Thank you Serena and dogbit for your encouraging words. I think my mom's recent move, far away from us, has stirred up a lot of things. So I am a bit off balance lately and not at my best as a parent, or any kind of person. I really appreciate the existence of this message board and all the people pitching in to help each other.
I have stayed away from my mom in the past, and she from me when I was not cooperating with her agenda. But I do realize that she had it hard as well. Her mother divorced when she was little and did not get (or maybe even want) custody. This was in the 30's, so that was radical. She never forgave her for that abandonment and for her lack of support later. Sometimes I feel like my mom does not even see me, and is mistaking me for her own mom when she lashes out. I can see that she is not going to address any of her issues before she dies, and I feel sorry for her about that. I can see that she has no idea how bizarre her conduct is or why my sister and I never spend the hols with her anymore. It was jarring to realize that my mom, the person who all my life I thought was the only one on earth who loved me, doesn't even see me as I am. I feel often that my children are my only connection to the world, and reason for living. I do not want to burden them with any responsibility for my life, so I had better get things sorted before they get old enough to start parenting me.
When my mother visits, I can hear her talking to my son the same way she spoke to my sister. Like a hopeless ugly monster she had been saddled with. So I make sure I do not go too far out of hearing, and that her visits are short so he can recover. If she knows I am there she will change her tone. I am again torn between responsbility to protect my child and the enormous fallout of offending my mom.
I have gotten hope from people saying that they got out of bad relationships and into good ones later in life after facing some of their issues and establishing boundaries and raising their self-esteem. Maybe that opportunity will come to me!
Yes. I am just babbling on and on. But I'm glad to have place to do it!