I had my hands full when I was working the overnight shift Saturday night to Sunday morning. One individual REALLY PLUCKED EVERYONE'S LAST NERVE with her N-Behaviors!
When I arrived to relieve the evening staff person, he informed me of an incident that took place earlier Saturday evening. The host church was showing a movie and this N-individual decided that SHE didn't like the movie and, therefore, NO ONE SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO WATCH IT! She started throwing a screaming tantrum and the church volunteers put her in a "time out" away from everyone else. At 1:00 AM, she enters the room where the other clients are sleeping and demands to eat. First, there is no food out for anyone. Second, everyone has to get up at 5:00 AM which leaves her only four hours to sleep. Based on these facts, I advised that she get some sleep as soon as possible. She started screaming: "I CAN DO AS I PLEASE! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" The church volunteer took her back to "time out" so she wouldn't wake up the other clients. At 5:00 AM she comes back in, while the other clients are up and getting ready to leave, starts picking fights while screaming that everyone is picking on her. I told her that she needed to stop to which she replied: "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU B#$%H!" At that point, I told her to get out. This time, the church volunteer made her leave the building. Sheesh!!!!