Thanks all of you in this particular discussion!
Rob! You could be my twin, I swear sometimes you blow me away! As I read your post it was like ticking off a check list. I was taught the same things you were.
As in all dysfuntional families it is very important to the parents that the real mess stay within the family itself. Growing up in this kind of family is like going to dysfunctional boot camp. I can recall feeling like I was a freak in training.
I am an adopted child, and can remember very early on, as young as four years of age, that some of my parents' reactions to stuff was way off. I could not relate to them at all on many issues. Some people think the way we are is genetically determined. If that's true, then I'm glad i'm adopted!!

Seriously, for N parents, like you say, it is absolutely crucial that the child "thing" be absolutely loyal. Loyal to the parents and their way of seeing and perceiving the world.Their "voice" not the child's.
I love people, that's the way i am. As an adopted child it felt very strange to me that my parents did not like that about me at all, "especially mother", she despised that about me. As a child, how was I to know? She would physically remove me from other people's presence whenever she felt i was talking too much, showing others affection or just simply enjoying myself. I would get the common rebukes and put downs, such as 'One never talks to strangers that way" , "One never disturbs strangers like that" I mean I was cut-off not only from expressing myself, but cut off literally from having contact with other people unless my parents, especially my mother approved. Of course her rebukes were" in my best interest"
I loved people so much that often on holiday i'd latch on to all sorts of people and literally enjoy them so much I'd fall in love with them. Sometimes entire families..

Now that drives an Nmom crazy!!! I would take down their phone numbers and promise to call or write if they gave me their address. I would invest this affection freely..and my parents hated it. " Holiday friends are not like real friends Nic"
They hated it because they had low self esteem, because they wanted me for themselves, because they were sick. I do agree with previous posts, that Nparents desperately want and need to be loved. They themselves are caught in a cycle of downward spiraling toxic emotions they can only respond to by using basic emotions. What I like to call stone age responses or "survival emotions". My parents for example are stuck in the stone age emotionally. I've been ranting at them all my life about how wonderful it would be for them to get help and change. To no avail. They're comfortable in the stone age and as far as I'm concerned they can surround themselves with as many dinosaurs as they want.
I love the way you answer how people can be "things" to narcissists Rob. I'm a thing for my parents. They were married ten years before they decided to adopt two boys. We have both felt like appendages on many occasions. I've always maintained that I was just another attempt for them to be normal or to look good to others. Imagine how hard it must be for a narcissist not to have kids when every one else does? I was a lot of fun for them until I got a personality of my own..i can hear my mother say: " Honey, something's wrong with Nic..he said "NO" to me!" and my dad answering, " Don't worry dear, if it's broken we can always get another ya still have the receipt?"
Honestly, yes I think I was an object to them. Two cars, Two houses, Two incomes, Two kids ( boys! at my mother's insistance, and besides she could choose! why risk it with a girl?)
Oh and yes, absolutely ditto on using other people to carry messages to and fro within our own family. Indirect communication as a tactic not to get yourself involved. I would add that paranoia is also a very essential ingredient for an N parent. And absolutely yes to blaming. Why take responsibility for your life when you can adopt two kids to blame everything on!
I honestly would have loved for my parents to have been able to fix themselves, at least gain some insight into their own mess instead of blaming my brother and I for it all. They're blaming me mostly these days, my brother's in the good books when i'm in the bad books and vice versa..divide and rule you know! But for whatever reason it didn't happen, what a waste of time for them.
I ,like you Rob, could have been such a grand mess. But somehow, the adopted child that I was did not and will not continue the cycle. Unfortunately not the same can be said for my brother, who, although adopted is passing on the torch to his wife, his son and his daughter.
Why have you and I been spared then Rob? I think God had something to do with that don't you?
Kind regards,