I'm more confused, Amber.
But here goes.....
Maybe you'd have the words IF Hol's distress and treatment of you weren't so distressing to you.
This is rhetorical....
what fears come up when you think about settting boundaries with Hol and holding them?
What's the worst you picture? How realistic is that.... when you think about it in a calm state?
Do you believe you're controlling what happens to Hol through your actions and responses when communicating with her?
It's not helpful to judge this situation with Hol in a negative way. Maybe this is the time and place where you find a better way to communicate with Hol, put new habits in place and stop experiencing chemical dumps, anxiety and fear?
I'm always amazed how many solutions pop up if I can see something without judgment, where no solutions presented previously.
If you and Hol were discussing how to be safe while dating.....
I've noticed the habit women have of bearing their throats (fig.and lit.)way early in relatiomships, out of habit/bc they're culturally taught to do it, for whatever reasons. That was really shocking to me,. but so terribly obvious when I got some distance on it. The saying "boundaries will keep us safe" is so true, but what if boundaries are new and difficult to hold IF one can put them in place? Worth reflection, IME.
I suspect most people aren't aware they hold unconscious beliefs around vulnerability being desirable or a reqirement of dating.
At first I thought it was Hol asking you to go out with her and engage in socializing with her.....but I don't think it's that. You have a new life with B and it's rich and focused. You're entitled to that, as an adult.
If it's politics or prepping..... global warming.... pollution....... IME, doing some research into her beliefs will give you all the information you need to address her points and refute them with facts in a way she can understand, if she can understand. I hope Hol can research your beliefs to better understand and address your points and facts, bc that would be fair.
Repeating talking points, heard from talking heads reinforcing beliefs, doesn't help anyone understand, IME.
Respectful debate requires both parties do the work to undersand the other's position whether it's a HS debate team, building a legal case or discussing heated topics with loved ones, IME.
I assume and Hol share positive intentions.
Maybe it's time for some rules around discussions....
no raising voices
finishing a point before moving to the next
no foul language or name calling
no attacking motives
agree to take a break and come back if things get heated, but agree to a time and place.
Keep breathing, Amber.