Author Topic: Irritating n mannerisms  (Read 2919 times)

David P

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Irritating n mannerisms
« on: September 14, 2005, 08:17:57 PM »
I am just wondering -
My Dad ( the big N) had a way of making all of his personal mannerisms biggerand louder and more dramatic that regular folk. Is this something that is an N trait or was it 'just him' ?
He had an annoying habit of eating loudly - his crunching noises sounded louder and more 'theatrical' that most other folk. His nose blowing was almost an explosion. He sharpened knifes with a 'steel' loudly and with a dramatic action. He stirred sugar into his coffee so loudly and so vigously that I am irritated even now when I hear anyone else bang their spoon on the inside of their coffee cup.  He deliberately spoke in a forced authorative manner which was designed to greate an atmosphere of power( all for him of course). Nothing that he did ever seemed to ne natural or spontaneous -just exaggerated and dramatically performed for effect.
He took every opportunity to send these' messages' to others of how important he was.
Anyone else grow up with this stuff?


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 08:45:31 PM »
Hi everyone!

Yes, my Nmother has similar irritating mannerisms! She, too, eats loudly and talks with her mouth full of food.  She sneezes extra loud usually not mindful of the spraying.  She's even farted around my boyfriends in high school and college.  When we go shopping together, she walks super-slowly and she often stops abruptly, complete with grand gestures, when she's trying to drive home a important conversation point.  She's one of those loud cell phone talkers and she generally speaks too loudly in confined places.  I can totally relate!  I think it has most to do with just not giving a sh*t about others and being socially inept.



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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2005, 09:24:54 PM »
Hi David, hi Tif

3 for 3. My Nmother would -- sorry, this is gross, sorry -- use the bathroom when there were guests in the house WITHOUT CLOSING THE DOOR. And yes, loudness, and very inappropriate outbursts in very inappropriate places, and the same kind of drama queening that October has been describing here the last few days. All the time.

She got worse exponentially with age. She would never have done the bathroom thing when I was a kid, but by the time I was in my twenties, I categorically refused to bring a guest of any kind into the home. New romantic interests met my family in restaurants only. And if they looked like 'keepers', they were warned when I thought it was safe to tell them.

I think in her case it was definitely about hogging all the attention in the room... but there was also more than a little hostility involved.

Unfortunately, I work in a toxic environment now, and although people I work with certainly don't 'facilitate themselves' in public, there's not much else some of them aren't capable of... we had one N come in about five years ago who completely destroyed a very nice work group with tantrums and bullying and vicious backstabbing and playing people off each other and typical enfant terrible carrying on. This monster, who drove some very nice people out of their jobs, has been promoted. Twice.

Sadly, the people who came in to fill the gaps the nice ones left are themselves rather N, so much so that merely having a coffee break with these folks is now an exhausting, frustrating and pointless competition - about anything, everything, and nothing - rather than an opportunity for a simple relaxing conversation. So I generally turn down invites from them now. Sad.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2005, 09:27:26 PM by Stormchild »

miss piggy

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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2005, 10:13:07 PM »
Hi yall,

Yes, being loud is one enormous tipoff you are in the presence of an N!!!  Hey!  Hey!  Hey!

Funny thing, one of my BILs is an enormous N but because he lives faraway, he is not a problem for me.   He and my SIL came to visit for a family gathering.  My mother commented, "he sure is loud!" which I thought was hysterical coming from her because of her tolerance for my LOUD father. 

My Nfather also likes to step all over everything and is quite clumsy.  If you are reading Eric Berne's book, this is called Schlemiel.  But of course, there is another contender in my family who takes the Schlemiel cake by borrowing and breaking things and saying "sorry!"  We stopped letting her borrow things, which made her quite angry and resentful "don't you trust me?"  Uh, no.  and then eventually we stopped having her over altogether and my life is much more peaceful.  My father is still tripping over things.  :?  MP


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2005, 10:43:07 PM »
I had this one Nish friend who would always do this thing where she would fake cry, to be funny, or somewhat as a joke(?), but it would go on for like 3 minutes or more!!!! Either that or she would laugh in a high pitched and fake way, for a really long time.  Everyone around was expected to be silent but paying all attention to her. Also, she would make noises while doing something and then get disgruntled when you did not read her signals that you should come over and start paying attention to her, and the whole house would take on a very dark and scary feeling then.


