AAARRRGGGHHH, I am regressing a bit, but also making a big breakthrough connection right now. This sentence, "Are you mad at me?" has fueled so much of my fear for so many years. Now, on the brink of heading back to my parents' for this ful filled summer vacation, I am feeling the ugly mass of inside steel wool that accompanied me for 20 years or so. When I am with them, I walk on eggshells. This summer, three of my dearest friend will come to visit me, and I will have to broach the subject with them about whether they mind if I go see them for a bit. I SPENT SO MANY YEARS DOING THIS... finding a time to bring up a subject, knowing I would get yelled at probably. Surprised if they ever agreed to somethign (Can I go to the movies... God, Like I haven't driven around all day... Can I go see a freind... You are never at home *I was ONLY at home*... and so on). In normal families, don't kids hang out with their friends and stuff?????? EVERY little thing was a huge deal and a major hurdle. I was scared to ask anything.
SO I feel like that again now... My husband says, don't worry about it... just do what you need to do. But you know, no matter what, it will all be an issue. And if they "schedule" something to do... We have to act like it is the best thing we have ever done in our entire lives, or else they are so disappointed and apologize for days and days.
So.... while I am glad I have identified this now... how the heck do I deal with it?????????????
Love, Beth