Oh write.
I used to hate them myself... now, would you believe, I just don't do them. I have no immediate family now, and everyone I know is doing their own thing, so I spend them alone, pretty much routinely. Have for years; when I lived overseas I had no family near.
Not sure how to put this next bit, so bear with me. I enjoy being alone at these times. I don't invite myself to other folks' festivities... and such folks as I know at work and at home tend not to think about inviting me to theirs. I pretty universally don't mind that... because [here is the hard part] I'd rather be around the kind of folks who want me to join them because they like me and spontaneously think of me; I don't want to be with folks who include me as a sop, or an afterthought, or out of a sense of charity, or because I laid a guilt trip on 'em... or because they want to use me in some way, as a source of something that is inappropriate for them to want from me [as in gifts greedily sought, free taxi service somewhere unpleasant and expensive to drive to, N-supply type of attention, adulation, etc. etc.].
My 4th of July was glorious. The weather was perfect - I slept late, read stuff I really enjoyed, did some truly decadent cooking, played music (I mean a musical instrument), had hours and hours of kitty cat petting, took long walk in gorgeous dry sunny mildly warm weather, got a nice brownness on my skin. And the whole time I was thinking how incredibly lucky I was, to be safe, to be content, to have both my kitties still with me.
Sure, I was alone in the human sense, but oh mama, it was so much nicer than most of the holidays when I haven't been!