A fond (hah) memory:
In the very early 70s when I was in grad school a new female friend and I were sitting in the atrium over a beer and enjoying a very deep conversation. I know it was about ideas, writing, etc, but it was a wonderful talk in a wonderful moment.
A good-looking guy came up, gave a charming smile and said mind if I sit with you?
She and I exchanged a glance (we did mind) and I said to him very nicely and with no hostility whatsoever: Actually, we're just deep into our conversation...
I'll never forget how his face changed in one moment from heyyyyy, here I am and aren't you lucky, to a petulant rich boy who'd never been rejected. He became instantly and genuinely angry and hissed at me, "All RIGHT, Gloria Steinem!" and stomped off.
At least he'd read something. What amused (and saddened) me most was his utter shock at two women simply and politely saying No.
Faint chance, but I also wondered if Lighter's geezer creeper was just lonely? Not that this grants him permission to invade your space, but I don't think it's wrong of him to ASK, may I join you? Great opportunity for saying No.