mudpuppy quoted amethyst here:
*Not trying to start anything, but......
Our culture totally reinforces narcissistic behavior. It worships beauty, youth, power, money and things.
Is it possible this is not a cultural thing but a human nature kind of a thing?
I mean, I doubt very much that an Inuit young lady is really hoping for a wrinkled, ugly, old husband, is she?
Do the bushmen of Southern Africa really value being powerless and poor?
hi mudpuppy! good to see you..... i just feel compelled to say that all cultures have different values........ sometimes similarly different and sometimes very widely different............ for instance, i had a favorite book for a long time about a young danish man who ran away early in the century to join a group of gypsies in europe. (these were his memoirs) he talks about the values of the culture and the characters he met.
now i wont romanticise gypsies cause i cant say they had the greatest values on all counts..... but i was really struck by one old gypsy man in particular was known as 'the millioniare' ~ not becuase he *had* a million dollars but beucase he was reputed to have given a million dollars *away*, entertaining and helping others....... he was a very poor and wrinkled old gypsy who owned almost nothing, and yet he was highly esteemed in the community becuase of how much had passed through his hands, on the way to other people. that was how they valued things.
i think some values are undeniably similar across the board... but i think some are very different - especially regarding 'wealth' and status issues, what makes people 'successful' or 'wealthy' or 'desirable'.
*Human nature stinks for the most part, and that stench comes out in every culture.
Envy is universal and age old. *
that might be true but gosh.... and this is from someone (me) who fully believed with my whole heart that people were evil for a number of years. ive just been screwed worse with each passing year but i do NOT believe this now. i believe fully that people are capable of incredibly wonderful things... i think that the world is a difficult place, and people do act very very badly for a number of reasons, mainly lack of integrity and laziness and fear and perhaps stupidity. trying to adapt and survive in a situation where there arent enough resources and room and etc just brings out the worst in us. (like any species.) yes we have some bad tendencies and they are indulged wayyyy too often............ but - maybe its the human condition rather than human nature...... i truly think that human nature is more beautiful than not. i dont know why we act so bad all the time.
*As to vunil's original question, I think jealousy is the last word that comes to my mind when thinking about Ns. They have got to be the most pathetic, lonely, scared little rabbits alive, regardless of what phony confidence and assurance they project. What's to be jealous of, their misery? *
with that, i totally agree!!!! as for jealousy - im just jealous of anyone who seems to get everythign handed to them and dont seem to deserve it or didnt work for it, whether they are narcissistic or not.......... thats my personal thing with jealousy. its hard for me when people seem to get everything i work so hard for but cant get, they get that stuff easily and dont even seem to appreciate it....... im not jealous of n people, im just jealous of anyone like that.............