Author Topic: developing a system to more effectively search for topics  (Read 2587 times)

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developing a system to more effectively search for topics
« on: June 07, 2005, 06:00:36 PM »
below is a copy of how i posted at the other forum
with a few corrections :)


 Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 4:53 pm    Post subject: SEARCH IDEAS FOR TOPICS IN THE FORUM  

all righty now
when a particular theme or such
seems like it is one that one might like to
do a search for
make a suggestion of a word or phrase
that have such pop up in a search..
one way would be to
misspell a word that speaks to the theme
say after the first letter put in a double xx
like bxxpd
or bxxpdANDnarcissism..
bytheby i dont think the cap AND or small font and
makes any difference in searches
i know i know
seems like i can hardly refrain myself from
narcissistically mentioning where ny i q might rank me  

i know i know
tho it was well intended the counselor should have never
told me my i q