Oh my.... what ARE these strange feelings I'm feeling consistently day to day? You know (hopefully) - what I'm going to describe. Happy, buoyant, bubbly, playing, and fun stuff! Lasts all day and from day to day... and doesn't really dissapate when I have something I have to do. WHO IS THIS ME???? LOLOLOLOL.
I can't say B is responsible for this, altho he does contribute to it. Even on those days when he's ready to chew nails and blow things up out of frustration and irritation. (Not literally; but he gets very angry and takes things too too personally sometimes.) Even then, I mostly hang on to this new "state of being".
I have energy busting out all over - a distinct contrast to the covid fatigue. Sometimes that energy is even concentrated & focused. LOLOL.
I might have to surrender my queen of sarcasm & snark card. Indeed, I'm sure my reputation is going to suffer. I guess I'll have to pass on the torch and let myself be put out to pasture... since it's a hell of a lot more enjoyable than where I used to spend my days, emotionally.
In very short order, B will bring yet another load... and perhaps it will be the LAST load, depending on a LOT of things. He'll run home in a week or so, and then turn around around and be back in the week between Christmas & New Year's with that next load and to make his pump fill appt. (We're checking into Home Infusion for later on.)
Hol is maybe gonna miss the "old" mom... and bribe B to bring her back - NOT. LOLOLOLOLOL. This is just such a weird - ie, unusual, state for me to be in other than momentarily and usually for an obvious cause. This has no direct causation; it just IS. It is IMPOSSIBLE to find anything to worry about regarding it; and there's nothing to analyze, or explain. Hol has found just the right kind of stable & consistent male mentor (Dad substitute) in B and those two are thick as thieves - even texting each other ideas to bounce off the other or offer help to each other. An unexpected bonus of "gravy" in this situation.
OH... and now that hearing aids are OTC, I found an affordable set that are working for him. No batteries, they're rechargable. It's making a world of difference for him - he was missing a lot... and ME, because I often have to repeat myself 3-4 times to be understood. Unlike the kind that merely amplify EVERYTHING, these seem more filtered to accentuate speech. My voice tends be a deeper range, which is precisely the frequency that cuts out for him. The brand is Audien and I ordered online. We'd recommend them. They're pretty comfortable for him to wear for extended timeframes too.
It seems that even on the days we're not deliberately chasing fun - when it's the mundane same old same old - we're still having fun and I'm all happy happy joy joy silly. Not giddy, like in the early days... this seems to be a more permanent change. What the hell, right? You only live once... so why NOT?