The images don't leave my mind, Mouse. Thank you for expressing
the anguished rage. It's right.
I know what is happening, as much as an ordinary person can.
Just not the outcome. I'm calibrating how much horror/heartbreak I can take in daily. Need to maintain mental health and sanity as best I can. The big forces aren't
worrying about that; we're on our own for our own equilibrium.
I don't pretend or go lalalaaaa. I'm not in denial. I truly do fear
for civilization and the future, but while I can, I'll still grasp on
to small human affirmative moments. Crows (animals), friends, and
kindness. These are things that can't be taken away. And in the short
term, I use distraction to calm myself.
Victor Frankl's book, Man's Search for Meaning, is helpful now.
PS How are you doing and how are you coping with what's happening?