Awww, I'm still missing NewDog! She was so perfect. But I know she is being adored somewhere else.
Actually, I'm not going to push either Pooch or myself to deal with a new or younger animal. Pooch is a one-woman wonder and likes it that way. I'm only going to get senior dogs from here on, because I strongly prefer not to die on a dog and put it through grief or relocation.
A writer friend just lost her pooch and is deep in the hunt. The kinds of dogs we'll each need are: oldish, under 20 lbs (in my case, 10-15 max due to my back), house trained and mellow. Huge demand for such pooches. At one point the local shelter was a stop for a huge tractor trailer from Texas filled with small dogs. That's where I got Newdog to foster. They'd gotten shots and quick health checks (missed her pregnancy, oops) and there were crates outside. I just walked up and said okay, that one. Took seconds. And what an adorable gentle sweet creature she was, who pissed everywhere! In time, we would've made it, but Pooch had sunk into depression and my back couldn't take the constant bending, plus incipient whelping.
If they get another small-dog shipment I'd maybe consider fostering again, but overall I think it'd be better to just wait. Enjoy Pooch for the duration, then find a new little rescue who needs a home. Easiest kind of little pooch would be one surrended by an older person who could no longer care for it. Sad but common.
I love your idea but I won't be looking for lots of energy in a new pooch when the time comes. A couch potato is just fine by me. And though it'll be hard, I'm not afraid of being dogless while I get over Pooch. Hopefully not for very long.