Dear Guest:
May I suggest that you spend some time reading this board very well and very slowly. And then, if you can conclude that these Narcissists don't have an enormously negative effect on their children's lives...and the lives of their children's children, then, by all means, you keep your children and yourself around your Narcissist.
There would not be so many of us still crying in our adulthood if we weren't so deeply hurt in our childhood by these selfish Narcissists. It is a pain that never goes away, trust me.
I can only speak for myself, but the horrible memories of my childhood haunt me still at low times. You just get tired of the pain sometimes.
Some of us have been able to cope better than others, but the ones who cope the poorest commit suicide, drink and/or drug excessively or find some other poor coping method for their constant anxiety (i.e., sexual addiction or any addiction).
Oh, yeah....a Narcissist is a great role model alright. Think about it.