I have just come to a revelation that my mother is a N, I think. This happened by chance talking w/a friend about her husband and I applied what I heard to my mother....what do you think...Some background on me: Mother is a musician ....got prego w/me while still married to husband #1...adoption agancy was in the hospital room to take me...but someone changed her mind....I've always felt like an inconvenience to her as far back as I can remember....she would have me and my sister frequently beat for waking her up or other horrible things ( in her opinion) by my 374lb father. I remember one of my 1st beatings b/c I tripped up the steps and fell down 2 of them...I had just turned 3...he held me by the throat and shoved my body thru the threshold of the front door and by the force of it tore my new dress b/c they told me to walk up the steps......
In 1st grade, my teacher would make me sit with a dunce cap on or take my desk in the hall or visit the principal..for what I can't remember....I never told my mom. until I was in my 30's..she asked me why I never told her.....well I didn't have the nerve to say.."you never made me feel like I could tell you anything!"I falled 1st grade but didn't have any problems the 2nd x arround(diff. teacher)...no caps or desk in the hall and no principals office....hummmm! I was always involved in theater and synchronized swimming as well as chorus...but whenever a concert or a water show would come aroung...she would say..."do I really have to go to another h2o show or concert!" Inconvenience!
"Mom, how do you spell"......." go get the dictionary" she couldn't be bothered even helping me with my homework! She also can't function in a crowd unless she's on the bandstand!
When I was 18, I met the man I would marry. After 6 weeks, we were engaged! I showed my mother my diamond ring and she said " I figured as much." Sure doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

We had an engagement party...she didn't want to come from the neighbors house b/c she didn't want to be with the "Jewish rat race" (please, no offence to anyone) I never saw this attitude in her when I was growing up...it surfaced that day. I had 2 bridal showers...she didn't show up to either one....the ladies where asking me "where's your mother?" I felt so small. She would'nt help me to pick out my wedding gown saying that "that's your maid of honors job." She didn't come to the rehearsal dinner and came late to the wedding, sat in the back row...sang one song w/the band and left to go play her bass and sing at someone elses wedding! I don't understand her behavior...I was a good kid...no drugs, good grades...no teachers calling the house..only once when I had trouble in 8th grade math....you get the picture...my sister on the ohter hand is a drug addict burnout that has 5 children w/4 different fathers!
During our marriage we decided to start a family after being married for 13 years....I suffered my 1st of 3 m/c. The 1st was after 1&1/2 years of trying...6 weeks. No sympathy. The second took us another 3&1/2 years to conceive only to loose him at 16.5 weeks. That following mothers day, I didn't call her until 7:30 p.m....she said"why did you call so late? your other sisters called at 11:30 a.m....I said " I didn't feel like talking to anyone today" she said "why not?" "b/c it would have been my 1st mothers day." She said "well I had 3 m/c and it took me less time to get over them than your one!" Five years later I had another m/c at 5 weeks. We've been at this for 11.5 years trying to make a baby and she has not been the least bit interested. My husband and I will be married for 25 years this year! We don't ever get an anniversary card from her!
I have just basically stopped talking to her for the past 3 years...I'm no longer trying to get her to notice me or even like me....she is on my mind a lot b/c I always wonder why...what did I do to make her act this way to me..I would love a normal mother daughter relationship but I refuse to go back to the one I've always had with her. I just chalk it up to a mental illness and now, I think I've finally put a name to it after all these years! Sorry for the book....so...do you think mommy dearest is a N?