why is your life in limbo?
That is a bit complicated, but I'll try to be as brief as possible. I have talked about it in bits and pieces, but probably not all condensed in one thread.
- I moved to where I am now 25 years ago when I married my xh. I have no family here at all (well, actually no family anywhere), my kids are both in school elsewhere and really don't want to come back to this area to live unless they have to for employment reasons, and my closest friends are all married and spending a lot of their time in warmer climates or travelling. I gave up my career 21 years ago to be a full-time mom and despite having had a few part-time jobs over the years, I haven't worked outside the home for a number of years.
- I spent much of the last 21 years being heavily involved in volunteer activities within my childrens' schools and the community. When my son graduated from high school 3 years ago(my daughter had just finished her freshman year of HS), I decided it was time to give myself a break and spend some time on me. I got more involved in golf and some other leisure activities, was really starting to enjoy a little freedom from kid responsibilities, got my son off to college, and the next weekend my xh announced he wanted out of the marriage. All leisure activities came to a halt and I went into survival mode for the next 2 years to get myself and the kids through the divorce.
- During the last 3 1/2 years, my grandmother has died, my son left for college, my husband left me, I had to sell my home, my mother died, and now my daughter has left home to start school. The only things which have remained constant are my pets and my girlfriends.
- I am now faced with living in this house all by myself, with a bunch of empty rooms. It is much more than I need, and I'm guessing my daughter will probably only come home for one more summer. If I plan to stay here, there are changes I would like to make, but I don't know if it makes sense for me to stay.
- The real dilemma I face is, the only good reason I have to even stay in this area is because of my b/f. I love him dearly and would love to make a life with him, but I don't know if that is going to happen and I'm not sure how long I can wait to find out. I think I have about 6 months of waiting time left in me at this point. Otherwise, I would probably choose to move to a completely different part of the country and start all over.
So that is why I am in limbo and fearful of making any serious commitments--to a job, to this house, to this community. I'm sure part of it is to be protective of my heart and soul, so as not to suffer another devastating loss.
I appreciate all your suggestions and will take them to heart, as I have so many other words of encouragement. I have offered my services to our local humane society to give me something to do in the short term as I try to figure out the long term. I also will start the curling season at the end of October and that will keep me busy for the winter months. I know things will get better as I become more accustomed to this new empty nest, but believe me, it is not easy when you are all alone.
Thank you for the support. (((((((((((Plucky)))))))))))