Something very sweet and unusual happened to me today.
I decided to take a few hours off in the morning, emailed my supervisors late yesterday to inform them.
It was a beautiful day. Low humidity, temps in the upper 70s, Oregon summer weather on the East Coast!
I found a used book online that I've been searching for, and it was still available, and I ordered it

I had a slight scare regarding some financial stuff, and went to the bank to check up on things, and everything is fine

I've started eating yogurt again, and cottage cheese, and had a midnight snack last night and my stomach felt GOOD this morning...

So I went looking for a little deli to have breakfast. Felt like exploring. Thought I knew where one might be... and it was! So in I went with my newspaper, had a nice chat with the waitress while placing my order. Caught the eye of a gent sitting in another booth with a friend, and we smiled at each other. Then I got into the paper and breakfast came.
About the time I was starting on the toast [saved for last, like dessert] they were ready to leave; he said something to his friend, got up, came over, introduced himself, gave me his business card, and talked with me for about ten minutes... it was clear to me that he was (a) interested and (b) nervous... based on our chat, he's also a scientist by training and, like me, not working directly in his graduate field of study any more.
And wonder of wonders he looks as though he's my age.
I was nice... didn't get flustered, didn't 'perform', didn't try to tell him all about myself in five minutes or less. Have to say I admired his courage; I wasn't unwelcoming at all, but I know it was daunting nonetheless. I was calm, kind-spoken, and encouraging, but I didn't jump all over, I was just... nice.
Anyway... he expressed an interest in getting together, if I'd like to, sometime, and I said I'd email him. Tonight I did, using one of my 'backup' email accounts, and suggested coffee and a snack at a local coffeehouse, offered to meet him there.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. But do you know, I was much more detached at work than usual, and I do mean detached: I saw all kinds of dynamics very clearly without the usual emotional response to them.
And I printed out the brochure for the writers' workshop I've signed up for... and am going to, no matter what!
Anyway. This was a nice day. And I enjoyed it. Just as it was.