thanks, friends.
Movinon, the weekend was ok. Kids are still with him. Until tomorrow night (long story). Both kids came over for part of Easter afternoon, and my d wanted to look at houses and room decorating ideas for "her new room". so I guess she still wants to move.
His attorney told mine that they will be taking me to task about "talking" to my daughter and gaining her "compliance" before making my announcement. HUH??? Like I wouldn't talk to my own 13 year old about her future??? Gimme a break.
Anyway, today he emailed me that if my son does not follow these "rules" he listed, then he will not contribute what he originally agreed to for his college tuition. One of the rules was that my son could not have visitors or relatives for regular or extended amounts of time (I guess this means me, as I will live a few hours away).
There were other ridiculous things, like, he can't take his car (hello, I own the friggin car! but it's not like anyone would take a car into that city anyway....), and that he (ex) demands to know where I am getting the money to pay for my portion of the tuition...(none of his business....) and that he will not be able to work his first year at all, and that he (ex) will not pay any amount above his already agreed to amount....and that he (ex) will only accept a certain amount of money that his son will be in debt (student loan) upon graduation. Yes, you read that right: HE will only accept a certain amount of indebtedness that his SON will be in....HUH??? If any of the above terms are not met: he will not contribute. Nice guy ,huh?? He's losing his mind.
Anyway: my husband and I and my attorney have all agreed: tell him to take a hike with his money. Yes, it's a lot of money, but we will make do. We will make it happen for this kid. The amount of "control" this man wants over his soon to be adult son is preposterous. He actually called this (paying for college) his "INVESTMENT". And he doesn't want to make a "bad" investment.
I feel like puking.
I have had a day from hell, but within every bad/hard/challenging thing at work, at home, with this crap,(I could fill ten pages with just today!!!!!!ARRRGGGHHH) I have found amazingly wonderful things and such kindness from people.
My mentor is willing to speak to me (crisis intervention like) tomorrow first thing in the morning...and she is hard to get an appointment with.....the guy working on my house (paid by the hour) did so much work today, it's amazing!!!.........the doggy day care would not take my dogs because I forgot to get the bordatello shots, but then MY VET (who they called for records) said "bring em on over!!!" and took them today!! (and gave me a break on both the shots and the boarding).
And the project I thought was in the tank, has miraculously recovered, and although it's going to be a crazy week, full of surprises with this student led least it's a go (it means money for me).
OKAY< enough rambling. Love you guys!