Hi October:
The t then rang a third party, a mutual friend, and told him that I had developed an unhealthy obsession with him, that I was in love with him, and that I was emotionally unstable. He quoted part of the letter in support of his argument.
This is totally and utterly unprofessional (and depending on his liciensure, it may also be illegal).
Any therapist has a moral obligation to maintain client confidentiality.Most licienses require this as well and can be revoked for not doing so.
Regardless......by disclosing information to a third party from a letter you sent him, he showed a total and utter disregard for his moral obligation to maintain the confidentiality assumed of him, as a professional.
This is outrageous!! And....you could report him to whoever issues his liciense, if he has one, if you choose to, or you could sue him, which I bet is an unrealistic idea at this point.
I'm sorry that you had this awful experience with this jerk!!!