Author Topic: Giving up daydreaming  (Read 6099 times)

Gaining Strength

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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2006, 11:06:47 AM »
Dream away - the night is far from the day.


Gaining Strength

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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2006, 06:47:50 PM »

I found this on the internet.  It is an excerpt from the thread on SHAME but I think  it might interest you.

Imagery is much different from fantasy. It is less arbitrary and more reality-based, and it occurs spontaneously, like a dream that exposes underlying feelings.

Maybe you can switch your day dreams to imagery.   - Yours - GS


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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2006, 10:37:27 AM »
Ok I'll try.

I guess it's on a level of knowing what is REAL and what is just my projected fantasy.

And not acting on my projected fantasy, for example it's no use me working up a load of feelings then being irritated when others don't respond to them!

On the subject of workign up feelings though- I need to stop associating so much with others who do the same. A line in a book jumped out at me a few days ago: healthy people don't fuel chemistry that's going nowhere!

If my friend continues to gaze at me, make subtle overtures, but never asks me out or communicates directly- I have to get used to other people do that too, and not read much into it with regard to our relationship.

I don't think it's any big mystery why I have had so many relationships with people who are also afraid of intimacy and rejection and who get easily overwhelmed with emotions.


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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2006, 12:54:03 AM »
Mowgli rocks!

Write, I daydream of you planting things while you daydream.
Creating physical things that you become involved with, and that stay with you.

To balance the writing and dreaming.

Like sculpture, pottery, baking. Something 3-D.

dunno why.

Sorry for clumsy brevity but I missed writing you!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2006, 06:04:58 AM »
Write, I daydream of you planting things while you daydream.
Creating physical things that you become involved with, and that stay with you.

I am planning to plant some stuff out front, pots of herbs I think would be nice:
lemon balm,
cilantro ( which we call coriander and some people call Chinese parsley )

Apparently ginger and patchouli thrive in Houston climate but lavendar and sage need special care. Tarragon don't bother.

I'd also like to grow a rose and some physallis ( which we used to call Chinese Lantern ) and a pot of narcissus for the spring.

Cooking I do more and more, very basic and from scratch.

I also started painting- watercolours- again. Not much and not well but I love it.

I missed writing you

me too!


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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2006, 10:38:23 PM »
I've been really focused this week and got much more done.

The house is a wreck, I need to dig out that thread and remember how I was handling that!!!

This is what is so lacking in the hum ho normal routine life of an
engineered to die society.

love it!

I wrote to someone recently no one ever lay on their deathbed wishing they had cleaned more. Well maybe someone with terminal food-poisoning...

Gaining Strength

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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2006, 11:25:46 PM »

That is just beautiful.  So glad you are here.

Gaining Strength


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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2006, 12:53:54 AM »

          I'm a little late in posting here, but was offline for a week. Trying to do some catch-up.  I have/had the same issues with daydreamng all my life.  Some of it was reality based, most was just imagination.  But I found that when life was really getting tough, my imagination was what kept me going.  Fantasy, imagery, daydream, whatever you call it, I was told by my therapist that the brain does not know the difference between a "real" memory and a dream or a fantasy.  It responds the same way to both.  So the feelings I could feel in my imagination were just as real as the feelings old memories stirred up.  And i didn;t have to live in the past to enjoy them. 
          I began keeping a journal of those sweet little dream bits i would get in my sleep of a gorgeous man wrapping me in his arms, or of being in the presence of someone I loved.  When my waking-life pain was too much, and my imagination failed, i could re-read (and remember) the feelings associated with those sweet dreams.  Somewhere I began to add little sweet moments that happened during the day, such as getting a sincere smile from some hot young thing at McDonalds or seeing a man alone in the grocery store with 3 little children trying desperately to appease them and get his shopping done.  Just little things that made me smile spontaneously. (The sound of Jackson Browne singing "It is One" in my headphones was one). 
           I know the value of having the ability to daydream.  Even if it is purely fantasy.  It serves me.  At least it used to.  That is one of the things I seem to have lost in the past 18 months, and I have recently begun to see some signs of it returning.  But now my fear is that ALL of my fantasies, dreams, imaginings, etc were nothing but fiction.  Useless in a very real, survival sense.  It's difficult to fantasize when you can't pay the electric bill or buy food. 
          Don't know if this helps at all.  But some major part of my soul is screaming to tell you



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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2006, 03:16:06 AM »

There is so much beauty in fiction .I love the imagination of writers .I love to read.
If all I did was paint and read and hang out That would be cool . 8)

But I too chase around the house not getting everything done.
Mr m does not give a hoot...............
He's not a perfectionist

But when company comes I zoom around the house and get everything done.

Write , watercolors are fun. I have some watercolor pencils in every color imaginable.
You make your drawing and leave it that way or use a wet brush over where you want a watercolor "look".
I use those pencils both ways .

You can find my water color brushes every where . I found one in the kitchen Mr. m was using it after grinding coffee beans to get
the grounds out of the grinder.



Gaining Strength

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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2006, 01:15:18 PM »

You've got everything you need to get unstuck!!!!!  Here you've written about your incredible "dream" mind. You and I could make a perfect team.  You have the great gift of imagination and I have an indeterminable faith, assurance.  Put them together and we are out of the dephs and into the sweet life.  I love sending you encouragement.  Won't you accept it?  What you got to lose? Ending up where you are today?

Well you have encouraged me to dream big, to imagine big.  thanks. - GS


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Re: Giving up daydreaming
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2006, 08:01:54 PM »
I have got a lot more done and been more together the past few days, today I let myself have a little daydream and the wishful thinking got the better of me.

So back to mindfulness for now!

I wrote a huge post earlier but it disappeared 'page expired' and I didn't have time or energy to write another.

Better go cook dinner...more later.

Thanks DS/ M/ GS ( ) ( ) ( )