Author Topic: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself  (Read 203379 times)


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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #795 on: September 27, 2007, 03:04:53 PM »
Hey Bonesy-

My church sponsored the program for years and many came, and many worked to help as well- we even had sweet ladies in their late 80's and early 90's shucking corn, snapping beans, etc, serving. Amazing. ( I am embarrassed to say that I didn't help as much as they did!)Apparently some political brouhaha or other happened- they do provide housing and employment for some unemployed still.
I truly admire your work- I hope to do a small bit of the good that you do as a lawyer (someday- though I am getting a student bar card soon and can then  do some legal tasks for an agency)




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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #796 on: September 28, 2007, 02:57:29 AM »
Hey Bonesy-

My church sponsored the program for years and many came, and many worked to help as well- we even had sweet ladies in their late 80's and early 90's shucking corn, snapping beans, etc, serving. Amazing. ( I am embarrassed to say that I didn't help as much as they did!)Apparently some political brouhaha or other happened- they do provide housing and employment for some unemployed still.
I truly admire your work- I hope to do a small bit of the good that you do as a lawyer (someday- though I am getting a student bar card soon and can then  do some legal tasks for an agency)



Thanks, Changing!

The more people who get involved, the more we can get done.

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #797 on: September 28, 2007, 07:45:29 AM »
Hi Bones,
There's a great interfaith program called IMPACT.
Congregations/faiths divide into small groups and have meetings, each group figuring out through structured discussion which social justice issues are top priorities for them, and rank their top ten in order of priority. The all the results of one church's meetings are pooled and that church's top ten are identified by priority order. Then, all the churches send reps who meet together and pool their priorities, and you've got a master list. Wonderful community-building concept.

Thennnn....the top 2 priorities are tackled for 2 years. Committees for research are arranged, to get the latest info and solution ideas from all over, on a particular issue. That is presented to the churches' reps in progressively larger meetings, and it's quickly winnowed into very specific action steps that this community needs and can do. (In our town, where one issue was public transport that responded to the needs of the poor was one of the first issues, we identified extended bus service nights and starting Sunday service, and a new route that poor people had been walking) Next there's a huge rally/meeting with hundreds of people from all the IMPACT churches to which all the civic and political leaders are invited. The solutions have been clearly proposed in very very specific, YES or NO questions, and there are rousing speeches and each politician is invited to the podium one at a time to be asked and answer. Very respectful behavior is outlined at the beginning for the crowd, with humor ("We will not boo you if you say NO, but we will right now hold a moment of silence for you.") And we did it! And it does have an IMPACT on issues.

Have no idea why I'm going on and on except our homeless program came out of the same process.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #798 on: September 28, 2007, 02:30:27 PM »
Thanks, Hops!

I'll look and see if there is anything similar in my state.

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #799 on: September 28, 2007, 02:41:22 PM »
I think I encountered another N during my telephone shift.  Part of what I do is conducting intakes for people who are applying for transitional housing.  The one stipulation is that the person applying has to call directly.  We do not accept 3rd party calls.  This individual called wanting to speak on behalf of his "friend".  I explained our policy that his friend will need to call directly and began to give him the appropriate phone number.  (As I was in the process of training a new volunteer, I had the speaker on so she could observe how calls were handled.  The afternoon supervisor was also listening.)  The caller immediately got on his high horse about how DARE I refuse to make a special exception for HIM and demanded how I could DARE to refuse his demands!  (EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!?)  My supervisor whispered:  "Transfer him to me!  LET ME AT HIM!!!"  It was an interesting experience!

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #800 on: September 29, 2007, 09:50:12 PM »
BTW, in my quest to become certified or licensed, I had been sending more questions to the licensing board.  In response, they sent me a copy of their list of board-approved supervisors.  As I was looking through it, I realized that the list is already seriously out-of-date because one of the individuals on the list quit working in the field for health reasons and another was already in failing health the last time I saw him so I'm not certain if he's still alive let alone working.  I've sent another question back to the board to address this issue as well.   :roll:

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #801 on: September 30, 2007, 10:54:22 AM »
P.S.  The board-approved supervisor who quit, she quit in 2006.  The other one in failing health, I had not seen since 2005.  Given that it is now 2007, that begs the question as to how often the licensing board updates their list?

