I am trying not to feel guilty. Actually I barely feel guilt about him anymore. As I write this I wonder if some of my "guilt" feelings weren't just a contorted desire to find a way to stay connected some how to him. Another thing about guilt that he doesn't get is that guilt can be power... meaning if I am guilty I have a chance of then taking responsibility, making a change that effects things and so it is a type of potential latent power. Anyway, he isn't happy in this relationship and enabling him is not supporting him. I supported him and he pushes it away. He acts as though he wants to be the emperor without clothes and me to be the applauding surf.
We are!
Thank you.
And he should have a major problem with the fact you need to speak to unseens - because his number one priority should be how are you feeling and why do you feel this way,and what can he be doing differently?
And instead, THAT IS my attitude toward him I can't imagine someone treating me that way though intellectually I see the sense in it. WEIRD!
And he should be asking you, "what do you need and how can I help?" Isn't that how we talk to our selves and to our partners?
YES!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME. It is as if kindness is that proverbial tree falling in a forest where I am not present to hear it. I feel good being reminded that it is there though I can't hear it yet someone else can.
That's the acid test we should give to any man (partner) who wants space in our lives.
YES. I just saw the movie “Somethings got to Give” and while it is still sexist and I believe Diane Keaton picks the wrong guy and I could go on about the short comings in the film it is my current favorite because, it shows more than other films I've seen an example of a woman being treated two different ways and at least for a while choosing the better option. (sadly by default still) Moreover, it shows a man doing some facing up to his actual self vs. his imagined self. It is all still quite shallow and yet cathartic for me anyway.
The i ching notes the difference between courtship and seduction: courtship is when he voluntarily makes your interests more important than his own. That's wisdom from 2000 years ago, works for me!
Excellent distinction. I am going to keep that in mind when I date again. I would love to see that in a movie - some multimedia, on the big screen, in my face where I can rewind and replay over and over and right over my childhood tapes. Any cinema therapy recommendations?
You've been thinking about leaving for a while, but "baby and the bath water." The question is, are you learning/growing from the angst, and he is not?
YES. and if he is growing it is too slow for me to tolerate. I mean it may be perfectly fast for him yet FOR ME even one more day of punishment, neglect and non symbiotic dependency from him is too too much.
Does he just blame you for all of his emotional discomfort, while you meanwhile ferret out all of your inner feelings and motives to figure out what your role was?
Ah, how'd ya know...the latter ..that would be me alright. Though I am now gravitating towards not caring who is at fault and even if I am the cause of his angst or a contributor to it he doesn't behave in a way that is conducive to my learning, changing and growing. I will always have more to learn in life and I need a partner who is a teacher and a student. If our relationship was grade school my husbands teaching could be described as noticing a child misspells a word, taking it personally, not telling the child, not considering the child's point of view, then punishing the child via isolation. If the child mentions feeling punished then punish the child more. FROM NOW ON any guy who wants to be with me has to be able to deal with his discontent, express sadness (and happiness) and if he is unhappy he damned well better articulate it and negotiate change and do so while also maintaining respect and kindness towards me or move right along. Wait he wont have to move…I will be the one movin along. I won’t have even paused long enough to miss a step.
That can only go on for so long
." Yup, the last woman he spent lots of time with told him she felt used. I am exhausted. His mom is leaving the country....
If so, admit that you've benefitted by "using" him to grow, but wasn't your intention to live life mutual?
Mutuality wasn't only my intent it was how I behaved and what I invested in.
I think you were focused on love and the natural benefits of loving. It's not your fault if he doesn't ever look in the mirror, or believe in evolution!

Yeah and the punch line is evolution just keeps on happening whether one believes in it or not!
You can always love this person and still love yourself.
Yeah, I am not into tough love either AND staying with him is tough on us both. If I am the one more motivated to do something about it well then I couldn't be any kinder, any more loving toward he or myself than to get us separated asap. He is a glutton for punishment himself which is why he dishes it out so liberally. I mean who would want to live with someone who was miserable and miserable with their behavior? Ah well I have …but I mean indefinitely.
- with this kind of person, don't go for a "mediated" agreement. I know from experience that he will go along with this because he hopes you're not serious,
Yeah, for all his neglect and punishment it amazes me that he holds out hope and does so with so little investment of work with which to realize the hope he supposedly has but that is only expressed vaguely, indirectly and in anger.
and then at the last minute he'll back out in favor of a prolonged contested divorce because you didn't waver during the mediation.
And he has the lawyer sister to assist him. As we speak she is making arrangements for his traveling to see her for christmas. - Arrangements he put no effort into. He commented that she has gotten fat. No kindness in his statement, no concern for her health. It was more as if he were embarrassed. And he doesn't get she is taking care of everyone but herself. HELLO!
From what I've seen you have a heart of chocolate and he's not ever going to find anyone more sympathetic or tolerant, and believe me, he knows it.
He has enjoyed my isolation, lack of family, insecurity etc. He has pretended I was the only one depending (trying to anyway) on anyone in this relationship. I DO BELIEVE YOU. HE DOES KNOW IT. He does know he needs me and he doesn't have the courage to own up to that. I am rich, sweet yummy chocolate and I am going to market with my valuable self!
- what you will experience in terms of emotional freedom is well worth the financial considerations. You're going to be doing something simple like washing the dishes and look out the window and then just thank God you're alive and what a waste but hey! it's over. You're going to want to dance.
THANK YOU. I am posting this on the wall near my bed so that I see it every morning and night before I go to sleep. Sting has a great song called "Never Coming Home" sort of about that. About the process of leaving anyway and freedom.
Consult an attorney (you can do initial consultations for free and should probably talk to two or three attorneys) and find out how best to protect yourself. There are pretty standard rules. Remember that you can always do more than the minimum requirement, if you feel the need, but you don't want an unfair obligation. Virtually nothing you or he does now (dating etc.) is going to make a difference in the divison of assets/liabilities, but the thing to watch out for is hiding of assets.
Great advice…THANK YOU.
- dont' worry too much about the financial aspects. In today's world of credit scoring just about everything disappears in two years anyway.
REALLY? I had no idea about that. He really messed up my credit. On the bright side...I learned at a deeper level to care more about quality of life than my credit rating. Next stop? Both a good credit rating and excellent quality of life emotionally!
For what it's worth. I'm not a big follower of tough love, had enough toughness in my life and so I like love today to be softer.
Me too.
(Then again, it may take some of us a while to know what it is we want. Better late than never!) Yes. And better late than later!