Author Topic: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi  (Read 4831 times)


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( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« on: May 08, 2006, 01:34:32 AM »
at PETCO today my son asked for more pets- fish and a lizard.

I know he connects with animals, and wants more of them in our household, but I told him to wait, read up on his chosen pets, and plan what we'll need.

I want him to be sure he really is prepared to take care of them and not be neglectful.

He wouldn't walk the puppy last week, I told him he needs to be mindful....
pets are such a lesson though, it's worth cultivating a menagerie!

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury,pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Certain Hope

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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2006, 08:43:12 AM »
Dear Write,

   We have quite a menagerie here at our home  :) and I think "cultivate" is a key word there.... all of these critters do require time, consistent care, and devotion. They certainly do give alot of enjoyment in return for our efforts, though! To me, the appeal of these domesticated animals is that they're so accepting of us and absolutely devoid of evil intent... well, except for cats, maybe  :?  and they don't sit around plotting how they can manage and control their humans. Hmmm... again, cats may be an exception to this. ;) 

   AMEN to the prayer by St. Francis. I've always loved that one because, for me, it encapsulates the entire teachings of Jesus. The Law is love. Nothing more, nothing less.



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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2006, 09:09:44 AM »
For anyone who has been here for awhile, you know that I am the ultimate animal lover and protector.  My children have been raised around a house full of cats and dogs and I think it has greatly helped them to gain the sensitivity and empathy necessary to care for those who cannot care for themselves.  I hope it will help them, as I believe it helped me, to be better parents when the day comes.  Thank you for sharing the prayer of St. Francis.

I understand your upset for the killing of the bunny by your dog.  Just instinct, you know.  I have been known to chase down one of my cats many years ago to rescue the baby bunny it had in its mouth (bunnies really scream when scared or hurt).  Fortunately, my dogs have never killed (or worse yet wounded and left me to kill) anything, but when I used to let my cats outside, they were known for occasionally getting a bird (I do, however, cheer when they capture mice or voles).



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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2006, 09:38:31 AM »
This reminds me of the time when my dog (a shepherd+Chow+travelingsalesdog mix) cornered a groundhog in our yard and proceeded to have the bloodiest, shriekingest battle that went on for half an hour before she dispatched it. Awful! But there was laughter in the aftermath...

NMom, of course, refused to accept my explanation that the corpse was that of a groundhog. I was in my PJs and hadn't had a chance to dress. I asked her to give me five minutes but she was in instant-gratification mode. She said, oh I'll ask Dr. X, next door (implication being that a DOCTOR would recognize a GROUNDHOG, but a mere 55 y/o DAUGHTER would not). Classic example of her granting instant authority and respect to males...any males...while I stand there with my brain in my hand.

I bit my tongue, she called the doctor, he came over and soberly stared at it and said, yup, that's a groundhog. I put it in a trashbag but not before hoisting it in the air, glaring wildly at the neighbors (who have a sense of my absurdity, fortunately) and said, Yes, and since she wouldn't believe ME, this is what she's having for dinner!

The neighbor's wife cracked up...she's known NMom for a loooong time. My mother just tittered.
My dog refused to apologize to the groundhog.

Sigh. Ah, nature.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2006, 12:08:49 PM »
It made me realize that my dog.. is not ..human afterall

I know, they try so hard to please it's difficult not to anthropomorphise that!

I just mentioned the pets to my ex, he said it will make more work for me inevitably but he sees a deep connection between our son and animals so it's worth it! I smiled that he didn't offer 'I'll come help...'


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2006, 07:06:59 PM »
Hi all:

Personally, I think pets are fantastic for a child to get to experience life with (did I say that any way clear at all??).   I mean.....there's nothing like having a pet, when you're a kid.

They are a lot of work and responsibility but if the child is willing to do their part...I think those are good lessons too.

Our animals have all been like family members after awhile (some with high ranking spots in the pack) and I think kids are smarter than we give them credit for sometimes.  They figure out that the pet is an animal but they get so much out of the companionship and the experience of loving them, taking care of them, etc that it is well worth having them around. 

