Author Topic: Co-parenting with ex N  (Read 3347 times)


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Co-parenting with ex N
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2005, 10:34:22 AM »
Sounds like the perfect place for your son.  He probably is very bright and is working the angles the best way he knows how.  Was there nothing in your divorce decree which addressed college education costs?  I am working through that right now.  My H sent his son a letter after we separated promising him that he and his sister would never have to worry about their college educations.  Of course, now he is asking that I pay for half of all college expenses out of the money he pays me (along with half of all their other expenses, even though they live with me all the time).  I am refusing to pay anything toward college expenses at this point unless he agrees to pay me a lot more per month to where it would not be a financial drain on me.  He makes tons of money and will inherit a great deal of money when his parents die.  I don't have that luxury of knowing my future is protected financially.  I gave up my career 20 years ago to raise our children and at my age am not prepared to have to start over again.

I'm glad to hear that you have a good mentor for him.  It will be so good for him in the long run also to see you in a positive healthy relationship.  I hope I can get there myself someday.


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Co-parenting with ex N
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2005, 01:52:17 PM »
Funny you should get back and mention Berklee - I was going to suggest it after your next-to-last post. It IS all about musical merit, and he may be able to at least get a partial scholarship. If not, or even if he only goes for a year or two, he'll meet a lot of the "right" people and find a lot of opportunity in Boston (A great town, I moved there to go Berklee and ended up staying none years, but unlike your son was not confident enough, so bailed out even after I got accepted. Was scared about the $, too - and was good, but not scholarship material).

Get him in by hook or by crook, if only for a year. He may be able to doa work/study coop (a young friend who graduated recently from Pratt did this with a partial Scholarship and a couple of loans).



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Co-parenting with ex N
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2005, 05:58:22 PM »
Thanks T.  Yup, I believe he will get there by hook or by crook.  I am beginning to manifest my dreams, so I know he will too.  He is an amazing person, both my kids are.  I am really lucky.  They will get through this and learn what took me 47 years to learn, but at a young age.  Lucky them.


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Co-parenting with ex N
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2005, 11:40:18 PM »
Oops - that was NINE years, not NONE years - DUH.
