can't say I understand the front and back incisions.... did they go through B's entire body to perform this surgery?  In any case... so glad B feels the difference and believes the surgery went well this time.  Keep focusing on the positive strides and build momentum.  The butcher is gone and in the past.... that's over.

It sounds like you guys made a good decision on the lights.  Everyone wins there. 

I'm puzzled by Hol hovering after she pulled out of helping after offering...... S complicates matters,. I know.  I'm sure it's odd for Hol too. 

I love the idea of seeking out arboreal forests and fossils.  It seems you and B will be running around grinning with bugs in your teeth soon.  I'll keep looking for positive upates and reserve my WHOO HOO till the stitches are dissolved, perhaps: )



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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #130 on: July 01, 2022, 11:53:20 AM »

He's going to have to just turn me loose on the Ducati; I don't ride double.  :D  I haven't heard it fire up yet; and I fully expect the old lust for that deep throated growl will hook me, once again.

Go figure! the next followup appt (expecting a slight step up on painkiller drip rate) is on the day of the full double Buck moon. More than one of us will be yelling woohoo.....

All in all, it's a good Independence Day weekend around here. No big shindigs... just enjoying summer & ourselves.

I don't have the bandwidth to entertain Hol's issues - I know she has the tools to sort it out herself, and I am sympathetic but not letting myself engage much further. Not my monkeys. Most I'll do is dig out the name & phone number for my T - if she's still practicing and still in the area.

Got woke up this morning, from a txt from my brother - my mom is now in assisted care for rehab from a couple of minor strokes and in full kidney failure. She won't stay awake long enough for dialysis and has stopped eating. They're asking him to change her revival "code" to just let her go peacefully in her sleep. I think he's OK with that; he sounded really solid when I talked to him. NO; I'm not in a place to make a fast roadtrip up there, even tho Buck could drive part of the way. But since she doesn't really know who I am, at this point... it's a kindness to everyone for me to stand down and wait this out from a distance. Then the real work will begin on the hoarder's stash.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #131 on: July 01, 2022, 12:56:00 PM »
I'm sorry, Amber. And hope she passes in peace.

I'm also sorry she wasn't the mother you deserved.
I'm glad you've found peace and balance around it and
understand why you're not going to say goodbye. You'll
do that in your own way.

Hoarder stash. Ooof.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #132 on: July 01, 2022, 02:02:43 PM »
Whew boy, you have a lot on your plate, Amber. 

I remain in awed by your indomitable spirit.  You've navigated rough waters and risen above trauma....particularly with your mother and childhood.

I feel as though I'm watching you fly over mountains to embrace blue sky...along with it's clouds and storms and winds....... seeking out joy and modeling great and good discernment...what's yours....what's not. 

Hol hasn't processed her trauma. Yet,  If you could do it for her, I'm sure you would have, but you can't and you know it in your bones.....

I have no advice for dealing with your mother's passing. You know what's right for you.  How amazing to trust yourself and your intuition.




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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #133 on: July 02, 2022, 08:39:14 AM »
It seems my life isn't meant to have any quiet, open space, downtime. Maybe at some point I decided to ask the universe to fill my life with "one thing after another". And that wish was granted, in spades!  ;)

Whatever. My man is doing the hard work of healing, by sleeping longer and more hours than he has in most of the years and years I've known him. The back incision is healed enough that I didn't bandage it last night. Bandages itch in this heat & humidity. (That's the access doc used to run catheter lines into the spinal column, Lighter.) The front incision looks WAAAAY better, sooner, than his previous ones. That's where the pump is. And yes, the outline of the device is slightly discernable - B hasn't been able to put on much weight/inches since the doc suggested it would help the implant heal in better. He just doesn't sit still long enough.

I need to keep him focused on light-duty tasks as much as I can and maybe get him out walking some to keep his strength up. All the surrounding physical systems as he adjusts to the absence of the majority of the back pain. Keep his mind busy, too. He brought things to do that are very low physical demand... but he's not that bad off. 

I guess I need to revive my current track of "things" to do and let him start defining his own day again, since I did "win" a full week of non-physical activity compliance from him. We have things to plant; aloe to pot; I may need more potting soil. I have a pair of moccasins to make and purse to repair. (Snap buckle failed.) It looks to be a kinda rainy weekend and I do have a list of "Buck jobs" to do... little things that won't require a lot of heavy lifting. Next week, we have lights to hang in the shop and stuff to move from barn to there - which means I can move my seed starting stuff back to barn.
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Re: 2022 Frozen Tundra Farm Report
« Reply #134 on: July 02, 2022, 12:13:51 PM »
Maybe B can learn leatherwork from Hol.
Maybe you can teach him to knit.
Maybe he can take more responsibility to be mindful his body....

Sounds like you do have good reason to be tired and yearning
for some you-time, Amber. Hope you can soon claim it so you
don't burn out.

You could feed him deep-fried everything, though. (Joke!)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."