Hi Kelly and zeene,
Kelly, you got heads, zeene got tails. You are both suffering from the same thing, which is a control freak, just the flip sides of the same coin.
The other thing I think (and if someone thinks I am wrong, then let me know...........) is that I think my mother (who is wealthy) should help me more so I can spend more time with my children. I have been working as a single parent and barely getting by for years..............meanwhile, my children have to raise themselves during the summer because I have to work.
I don't think you're wrong at all. You are supporting yourself and your girls. You are behaving responsibly. The very least your mother could do, if she wasn't such a creep, is help you out to the point of you being able to work only part time,
at least unil your girls are older.
Sorry she's such a rotten selfish mother.
Why do Ns carry on as if they haven't done anything wrong?......But this N mother of mine appears to have NO CONSCIENCE and shows no remorse for anything...and you'll never get a confession out of her or an admission of guilt or own up or anything like that.
You pretty much answered your own question there.
They either don't have a conscience or they suppress it so deeply, because of their disorder, that they either don't know that they have done something wrong or they just don't care or actually get some pleasure from the harm they do.
I know others disagree, but my own opinion is they are conscience of right and wrong and they choose, make a conscious choice, to do the wrong thing knowing full well the harm it will cause. Now maybe their PD or N tendencies make it very difficult for them not to do harmful things, as it is a type of defense mechanism, but it is still a conscious and willful choice to value themselves and what they see as their self interest over the well being and in fact the life of every other being on the planet. In fact all other beings on the planet. I bet most people with NPD would choose to preserve their facade even if it meant the rest of humanity went down the drain.
For that reason I agree with you, they are evil. At the very least, they are governed by evil.
(((((zeene and kelly)))))