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #802 on: October 02, 2007, 02:19:02 AM »
The licensing board hasn't responded, yet, to my recent questions.  I'm going to wait about a week before following up with another phone call to see if I can make some progress somewhere in this department.

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #803 on: October 03, 2007, 12:04:04 PM »
I've just realized last night that my new boss is one of us with an Nmother.

For example, his 14-year-old nephew was recently rushed to the hospital after he suffered a life-threatening asthma attack and had been rendered unconscious.  The child was in the intensive care unit, still unconscious, for most of the week.  (Thank God, he's recovering now.)  Needless to say, the child's mother and uncle were worried sick while this child was at death's door.  The Ngrandmother's response to this crisis?  She's WHINING that NO ONE is paying attention to HER!  Plus, she's demanding to know WHY this grandchild is NOT ASKING ABOUT HER!!!!   :shock:  The child was unconscious and at death's door for God's sake!  The Nwoman is a dingbat with her priorities all skewed!!!  That child could have DIED and she's whining that it's not about her because no one is paying attention to her?!?!?!?!?  Sheesh!!!!!!

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #804 on: October 04, 2007, 01:13:49 AM »
BTW, the nephew is still in the hospital, on oxygen, so please keep him in your prayers.

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #805 on: October 06, 2007, 09:55:42 PM »
Hello Bones-

Please let us know about the condition of the little boy- he is going on the prayer wall tomorrow.




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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #806 on: October 07, 2007, 02:22:04 AM »
 I am so new to this board, but you all have embraced me when I needed it most. I just wanted to share with you that I walked out on my job of 16 years in July. This was due to a near breakdown over the N in my life. I was pretty much at the end of my ropes even though I had interviewed quite a bit. Friday, when I was unsure if I could go on, I received a call that I got the job. This whole experience has taught me that God has a plan and I just need to trust, I do know how hard it is at times. I hope and pray that your time comes soon and you realize how wonderful you are.


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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #807 on: October 07, 2007, 12:16:32 PM »
Hello Bones-

Please let us know about the condition of the little boy- he is going on the prayer wall tomorrow.



Thanks, Changing!

He's out of the hospital now.

His uncle, who's a bit of an agnostic described what I consider a miracle, even though the uncle is still puzzled about how it happened.  One of the boy's lungs improved but the other lung function was still not what it was supposed to be.  The doctor stated that if the lung improved, then the boy could be discharged from the hospital.  If the lung did not improve, then they would have to insert a chest tube.  (The boy was hearing all of this.)  Within the hour, the lung in question did a complete 180!  The uncle is still scratching his head about that!   :)

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #808 on: October 07, 2007, 12:18:47 PM »
I am so new to this board, but you all have embraced me when I needed it most. I just wanted to share with you that I walked out on my job of 16 years in July. This was due to a near breakdown over the N in my life. I was pretty much at the end of my ropes even though I had interviewed quite a bit. Friday, when I was unsure if I could go on, I received a call that I got the job. This whole experience has taught me that God has a plan and I just need to trust, I do know how hard it is at times. I hope and pray that your time comes soon and you realize how wonderful you are.

Thanks, Alone48, and welcome to the Board!

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Re: Lost My Job and Doubting Myself
« Reply #809 on: October 10, 2007, 01:06:10 PM »
Hello Bones-

Please let us know about the condition of the little boy- he is going on the prayer wall tomorrow.



Thanks, Changing!

He's out of the hospital now.

His uncle, who's a bit of an agnostic described what I consider a miracle, even though the uncle is still puzzled about how it happened.  One of the boy's lungs improved but the other lung function was still not what it was supposed to be.  The doctor stated that if the lung improved, then the boy could be discharged from the hospital.  If the lung did not improve, then they would have to insert a chest tube.  (The boy was hearing all of this.)  Within the hour, the lung in question did a complete 180!  The uncle is still scratching his head about that!   :)


A funny update....the child's back in school and now he's pouting because he has schoolwork to catch up on.  He thought the school would feel sorry for him and let him slide.  His parents and uncle told him..."Nope!  Your grades still have to come up."  So he's got his lip out.  I think he's well on his way and on the mend!   :)

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