In fact it was as bad as I expected ,maybe worse.
David. I am sorry you are still in this muck. Have you ever heard the expression: you get what you expect? I think it applies well here. It sounds like you are mired in the negative energy of your N parents (father in particular). He is still in control of you, your thoughts, your reactions. Until you "leave the ring" entirely (boxing metaphor) to let him "swing at air" or another "opponent", things will not change. I'm sorry.
The therapist was doing what any "negotiator" will do: if she wanted your parents to be "open" to what you had to say, do you think "I think you are just as screwed up as David does" would have helped? Calling it "percieved" was her attempt at keeping them receptive to seeing that what they saw as acceptable parenting, was percieved by YOU to be abuse. I don't think she was undermining you, rather attempting to make a certain train wreck, stay on track a bit.
Frankly, I am surprised she agreed to any of this, as if she knew anything about abusers/controllers, she wouldn't have let you bother...but maybe you are persuasive.
Anyway, can you see how the negativity just grew and grew? Until you learn to DROP this as your will see your life as this negative runaway train. Only you can save yourself, not your therapist, not your parents suddenly realizing how screwed up they are, etc. (and that's unlikely).
When we focus on what we DON'T want in life....we get more of the same. It's the way, I believe, energy works.
When I find myself focusing on my ex, what he is thinking of doing next "to me" in court, what his strategies might's ok for a second or two, for I need to plan, but quickly it can turn into nothing but negativity and I have given him control over my thoughts. (always a choice...whether you are consious of it or not).
I realize that I can stop the downward spiral of my own precious thoughts...and "leave the ring" emotionally. It's all about finding what you want for my life and making that my focus.
I will echo what others have said before: wanting to right an injustice (believe me, I know about THAT one!) or to show these screwed up people the error of their ways is FUTILE!!! Got that? FUTILE.
If you see it as "then they have won..." well, heck, that's a mind game you can play in your head or not... (I'd choose not).
If you see it as "there is no hope for them, I cannot save them, God bless them but I have to LIVE my OWN life..." then YOU have won! Won what? Your life back! Your power back!
Another expression for you to mull over: "Attachment equals suffering".
What are you attached to that is causing you suffering? In my life, it is that I am attached to something I cannot control, but am emotionally attached to having that control anyway. A certain recipe for pain. Let it go, David. Let your parents go. (and that will hurt). Pain is there for us to learn lessons in life.
Learn it and you will be free. This doesn't mean you won't feel pain again, it's just you will know what to do with it...which is to let it go, again and again, and refocus on what you DO want out of life. You get to choose.
Bless you, David. The best lessons in life are the hard ones.