This reminds me of the time when my dog (a shepherd+Chow+travelingsalesdog mix) cornered a groundhog in our yard and proceeded to have the bloodiest, shriekingest battle that went on for half an hour before she dispatched it. Awful! But there was laughter in the aftermath...
NMom, of course, refused to accept my explanation that the corpse was that of a groundhog. I was in my PJs and hadn't had a chance to dress. I asked her to give me five minutes but she was in instant-gratification mode. She said, oh I'll ask Dr. X, next door (implication being that a DOCTOR would recognize a GROUNDHOG, but a mere 55 y/o DAUGHTER would not). Classic example of her granting instant authority and respect to males...any males...while I stand there with my brain in my hand.
I bit my tongue, she called the doctor, he came over and soberly stared at it and said, yup, that's a groundhog. I put it in a trashbag but not before hoisting it in the air, glaring wildly at the neighbors (who have a sense of my absurdity, fortunately) and said, Yes, and since she wouldn't believe ME, this is what she's having for dinner!
The neighbor's wife cracked up...she's known NMom for a loooong time. My mother just tittered.
My dog refused to apologize to the groundhog.
Sigh. Ah, nature.