Author Topic: NEW breaches terms of social order agenda types....:)  (Read 2777 times)


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here by social order agenda types
..looking at such things as hidden agendas
that might still serve the overall good
and other ones that make the particular agenda toxic
but is passed off as healthy...
and perhaps how this relates to the beatitude
blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake..
and such as how
some who pass themselves off as representing the good of a good social order
and point out others supposedly harmful...
oh my what have i done...
such concerns and topics
might well be thought of as just makin trouble
and not a really deep concern of mine
that i think can be quite helpful and insightful..

kind of relates to how i pick up on something that concerns
other and get so caught up in dynamics
and see certain probable energies
i forget how on another level
in a way
well u know
in other words
kill the messenger...

one is so glad to see possible
dynamics that explain the dysfunction
that can free it..
one forgets
how attached society can be to its dysfunctions
where on one level it ones to be free...

and yes i know that some aspect of me at times
functions similarly
but to me it is a matter of degree
which i think generally i keep a more accurate measure
in that regards
that trying to overly rid self of the dysfunction
might hamper relating a better sense of the dysfunction
to others
tho i do at times forget the degree of reaction that can get :)

oh i was thinking of a topic of
tending reactive goats, ugly ducklings
i got it recorded some place on my digital recorder :)

oops maybe this belongs to ramble cafe :)
oh well


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Re: NEW breaches terms of social order agenda types....:)
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2005, 07:01:55 PM »

here by social order agenda types
..looking at such things as hidden agendas
that might still serve the overall good
and other ones that make the particular agenda toxic
but is passed off as healthy...
and perhaps how this relates to the beatitude
blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake..
and such as how
some who pass themselves off as representing the good of a good social order
and point out others supposedly harmful...
oh my what have i done...
such concerns and topics
might well be thought of as just makin trouble
and not a really deep concern of mine
that i think can be quite helpful and insightful..

kind of relates to how i pick up on something that concerns
other and get so caught up in dynamics
and see certain probable energies
i forget how on another level
in a way
well u know
in other words
kill the messenger...

one is so glad to see possible
dynamics that explain the dysfunction
that can free it..
one forgets
how attached society can be to its dysfunctions
where on one level it onesWANTS  to be free...

and yes i know that some aspect of me at times
functions similarly
but to me it is a matter of degree
which i think generally i keep a more accurate measure
in that regards
that trying to overly rid self of the dysfunction
might hamper relating a better sense of the dysfunction
to others
tho i do at times forget the degree of reaction that can get :)

oh i was thinking of a topic of
tending reactive goats, ugly ducklings
i got it recorded some place on my digital recorder :)

oops maybe this belongs to ramble cafe :)
oh well

SOin conclusionkinda

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Re: NEW breaches terms of social order agenda types....:)
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2005, 07:07:57 PM »
in terms of social agenda stuff above...
when one as i feels that one got a toxic thing
from a narcisstic parent
and where narcissism is as
wanting to be successful in the coin of realm
of what the social agenda values
that in some cases when one not only becomes aware
of the agenda of the toxic parent
but finds that the social order itself
is one that has moved farther away from a more healthy aspect
to more and more narcissistic and more  such as psychopathic
that in trying to free onself from the narcisstic parent
much of the help from society
is overloaded with narcisstic elements
that it is passing off as the road to happiness
hmm so now add to the list of my conditions beyond
schizotypal and oc ... paranoid :)