Bottom have to be prepared to do much of the work write, if it becomes necessary.  Have you had any pets before?   I bet your son is excited about it!!   :D :D

 :D Sela

PS:  I love that prayer to St. Francis....especially when it is sung, as a hymn.


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2006, 08:44:12 PM »
I find that really moving.
In part, because the dogs were caged to be experimented with...and the suffering kids reached out to them...and they helped each other.

Dogs amaze me. I often hunt for "dog stories" on the Net when I'm feeling blue.
But any inter-species connection stories move me a lot. Remember the grateful whale one I posted some time back?

I'd love links, anytime anyone reads one like that.

Thanks for reminding me of all the different kinds of love there are in this world...the blessing of animals. (How I miss James Herriott!)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2006, 01:07:30 AM »
it's going to be a bearded dragon lizard, he talked about it with such interest and affection I'll let him go ahead- once he's done his research- even though that's 10 X the cost of the other lizards...

James Herriot, yes I still read those from time to time, I made a pilgrimage to Thirsk in the days before the house was a proper museum, wonderful.

I'm no Bhuddist though- a huge tree roach in the house had me reaching for the Raid Max...


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2006, 02:50:31 AM »
I am deliberately avoiding researching the new pet for now- I want my son to show me he can be responsible in informing us...

come up on Google but

was the one I liked best:

A Pet's Prayer

   Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me.

   Do not break my spirit with a stick for though I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.

     Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.

    When it is cold and wet, please take me inside, for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements. And I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth. Though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land, for you are my god and I am your devoted worshiper.

    Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, willing and able to protect you with my life should your life be in danger.

   And, beloved master, should the great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather, hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest and I will leave you knowing the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands.

Written by Beth Norman Harris


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2006, 07:16:10 AM »
                                                      The Prayer of Saint Francis         ST FRANCIS lived simply was kind ,gentle ,loved Jesus with all his
                                                                                                   heart.LOVED Animals and children and people and he was loved
                                                                                                    in return.He took a vow of poverty
 O Lord , make me an instrument of thy Peace
Where there is hatred , let me sow love
Where there is injury ,pardon
Where there is discord ,harmony, harmony
Where there is doubt ,faith
Where there is despair ,hope
Where there is darkness ,light and
Where there is sorrow ,joy
Oh Divine Master grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console
to be understood as to understand to be loved
as to love, for it is in giving that we receive
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life     


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2006, 07:18:25 AM »
Sounds like a portrait of your heart, Moon.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2006, 09:18:39 AM »
hi Moon~
how's your sleeping?


My mood swung around and I slept the past 2 nights just fine?!

The night before was a big storm so the dog slept with me...nice to have company ( for a change! ) but she's a real bed-hog!


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2006, 04:45:15 PM »
hi Write just fine here last 2 nites were good I did wake up in the middle of the nite last nite for a bit but went right back to sleep.
Thanks for asking. I do marvel at my 13 year old .I say "Its time to go to bed " she jumps in bed no more than 3 minutes shes sound asleep ,such lovely beauty to behold .And when my 13 year old is asleep shhhhhhhhhhhh
do not tell any one but I still can see traces of my small baby.Such a silly moon am I .Then in the morning she says" Mom wheres my lunch money you said you would put it on my desk and only my desk whats going on"
So much for the baby idea...........................................................


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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2006, 08:27:10 PM »
I feel so sorry for that poor groundhog. Couldn't anyone have pulled the dog away from it? That story has been bothering me ever since I read it. Poor, cornered, frightened, murdered thing.

:-( :-( :-(
« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 01:43:12 PM by Stormchild »
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Re: ( Parental Pet ) Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2006, 09:48:08 PM »
I'm sorry, Storm. I thought about that after I told the tale. It wasn't a very sensitive thing to post.

I really was struck with horror and pity when the battle was going on.
The thing is, my dog is large and has a fierce streak...and to get between her and that groundhog would have guaranteed me a bite. She was in full-wild mode at that point, and by the time I got outside it was too late to save it, and more merciful to let her finish the job. (My black humor about "dinner" was partly to shake off the tell the truth.)

Let me know if you'd like me to remove that post, I would not mind at all.

Apologies for the horror story.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."