Author Topic: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping  (Read 16472 times)


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2005, 12:50:30 PM »
Hi Vunil,

You didn't make me 'really mad' when you implied I am a cranky ogre living under a bridge. :P :lol:

Honestly vunil, I wasn't mad. I just disagreed with what you said vigorously. :D
Someone here recently declared Donald Rumsfeld 'evil' despite the fact that I'm pretty sure this person doesn't know Donald Rumsfeld. How come nobody is ever just wrong anymore?
Why is it that people who disagree with us are so often ascribed a venal (slight pun) motive? In fact, they might have the very same motive, just a different idea on how to apply it.
In some ways, I suppose it might be described as an attempt to shame the other person.

In any event, I wasn't mad atcha and I agree we got to know each other better by talking about it out in the open.

Gotta go now. There's a couple of plump kids passing over my bridge that look like they would make delightful dinner guests, if you know what I mean. :shock: :P :o



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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2005, 01:09:08 PM »
Thanks for your courageous post. I agree that the way to transcend shame is to sit with it and not blame anyone, including ourselves. Then the appropriate action will come to mind. Sometimes I decide that the amount of shame I'm feeling is out of proportion to the situation. The initial shame I feel is usually massive and I've learned not to act on that impulsively. And it IS hard to apologize, repair damage, etc., because it can trigger more shame; and fear of shame being dumped on me in retaliation, that I can't handle. But with practice it sure gets easier.

Here are examples of shame-dumping: "You shouldn't have done that!" "What were you thinking??!" "How can you be so stupid/reckless/selfish?" "What is WRONG with you?"  Sure there are more subtle forms of it, but you didn't do it. You were simply trying to do an intervention because her choices were getting in the way of the friendship. You were planting a seed. Nothing wrong with it. If she didn't like it or got upset, that's life. I have told my N sister many things she didn't want to hear and made her really angry. I'm willing to be hated by her if that's what it takes. There are children involved there, as well, otherwise I wouldn't bother.

I agree that it's optimal when people state what they need, what hurt them, and what would help them get past it. I can't do it yet! But it is optimal!  :)



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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2005, 02:03:50 PM »
Hiya Storm, I read your first post here but (my time is limited on the PC right now) sorry, have only scanned all the replies. Just wanted to say, having read some words about withdrawing from the board and so on, I haven’t withdrawn recently but I’m aware that if anyone has looked for ‘Portia’ I haven’t been around so much. Is that terribly narcissistic to think I might have been missed? Or is it realistic? I better check with anyone reading here I guess! Point your N-detectors in my direction. Hmmmmmmmmm……not sure I should be asking that. It sounds a bit like ‘fishing for compliments’ (viz: “hey yeah, we missed you P!”) which I’m not after. Haha never was! I mean, darn, no-one in my own family contacted me when the bombs went off in London (you Storm, you asked after us UK folks). So why should anyone on an anonymous board wonder where some virtual poster has gone? Oh boo-hoo hey! Yeah I know. Am I genuinely laughing at myself or pouring scorn on my having emotions about no-one in the family caring? Gotta watch that scorn gland and grab it when I see it.

Hope you don’t mind me just chattering away for a moment here. I didn’t know this stuff was going to come out of my fingers.

What was I saying? Oh yes, I haven’t withdrawn in a huff or because anyone upset me or anything else, as far as I know in my immediate conscious mind! I’ve just passed the PC time to H who is home at the moment. Maybe I should have said so? Haha think I’ll go and pile on a pack of guilt about ‘neglecting the board’. No! Don’t be silly P. There, I can beat myself over the head and check reality in one paragraph. It used to take weeeeeeks.

How you doing now Storm? Did you want to hear from me? I can’t tell, you know. Sometimes I’ve thought I’ve really upset you by what I’ve said, because you haven’t replied to me directly. And if you don’t tell me, I don’t know, so I just wonder and ponder and maybe worry a little about have I said the wrong stuff, you know, I reckon you think the same kind of way, judging by this thread. I can beat myself up pretty well. Hey I was all hormonal the other day and said something so weird, so not-normal to a neighbour that I’m still thinking of apologising to him. And it wasn’t that big a deal, I know it wasn’t. But I’m worried that he’ll think I’m nuts, really. What the heck. I dunno. I might have a word, when I’m less hormonal. Yeah. Not sure I’m properly back to my ‘true self’ yet, whatever or whoever that is! You ever get that? Hormonal stuff, sends you nuts, so that you want to rip someone’s head off just because they made a noise! Or you start a conversation totally over-exaggerating how good it tastes to have rye bread….stupid stuff. Having said that I think I’d better stop!

Gosh look at all those daft words above. Submit them into some server and let them go…shall I? I will, but I shall flinch. And I still worry that some people will hate me. Or will ridicule me. Whatever.

