Debs: I didn't have parents like that, but had a few husbands who stomped on my spirit and tried to keep me silent. Now my children's father does that to them (and he hired help...his wife!).
I think that we ALL struggle with relationships, when to speak up, how to speak up, how not to sound rash while we still voice opinion. I think it is tough for everyone and tougher still with N baggage.
That you are looking hard at your pain is huge. A huge step toward healing. You are becoming aware. It;s not easy, but that is why N's never change, because as much pain as they cause.....they are deep down in such enormous pain that they can't even bear to think of they don't. And they lash out at us. And it is truly evil.
But on the bright side: you are healing and trying and THAT will reap enormous rewards.
Bunny: I am the indulgent "auntie" but for my own kids as well, who sees what my ex does to them (they have to ask permission to eat anything at his house....teenagers mind you).. and then I say: YOU get to choose to eat another piece of cake. And if they have a stomachache later...THEY decide not to overindulge next time, not me. It's thier life/thier stomache/thier school experience/thier it, they aren't my belongings, they are people I love and cherish. (wow, talk about tangents).