Author Topic: Name the biggest N of the 20th century  (Read 5470 times)


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Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« on: September 05, 2006, 04:48:55 AM »
My vote Pablo Picasso without a doubt.......................................

He was superstitious ,mean,sarcastic man often rotten to his many wife's and mistress's and to his children.

Very beastly toward all women,he had utter contempt for women artists .
One of his most famous quotes about women were they were either "goddesses or doormats".

He was a minotaur in a labyrinth of his own construction.In his last years his work took on a manic obsessive quality regarding Death.He lived in terror of DEATH.

The only wife that escaped was Paloma's mother she still lives in Paris.She divorced him.
Paloma's mother Francoise Gilot is a great artist.His mistress Marie Therese was his favorite "doormat" she was his object .
Give me Matisse any day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Certain Hope

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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 07:19:56 PM »
Since popular opinion means little to me, O gets my vote!!

Wow, Jac, that is some article. Thanks for sharing it.



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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 10:28:08 PM »
Hmm...  I think I'm going to have to look at the human damage scale first, and base my vote on that.

Main contenders -- 20th century only? OK...

How about: Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who not only refused to believe that Hitler was a threat to Europe or the UK, but had people who disagreed accused of treason? And tried to get a young Winston Churchill drummed out of politics?

Or... that fine upstanding Father and Son combination, Papa Doc and Baby Doc Duvalier, who despoiled the land and people of Haiti to the point of utter devastation?

Charles Taylor, of Liberia?

P.W. Botha, president of South Africa, who incarcerated Mandela, and refused to testify to the Truth Commission after the fall of apartheid?

Then there's Pol Pot, whose innovative decorating ideas - involving the picked-clean skulls of his country's citizens - gave us the term 'killing fields'.

Augusto Pinochet, whose Chilean regime, along with the juntas of Uruguay and Argentina, gave us the term 'the disappeared' -

Nicolai Ceaucescu, dictator of Romania, who made life hell on earth for millions.

Mao Tse-Tung, who made life hell on earth for hundreds of millions. Under his Great Leap Forward, in parts of China, starvation was so acute that people resorted to cannibalism.

Like they did in Russia, under the reign of Uncle Josef Stalin.

But I guess my all-time hands-down favorite contender for the title would have to be everybody's one and only, the worst person in the world... so far, although quite a few others come close...

Adolf Hitler.

If I don't limit myself to human beings, though, the eternal prize would have to go to the Liar, the Father of Lies, the Covering Cherub, first of the fallen angels, hater of all that is good. For all these listed above are in every way his children, and spent their lives doing his work.

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"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2006, 12:31:48 AM »
Hey, jac, no need to change any votes anywhere. There are different spheres. Moon was thinking in the artistic sphere, you were thinking in the popular culture [US] sphere. I was thinking in the political-historical sphere.

In a very real sense the biggest N in each of our lives is the individual N who harmed us enough that we were driven here. In this case it truly does all depend on your perspective.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52

Certain Hope

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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2006, 12:51:26 PM »

  If I were going to change my vote, I wouldn't know which one from that list to choose. In fact, I realized that I never even thought of those individuals as N. Not sure that the word "sociopath" is even fitting for them... "infamists" maybe would suit, if there were such a term.

   But in considering your list, Stormy, I recognized that I no longer think of N as quite such a fearsome creature, at least when uncomplicated by other disorders. In a way, my own ex-N (who has to at least border on Psycho, imo) has become more of a pathetic buffoon in my mind. I think that's a good thing and a positive change?



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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2006, 01:37:28 AM »
How funny... I was thinking of literary Ns when I read the title. Amazing how we think differently and yet the same...

A lot to think about. Thank God my mother doesn't rule a country!
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2006, 09:09:35 PM »
I changed my vote to Hitler I was not thinking big enough



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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2006, 09:17:09 AM »
I had a long, long think about this. I came up with my answer:  Zaphod Beeblebrox

Some have noted the possibility that he has an ego the size of the universe.

in an infinite universe, the one thing sentient life cannot afford to have, is a sense of proportion.



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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2006, 02:49:45 AM »
Portia    After eating faerie cake is one to believe isness is a hologram?



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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2006, 06:39:58 AM »

isness.....a illusion? yah. All connected, always has been, always will be, there is no separate. Although 'a separate reality' is a fine text? 8)

Make mine a pan-galactic gargle-blaster on the rocks please :D (Zaphod's brew)


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Re: Name the biggest N of the 20th century
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2006, 12:59:50 PM »
love it   :D :D :D                         There is no separate yes beyond duality all vastness..................................

While I am here in the eternal now
I guess the barkeep can hustle me up the same.
ya know just in the meantime   :lol: