Author Topic: Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo  (Read 6243 times)


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« on: March 06, 2005, 10:40:57 PM »
I posted earlier about my ex...but I still have more concerns...

Not only is he abusive, but he is currently studying to become a police officer. His other interest is physchology, and loves to try to figure us all out and tells us what our weaknesses are. He said if the police thing doesn't work out he would like to be child counselor or something related!

(He himself had an abusive childhood.) Shouldn't this freak get help before he is out in a public position? This is scary! My sister took pictures of the bruises on my arms and said I still contact the police and make a report.

(The state I live in has a requirement that if a person applying for a police position has ANY history of domestic violence, you're done-no job.)

And he tells me how EVERYONE thinks he's going to be such a great officer, and how he's the top of his class, he's smarter than everyone, his teachers are teacher gave him the wrong grade on a final and he threatened he would get her fired if she didn't change the grade!

Anyways...I guess I'm just angry this idiot can have a future, let leave a trail of destruction in his past...


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2005, 07:31:39 AM »
I think you should report the violence and abuse. The fewer people like him in the police, the better. You can make a difference and maybe save more people from being abused by this disturbed man. He needs help, not an outlet for his actions.


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2005, 08:15:59 AM »

Considering that the ratio of N's and sociopaths is 1:25 it would be rather hard to keep all of these types out of positions of leadership.  The best thing you could do is report this to the police and somehow put questions in others minds about the appropriateness of him being in such of a positon of authority.  

I have read some newspaper accounts where individuals like this get into to these positions and then use it as a ruse to do as they wish, not only at the office but at home as well.  I have noticed once a person starts to work for the police it is very hard for the significant ofther to report abuse.  They are not believed and are scapegoated as the cause.

If I were you I would find a differnet relationship altogether.  This person may find himself outside the law if his superiors get wind of his "threats" against the instructors about his grades etc. Just my 2c. Patz


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2005, 10:09:11 AM »
This guy is a total loose cannon. I imagine that he'd be screened out of the police academy if they give psychological tests. But what if they don't. He will then be a police officer and can do whatever he wants.  



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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2005, 10:15:41 AM »
Considering the police in my community, I think he may be welcomed with open arms after they do a test to prove he is an N and an abusive sociopath!

The few police officers I do know who have altruistic motives are just that, few.  The many others have that job specifically TO lord over others less fortunate.

That said, the organization won't willingly take on trouble, as in anyone with a PRIOR police RECORD.   Hope you do report him, and then at my next traffic stop, I can feel a little safer.
(my apologies if I missed something...have you already reported him?)


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2005, 10:49:01 AM »
dre: First of all, get as far away as possible! Second, please report him! What he did to you was WRONG and he shouldn't get away with it! Third, but perhaps more importantly, understand that his behaviour has nothing to do with you! Those other, wonderful, relationships are probably made up, or at the very least, if you asked his xgirlfriends you would probably get a completely different view of their relationships. Also, I want to make sure that you know that nothing you did would ever have been enough even if you had lost forty pounds he still would have complained about your body, because the problem was always in his head. Trust me, I was critizised for not flat enough stomach/ too saggy bum when I was underweight! Take care of yourself, love yourself, and try to be your own best friend!
Rip it to shreds and let it go - Garbage


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2005, 06:57:11 PM »
I used to work for the Federal gov and was in constant contact with law enforcement at all levels.  No question about it, these people are major Ns.  It's all about awards and recognition.  Every home that I've been to, there's a shrine room dedicated to their accomplishments -- photographs, awards, certificates.

They are good at catching criminals because they are so like-minded -- both groups think that they are outside of the law.


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2005, 09:30:01 AM »
My N is  a police officer and I hate to say it, but it's the perfect place for him to fulfill his needs.....and he does. He uses others for his own personal wants/needs and the men under him are like his puppets.


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2005, 09:32:15 AM »
Quote from: liberation
.  It's all about awards and recognition.  Every home that I've been to, there's a shrine room dedicated to their accomplishments -- photographs, awards, certificates.

This describes my N's living room.....he had awards, photos of other law enforcement contacts you think my picture was anywhere in there?


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Should an "N" work in Law enforcement or Phsycholo
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2005, 09:38:23 AM »
Morning All:

How true Forwardbound.  I remember going into a home of a very wealthy individual.  There were many beautiful objects in the house.  He did have photos of his grandchildren and children in small frames on the bookshelf.  However, there was a large 14x14 color rendition of himself in his gentlemen farmer garb over the mantle.  In the picuture he had on a bright red shirt, so you really could not miss it when you entered the room.  You can just imagne how he worships at this alter every night.  Patz