This is one of the reasons I find it hard to really get close to anyone other than my H. Am I normal for feeling like this? I'm not anti social I'm just careful with my self. Thanks! Zsa
The important thing about feelings is that you should not try to regulate them; to find out whether they are normal or abnormal, good or bad. Feelings are allowed. Whatever you feel is part of you, and in accepting your feelings you accept yourself.
If you find it hard to trust other people it may be because you are going for 'all or nothing'. This is very common. You either trust people or you don't, with no middle ground. Perhaps you could think about trusting some people just a little, and other people a little more, and a very, very few people absolutely.
Anyone who has been hurt will find it difficult to build up trust in other people again. This is 'normal', if you want to find that word somewhere. But you can learn to trust again, bit by bit.
Your niece sounds as if she has had a very difficult time. She is still very young, and stealing by children is very often - perhaps always - a cry for help. I am not sure if you are able to see her again, but if you could, and you feel able to tell her that you want her to tell the truth, but that if she does, you will forgive her for stealing from you, because you know that she did it because she is in a lot of pain, then you might be able to rebuild the relationship together. I think she needs you. Children have to learn empathy by example; perhaps nobody ever showed her how to care for and about other people.
When children do something like this, very often they are trying to get you to reject them. It is what she has learned to expect from everyone around her, and she now expects it from you too. She is saying, if nobody wants me, then I don't want them either. If you can show her love instead, you may save her from a great deal of pain, and gain a great deal yourself as well.
However, if you are not able to do this, because you are afraid of getting too involved with an N, then I can understand that.