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2005, 10:59:39 PM »
My mother was histrionic and  became much worse as she got older. She was always accident prone, too, which I think was a way of getting attention, and after her accidents she became the long-suffering drama queen. How many people do you know that break their ankle by tripping on a dog bone? She had accidents like that constantly.

She would tease people that she perceived as weaker unmercifully in a really mean way and she would have this almost manic gleam in her eye. After I left for college, she started saying FU*K or Fu*king constantly at the top of her lungs. Iit was embarrassing to go anywhere with her because she talked loudly and gestured dramatically.... :?  :oops: complete with multiple swear words. We could be in the store buying apples and the apples became the "F apples" in the "F store" that we had to drive four "F miles to get to, F it."  One time she used the F word six times in one sentence.  :roll: When meeting new people she would stiffen into almost a military posture and talk to them very authoritatively..very primly and properly, dropping the bad language. She also smoked and didn't care if a place had No Smoking rules...they didn't apply to her, so whereever she went, she left a trail of ashes and fumes. She also overdressed, wore way too much makeup and dripped jewelry .She had money but absolutely excrable taste. She ran around the house in a short transparent nightgown...not a pretty sight. She also did the farting, noseblowing thing and would use the bathroom and not shut the door. For years my biggest fear was becoming like my mother.  :shock: Well, it hasn't happened, thank God.

My father was withdrawn. As a self-hating Jew, he did not want to be seen as pushy or bombastic and hated any show of effusion. His mother was the same way. I was constantly told not to be "pushy" because people might take it the wrong way.  My dad was very shut down and depressed unless he had been drinking and then he was abusive. However, my dad liked to hang around the house in his underwear and was a class A farter, belcher and noseblower, as well as a chomper at the table.  I am sure my dad married my mom because he saw her as warm and expressive....little did he know what forms her expression would take.  :shock: My mom probably married my dad because his family was wealthy and elegant...and little did she know Mr Elegant would be hanging around the house in his skivvies. :shock:

Anyway, I had very few friends over and when I was home I spent most of my time in my room with the door closed.

I have a good friend who is very histrionic and I love him dearly. He is gay and he admits he is a "flaming drama queen." He loves drag, but doesn't cross-dress now that he is older and, as he says, "Too heavy. Muu muus make me look stupid. I wanna be stylin', not dressed like some frump." I make jewelry and when he comes over he loves to try it on and flounce around in it, saying,"Oh, I feel so pretty." It's hysterically funny because he is tall and weighs over 300 lbs! My daughter and my husband also adore him. I can spend hours with him and his drama doesn't bother me at all.   


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2005, 04:20:18 AM »
my dad liked to hang around the house in his underwear and was a class A farter, belcher and noseblower, as well as a chomper at the table.

Shriek!! Too much information!

My exNH has pet phrases that he uses constantly. His favourite at the moment is from the Churchill advert (for UK readers)....'Ohhhhh yessssssss, ohhhhhh yesssssss' whenever he replies in the affirmative. It's like he has a set repetoir for 80% of his speech and you get the impression that he would much rather communicate solely on these lines and acts as if it is an imposition if he is required to engage in real conversation. He also pulls strange faces, like haughty or snooty ones looking down his nose if you pull him up over something he has said or ask him a leading question that requires an honest answer.

He also has countless 'accidents' and mistakes and acts as though he is performing all of the time. He is incapable of holding eye contact and says that 'it is just him', yet when we were courting he used to gaze into my eyes all of the time. Absolutely full of inconsistencies and bull**it.


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2005, 06:08:55 AM »
My younger brother (N?) does everything loudly.  He blows his nose like a trumpet.  He sings loudly (and not very well!!), he drinks with great gulps, very fast.  He also eats fast, as if in a race. 

My mum talks loud, and constantly, unless I am around, in which case she sits in stony silence.   8)

I think a lot of this behaviour is territorial, especially the grosser forms of it that people have described.  They might just as well pee against the furniture and have done with it.   :lol: :lol:

My mum had one that I cannot bring myself to describe.  Actually, a milder variant is that she used to sit and pick her feet in the living room while watching television; we would just hear this constant pick, pick, pick.  <bleeuuurrggggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!>  How to say; 'this space is mine, and I can do what I damned well please in any part of it.'

This is alpha behaviour, and it is designed to keep us in our place as betas, imo.


