Thank you all sooooo much for the good thoughts and support.
I have told my daughter: "parents don't forget their children", "isn't it wonderful that they are adopting a baby that is thought of as a discard in that society", "how fun for you, you get to be a big sister"....etc, etc.. and I have near bitten my tongue off of late. I will not protect him, but in my quest to be positive and show her how anything can be a plus....I know in a way, he gets protected. OH WELL!!
I see it like this: he will do anything to protect the lie that is his life and his fragile little bully ego. At any cost. I will do anything to protect myself and my children FROM the lie....if that means he benefits as a by product....well, not my concern or my problem.
But I do see my move as an unvieling of sorts.....or rather, I am simply stepping out of the way and letting the relationship between him and the children, however awful it hurts, to exist in truth. Or maybe it's that I am finally allowing MY truth to stand....and letting what ever else happens take it's course.
As far as the courts....well, he petitioned to not let my d go with me (or actually/stupidly, that I should not move, which will not be upheld as that is unconstitutional), we responded and petitioned additionally that my d be appointed her own attorney to represent her wishes, immediately. We thoroughly expect my ex will contest that, which means ANOTHER hearing before the main hearing, just to determine if the judge will allow her to have representation....
Honestly, it's CRAZY stuff, and sometimes I just have to laugh. It's like some kind of baaaad soap opera!!!!
I can't wait to leave all this drama behind. I do know that my life will be so calm and peaceful and happy, and REAL SOON!!!
Thanks again for the support!!! Love you all!!