I have a question about an Alice Miller book I’m reading. I might post that in a couple days. It has me stumped and I feel a bit stupid for not understanding what she means. If that’s okay. Not sure it’s board material. I’ll think about it.

Sorry for not reading all this thread (I like to think when I’ve posted replies and people have all joined a thread that others take the time to properly read and reply and share and I haven’t done that here so yeah, I feel I’m being bad-mannered). Just felt the urge to say hello given your thread opening Storm. Just in case. It can’t hurt can it? Maybe it can. Maybe I’m being too honest. Oh dear, now I’m making myself annoyed! Yeah, I’m too honest and that hurts people so in being honest I’m being evil, deliberately to hurt others! That’s what I was taught. Cruel, stupid parents. Yeah well. As I said, better go until the hormonal balance returns.


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2005, 02:17:07 PM »
Hey!  I was wondering where you were.

As it happens, I feel sure I am the one who said Rummy was evil...  Sorry!  Pregnancy has made me hyperbolic.  I don't know him but I have had encounters with others in his administration.  I'll wait until I meet him to decide he's truly evil.  Maybe :)  He definitely isn't my cup of tea, but I see that it makes me sound like Queen Elizabeth to thus pronounce him doomed.

You had a right to be a little upset with me-- what I said wasn't very sensitive.  The evil Rummy thing was ok, I think, because I made clear it was my opinion and I hoped it didn't offend anyone and it was in the context of a story I was telling, etc.  The other wasn't as good because I did sort of say that left-wing people are nicer and less N and more open.

Which I have definitely found, in my pregnancy, to be utterly false.  Oh my!  I have gotten so much bossy arrogance from the natural-childbirth crowd, and the medical crowd has been pretty nice to me.  I have all sorts of pregnancy complications and all (medical personnel) have advised me to plan a C-section.  Well, I can't tell anyone this, stranger or acquaintance,  becauseI tend to be around people who would call themselves "left of center" and there is a party line on childbirth among many of them, and any deviation from it gets me a very long lecture about how my doctor is wrong.  About me.  Whom they do not know!  Strangers lecturing me about what is best for me and my baby.  It is pretty amazing. I know there are MD's who are pretty bad about this stuff, too; I've just been lucky and have had (chosen) good ones. 

So, Mudpup, mea culpa on that one!  I was utterly wrong.  People can have N traits no matter what their political affiliation or left/right leanings.

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled thread....


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2005, 02:32:23 PM »
OH, funny, I think intermittent posts make my post look a little insane. Which it might be, of course, but I was responding to mudpuppy.  That's who "you" is in my post.

But since I'm here, Hi, Portia!  Feel free to post on Alice Miller-- I don't always know what she means, either, and the discussion might be enlightening. 

Sallying Forth

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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2005, 06:55:20 PM »

Or we can TRANSCEND it.

Yeah, right. How do we do that?

Well... not by denying its existence, or its impact, or our having been damaged by it, or our previous non-constructive responses to it.

Not by blaming the N, or our therapist, or, ahem, the person who posted about it.

But by facing it. And grieving it. And seeing how we, who have been so shamed and harmed, may have been used by narcissism - without our conscious knowledge or consent - to pass that shame on to others. To see that we who have been wounded can also wound. To understand that 'hurt people hurt people', as someone else memorably put it.

Then what?

Well... I guess we would start by admitting this to ourselves, first. Then maybe we would talk about it with our therapists.

Great post Stormchild!

I deal with this on a daily basis as I cut off another tangled vine connected to either my bioNfather, Nmother or Nfather. The damage done has the potential to spill into everything in my life so I'm scrutinizing my mind, my emotions, and everything I do.

Sometimes a post to this board takes me an hour to write because I'm scrutinizing every word to make sure I don't step on toes, hurt anyone's feelings, fail to communicate, etc. For myself, I think this inner policing sometimes goes to far and blocks my communication. Is there a middle ground where I am not so self-conscious and I am writing more freely? Don't know. I'm doing it right now. Is this okay? Did I say it right? I'm I communicating what I mean, meaning what I say? Did I use the right words? Will it hurt someone? Am I projecting my feelings onto someone? I'm I blaming someone? etc.

Sometimes I need to go the other direction and stop the policing of my thoughts, emotions, etc. That's why I am writing my books. I can spew forth whatever words need to come out of me. That is where I have my catharsis and total freedom.

I can only do the best I can do.
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2005, 07:07:21 PM »
OH, funny, I think intermittent posts make my post look a little insane. Which it might be, of course, but I was responding to mudpuppy.  That's who "you" is in my post.

But since I'm here, Hi, Portia!  Feel free to post on Alice Miller-- I don't always know what she means, either, and the discussion might be enlightening. 

