Well, last night my ex called on my cellphone while me and my girlfriend were out. He was drunk, slurring, and wanted to know what I was up to. I mentioned I was out with my friend (who he hates just for the sake I have friends and he doesn't). and he wants to "talk" to her for a minute.
Well, he forgot when we split up he said now I can go "whore around" with this particular friend. (I told her this comment). So when I handed her the phone she just let him have it! She told him he's an ass, he can stop calling me, that I don't want to talk to him, and then he starts calling her names and swearing at her!
He said that this friend is not looking out for my best interests..(and HE is?) She said, yeah, like you really care about dre, why does she have bruises on her arms all the time? He says, but I do care about her. Then she told him he's nothing but white trash, he's a loser, a woman beater, and he's lucky if he passes his police exam and physch test cuz he's a nut case! Anyway, he got more abusive and she hung up. Then he tried calling back several times and we shut my phone off.
Then I get home this am and find a msg on my machine from him. It had to been after my friend yelled at him. He's crying, and saying he's sorry things didn't work out with us, but I shoulnd't trust my friend, or him, and I should just trust myself. He said he does care about me and he's sorry, then just hangs up. Then I find a msg on my cellphone with him callling at six am! he says he doens't care what me and my friend think of him, and I need not call his phone anymore, he mumbles a bit and hangs up.
I just laughed. I went out and had so much fun last night, and I've been spending more time with this friend who he hated me to be with. We dont' do anything wrong, have a few drinks, talk about men, dance, and we sure don't whore around. I got home today and just sat there at my table, thinking I AM FREE....who cares what he thinks? My friend stood up and said things I've been scared to say out loud to him. We agreed last nights that friends always come before men....
This guy is a miserable SOB and no matter who he meets, he will always drag his emotional baggage around. It might be good for him and another girl for a while, but as we all know, until you get help, life will always be difficult and never full. He can get as many degrees, and women, and money, but he will always be an empty man. With an emotional level of a toddler stomping his feet when he doesn't get his way.
I HAVE WON! Just by knowing I can move on. By actually
moving on.
And reaching the point where I can look on him in pity...because he will never know LOVE>>>>>>>>