Aww, Janey.
Those hurtful things she said about a loving new Mom are HER loss. I am so sorry.
In fact, I'm pissed.
She does not deserve chickens!
Chickens are too good for the likes of her!
She could get 2000 chickens and all they'll do all night is talk about what a creep she is and how they wish they lived with that nice Janey instead!!!!!!!
(Honey, just tell your husband sometime, when you're not angry, without asking him to fix it, how much that hurt when you heard her saying that trash about you, when you were just home loving your baby.)
You have a right to say to him, I felt __________ when I heard that. And I felt so _______ when I didn't hear you defend me. I'm your wife, and this was your child, and I needed you to speak up and say you wouldn't let her talk to us that way.
Just that simple. Then walk away quietly and let him sit with it.
Could you try that? And give him a chance to feel it?