Shoot, nearly all my posts look a little insane at the best of times ;-) -- good cure for shame, right there.

Wow, there's been a lot of action on this thread. I was really reluctant to post it but now I'm glad I did. Lots of good stuff to read over and think about. I want to thank people but that doesn't feel entirely right - yes it's right to say thanks but this good stuff is being given to everyone, not just me. Anyway, thanks for responding here, and thanks from me for the good I'm deriving from the responses. :-D

Portia, I'll send you a PM... meant to before, been sidetracked. Lots.


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2005, 09:13:07 PM »
Hi Stormchild.

I'm so happy to see this post.  It took me three attempts to read it today.  Every time I tried to hop on the computer one of my kids started acting up.  It was just one of those days. 

Anyway, I don't have time tonight as it's getting late and I have to get them to bed but I wanted to acknowledge your post and give it the thumbs up.


Have a good night and God bless.



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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2005, 11:46:09 PM »
Hi again Vunil,

Actually it wasn't you who said anything about Rumsfeld that I read, it was somebody else just recently but I can't remember whom.
It doesn't really matter. We worked all this out long ago.
You recognized how wonderful I am and I did the same for you. :P :lol: :?

I hope you take care of yourself.
By the way, has anyone tried to shame or question you regarding your age and the pregnancy?
God bless.



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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2005, 10:58:51 AM »
When I first started reading this thread, my shame came upon me in waves.  Yes, I am stupid, obtuse, and so totally self absorbed that I don't recognize conflict when I read it.  I was compelled in a few instances to go back and read threads to find what I had missed.  More "shame" when I couldn't find it.  But at the same time, I wondered where a few of us were  :)

I also try to phrase my posts in such a way as to be so totally understable with the use of icons that they won't be hurtful, pompous, or denegrating.  But, I've never seen anything here that was self-servingly harmful....hmmmm....maybe that's why I stayed married to that moron for so long...denial, denial, denial.

Really, when people disagree, it forces me to think and I welcome it.  At my age, my cerebral strengths are my strongest.  I think we all are great and thank you again, Storm, for developing such a great conversation. 


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2005, 02:06:59 PM »
OH, funny, I think intermittent posts make my post look a little insane. Which it might be, of course, but I was responding to mudpuppy.  That's who "you" is in my post.

But since I'm here, Hi, Portia!  Feel free to post on Alice Miller-- I don't always know what she means, either, and the discussion might be enlightening.

<big laugh!> :D Vunil I felt instantly cheered reading you, thank you! And thanks for the ‘hi’ too. Happy to be hormonal and slightly weird today. Isn’t 43 too young for the start of the menopause? I just don’t remember feeling this odd in the past. I’m not looking forward to whatever happens as we get older. Hot flushes etc. Yeah, Alice, I started typing and thought I understood it as I typed, but I will post it anyway next week. I found there is a Forum run separately to her own site, but I’m not sure I want to step in there. It’s a sanctuary for experiences, not exactly a discussion forum.

Portia, I'll send you a PM...
Thanks Storm :D, one coming back to you when I’m off here.

Mudpup, how are you? You okay with your own life right now? I haven’t been reading of late. All I can see here is something between you and Marta. What’s going on? Have I missed something? Is it better I keep my nose out of this?  :?But most of all, are you okay with your real life stuff? Take care.

Hello Marta, good to meet you. I’ve read a couple of your posts but sorry, haven’t taken the time to read you properly. Is that dismissive? I hope not. It’s a time-thing for me. Anyway this caught me:
That she was abusing her own child (she called him the baby, not by his name, IT, when he was two or three.) I have often wished that I had, for the "baby's" sake.
Yes, it is abuse and I understand (-but we can’t change others and sometimes, for the sake of our selves, we have to choose our causes and actions and let some go, yes?-) and thanks for making me feel okay about the things I witness that cut through me. My neighbour calls her 17 year old son “the boy” in conversation to me. Maybe it’s a cultural thing though. I think it’s horrible. But he seems okay and whenever I can, I chat to him and make a real effort to relate to him as a person separate to his mother and valuable in his own right.

When I first started reading this thread, my shame came upon me in waves.  Yes, I am stupid, obtuse, and so totally self absorbed that I don't recognize conflict when I read it.  I was compelled in a few instances to go back and read threads to find what I had missed.  More "shame" when I couldn't find it.

As far back as I can remember, all my parents (step-ones, grand-ones etc) argued. About me it seemed. I was a problem to everyone. But all this arguing supposedly about me, it hardly ever included me (of course not, children don’t have feelings or opinions etc……….roll eyes). So the ‘problem’ was half secret I guess. So these days I like conflict out in the open. I don’t feel bad though that I haven’t a clue what lies behind the conflict on this page. And I think there is conflict, and a lack of respect but I don’t know why.