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2005, 07:08:54 AM »
I think a lot of this behaviour is territorial, especially the grosser forms of it that people have described.  They might just as well pee against the furniture and have done with it. ... This is alpha behaviour, and it is designed to keep us in our place as betas, imo.

Two thoughts -- first, October, you have absolutely nailed it, right on the head. It's aggressive territory marking. And frankly, when they sink low enough, they do mark territory just like animals.

Second - speaking of noise, aggression, and Ns - I don't know what they're called in the UK, but we call them 'boomer cars' over here in the Colonies ;-). Cars where nearly all the space is taken up with exorbitant sound systems installed primarily for use to annoy the neighbours. DEFINITELY N. And we don't have ASBOs, darn it.


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2005, 09:47:50 AM »
I think a lot of this behaviour is territorial, especially the grosser forms of it that people have described.  They might just as well pee against the furniture and have done with it. ... This is alpha behaviour, and it is designed to keep us in our place as betas, imo.

Two thoughts -- first, October, you have absolutely nailed it, right on the head. It's aggressive territory marking. And frankly, when they sink low enough, they do mark territory just like animals.

Second - speaking of noise, aggression, and Ns - I don't know what they're called in the UK, but we call them 'boomer cars' over here in the Colonies ;-). Cars where nearly all the space is taken up with exorbitant sound systems installed primarily for use to annoy the neighbours. DEFINITELY N. And we don't have ASBOs, darn it.

I wish we did, but as a nation of cowboys and yahoos, it is not likely to happen.

October, next time I run into a very Nish person, I am going to remember the "pee against the furniture" quote and hopefully not die laughing. I am really glad that I had just swallowed my coffee before I read that!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2005, 10:06:20 AM by amethyst »


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2005, 09:03:06 PM »
My N mother also went to the bathroom and left the door open.  She also had a very loud voice.  I still cringe when I remember her walking through the house in her baby-doll pajamas.  Not attractive on an 85 year-old woman.  She started using a walker when whe was in her early 80's even though she didn't really need it.  I often caught glimpses of her in stores when she didn't know I was watching and she was walking normally and quite fast too.  I always thought she liked it because people would see it and get out of her way.  :lol:


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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2005, 09:19:13 PM »
And frankly, when they sink low enough, they do mark territory just like animals.

Just realized what an insult this is to clean, affectionate, housebroken, sweet-smelling cats and good, loving, housebroken, well-groomed dogs, not to mention ferrets and raccoons and foxes and deer and voles and jellyfish and skunks and skinks and schools of anchovies... sorry, critters. Forgive me for comparing Ns to you. :shock:

Added on edit: this apology does not apply to scorpions, funnelweb spiders, yellowjackets, and moray eels.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2005, 09:26:07 PM by Stormchild »

Sallying Forth

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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2005, 03:56:25 AM »
My Ngrandpa used to make the most disgusting noises while eating. They were so disgusting I would get sick to my stomach hearing him eat. He would take the biggest plate of food for any family gathering and wolf it all down in less than 10 minutes.

One Thanksgiving dinner he took almost all the turkey and piled it on his plate. His plate was heaped so high by the time he got to the table. My Nmother had to pull her Nfather out of the room to ask him to put some turkey back for the rest of us. He acted like a 6 year old and took everything off his plate except a small turkey leg, a small amount of vegetables and one small scoop of yams. He was bright red when he sat down. Then proceeded to obnoxiously slurp his dinner down making as much noise as possible. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Irritating n mannerisms
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2005, 05:08:32 PM »
Great topic! My N mother would also walk into the bathroom and use the toilet- had irritable bowel syndrome- whenever she knew one of us was in the bath/shower or on the toilet- she'd hang out talking till you were done. Ny ex N- who is a sex addict- would constantly interrupt conversations- with my friends and with complete strangers no matter the setting( coffee shops, plays, dinner parties, workplace etc)- and loudly discuss the size of his penis, women being addicted to it, what he'd do to women( sure as hell wasn't engaging in any manner sexually( thank God in the long run!)- with me! Would mention he was considering working in porn industry in some capacity!- either as a " star" or " managing female porn stars". How pathetic for a 52 yr old man who looks ten yrs. older- never mind sick and pathetic all the way around! Adrift in his own sadistic grandiose little world of unreality! Moira 
I've just ended abusive relationship of 1 yr. with male narcissist. I cycle between stages of anger and grieving and have accepted it. Hope I've alienated him so he won't recontact me- is this possible?     Moira