I have another problem. I love to solve problems. Very masculine, or so I’ve been led to believe. Someone comes to me with a story, I keep looking for ways to solve their problem. When they just want validation maybe. Tricky.

Really, when people disagree, it forces me to think and I welcome it.
I don’t all the time because sometimes the disagreements aren’t about what’s written on the board, or the way you or I perceive what’s written, but are instead about people projecting, transferring or whatever else psych-labels there are for communication and perception. I stopped talking to someone ages ago because I’d hit a big nerve and they’d started on me as though I was their mother (it was a poster called T for troublemaker and if you see this T, hope you’ll come back and give me a good telling off). It was zero to do with me (not true, T had triggered something in me too, but it was unrelated to her stuff, my stuff was mine, hers was hers….). Anyway what the heck was I saying? Forgotten. New tack then.

hurtful, pompous, or denegrating.  But, I've never seen anything here that was self-servingly harmful....hmmmm....maybe that's why I stayed married to that moron for so long...denial, denial, denial
If someone had been hurtful, pompous, or denigrating, what does that say about their thoughts and feelings? What’s eating them and why are they doing that, if indeed they are? And if someone perceives that this hurt and denigration are coming their way, does this give them an opportunity to examine their reactions? About the denial part above, are you saying that you have seen something that is self-servingly harmful and you were incorrect before….? I saw something that I would class as self-servingly harmful here once. Someone trying to recruit for what I thought was a cult. Hmmm. Yep, harmful alright. I might have been wrong?

We’re all human and, it seems, pretty similar to each other. Except I’m a real pain the butt and I should Shut Up :D no chance (someone anonymous here once said to me I was "taking voicelessness to the other extreme"!  :x :x :x what horse shit that was. But sometimes i really do annoy people and the best thing is.....when they tell me so. true. finding voices and using them, it's fantastic to see :D)

Oh……H wants the PC and his dinner! Storm, I really want to reply …and I will. I need another PC….hasta leugo/manana


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2005, 08:18:37 PM »
« Last Edit: August 16, 2005, 01:15:50 AM by Stormchild »

Sallying Forth

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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2005, 08:20:40 PM »
I love that comic! Thanks Stormchild! :lol:
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D

Sallying Forth

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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2005, 08:47:11 PM »
For myself, I think this inner policing sometimes goes to far and blocks my communication. Is there a middle ground where I am not so self-conscious and I am writing more freely? Don't know. I'm doing it right now. Is this okay? Did I say it right? I'm I communicating what I mean, meaning what I say? Did I use the right words? Will it hurt someone? Am I projecting my feelings onto someone? I'm I blaming someone? etc.

Sometimes I need to go the other direction and stop the policing of my thoughts, emotions, etc.

OMG Sally, you took words right out of my mouth.

For 35 years, I was constantly watching out as to whether or not I am hurting someone, watching for signs of hurt in others, the whole works. One of the brainwashing detergents came with the slogan that "you should intuit the needs of other without their asking."

How lierating it was when I decided to stop doing it. Not because I wish to hurt others, or be insensitive. But I think that this kind of sensitivity leads to too much "inner policing," to borrow your words, and to too much game playing, saying things for the sake of being nice, when you'd rather be saying something else.

Hmmm ... looks like I didn't communicate clearly. :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I write in my journal, my books and talk to my t I've got the freedom to write/say anything I want.

However, for me, I don't believe that same freedom applies here. I do have to scrutinize what I write. And not because I'm game playing, or being nice, or trying to intuit what someone needs to hear or anything else. Rather it is about being compassionate and constructive (to the best of my abilities).

After writing my post I realized that I don't see any middle ground for communicating here on this forum.  And that is A-ok with me! :)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2005, 08:55:44 PM by Sallying Forth »
The truth is in me.[/color]

I'm Sallying Forth on a new adventure! :D :D :D


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Re: Narcissism and Shame-Dumping
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2005, 12:47:52 PM »
That being said, wow again, your response is really brave. ((((((((((Plucky))))))))))

Thanks Stormy,
I didn't mean myself though.  From what I read, others up here have had much worse experiences than I.   I really feel for them and I would not want to heap any requirements on them, not that you were doing this.   I just meant, that this for me was a place I could come and let it all hang out.  I wouldn't want to remove that function for someone else, who might be in raw pain and unable to moderate their writings at the moment they need help the most.

I guess there are two sides to it;  let's try to be conscious and sensitive when we are responding to someone's issues, and also try not to be too sensitive to others responding to us.  And then, we need to be forgiving.   Forgiveness is probably something most victims of Ns have not really received, and not been able to offer themselves, either.   I will try that, because I know I may have been insensitive in the past.
PS where is the quote button on this thing?