Author Topic: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips  (Read 36026 times)


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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #75 on: August 12, 2011, 08:20:18 PM »
Boat -- want to describe a thing or two, that have come into your life, and that you want to release? (No worries if not.)


Well, I feel disorganized and out of control of everything even my things. I guess I was just writing above for the sake of writing not so much because I have a huge clutter problem only that I have noticed how even when I can't afford things like going to the dentist or shoes there is still an abundance of stuff and "junk" in America. We have a lot of stuff.

For me personally I look at the things I have um, couple of freebee cookbooks, tin cookie container, a batik shirt, foodbank foodstuff that I hoard. Nothing particularly important but I know that since my living situations are so volatile I can not predictably even maintain a modest amount of stuff. I got a free old grandma sweatshirt at a church closet event (give out free used clothes) and I didn't even like it when I got it because it's for an old fudy duddy person but I feel like oh no I must maintain this because what if I need it and I had to go through all the trouble and time of going to the church and having that experience of needing to utilize that service and sorting through piles of unwashed clothes to find something useful. And I did use it.

Things are both necessities that enhance the quality of our lives and also burdens. But pretty much anything that I can't load up into a single backpack is a burden.

The two cookbooks I have thumbed through and I want to make the recipes in them, want to be in that lifestyle where I can do that sort of thing that doesn't really seem so impossibly far away because I'm surrounded by it but still I'm not there. So I guess even reading the recipes represent some sort of possibility of creativity (I like to make stuff with my hands). Oh and the easel I have managed to have for a few months but not use and I don't really want to use it now, I just like the idea that it's possible (an old dead dream).

I guess if clutter is defined by stuff that takes up space but is not used,  that would mainly be it, easel and couple of cookbooks. That sounds insane I know. So it's not really so much the fact that they are clutter is more what they represent to me I guess.

Other thing I think is the feeling that if something was given to me (foodbank) food then it doesnt really belong to me even though I had to take the time and effort to get it. I've actually had to explain this to people who are too lazy to go get their own items. Which is more related to me valuing my time. And I'm experiencing some sense that others don't think my time and life is valuable somehow.

I don't know there is also some experience of how easy it is lose one's grasp and lose things and lose a sense of permanence where the effort to maintain a grasp is a lot of work, a struggle.

At the core of it I think some people just take if for granted that they have more right to belong and more right to have then others.
So I think is someways having stuff is also related to the concept of having the right to belong/exist.

Anyways I'm tired after writing that for whatever reason.


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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #76 on: August 12, 2011, 08:53:37 PM »
Thank you, Boat.

Thank you.

I so wish your writing had a wider audience.

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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #77 on: August 14, 2011, 10:25:25 AM »
Hi Hops...

if there IS a "thing" that needs to be purged right now... it's something in me. Something that has outlived it's usefulness and that I cling to only because it's been part of "me" so long. Humourously, I tend to express that outwardly by purging my closet, filing, re-organizing.... as if that will effect the inner junk pile.

That's not working so well, you know?
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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #78 on: August 14, 2011, 08:47:50 PM »

Thank you, Boat.

Thank you.

I so wish your writing had a wider audience.



I agree with Hops.  Love your writing style.



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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #79 on: September 25, 2011, 03:40:02 PM »
Just a "bump" -- an okay article, but as usual, from someone who sounds not in jeopardy.

Clutter and stuff -- just keeping the question alive.

Mine's feeling better. Lot more to do but maybe I'm recognizing a lot really has gotten done.

I was given a free, nearly new, washer and dryer. Existing ones were 20+ years old. I was/am thrilled.
Turned into a saga:
Habitat store wouldn't take them, too old.
Friend who gave them got the new ones as far as the patio, couldn't get them downstairs though.
Salvation Army would take the elec. washer but not gas dryer.
Realized the dryer was electric, called them back, they said okay.
Bribed the Sal Army guys $20 each to take the new ones down when they brought the old up. They were nice and it was very very hard work. Tight fit up outside stairs, almost impossible, but they did it.
New dryer had a 4-prong plug, old socket it 3-prong.
Another friend rewired the dryer to be 3- prong.
He left, I was limp with joy, started laundry and the new washer blew the circuit breaker each time. (Old house, inadequate wiring).
Finally figured out it would all run if I turned off the dehumidifier.
Basement's getting damp since I forget to turn it on again.

But the basement's emptier since so much junk went away to the church yard sale.
There's hope.

Right at this moment I'm avoiding paperwork, which is why I bumped this thread in the first place.

Check back later, xo,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #80 on: October 09, 2011, 09:14:53 PM »

I'm aggressively sorting and getting rid of about 1/4 of my clothing today.  I feel crummy, but not about getting rid of things.  Don't want to engage with anyone about anything.  Just want to be quiet and schlep.  I can't figure how the getting rid of clothing fits the rest of my mood.  It's as if two separate parts of my brain are working but not in harmony.  Ugh.

I got a chill about ten days ago.  That always means I'm getting something and I did.  Spent two days in bed out of what I thought was a ten day virus or something.  Now I'm trying to figure out whether the crummy mood today is tied into all the other.  Do ya'll have crummy moods where you just don't want to deal with anything or anyone?  I guess I need to know if I'm normal.  :?  Oh yes,  there were three days of the ten where I was quietly emotional.  In a recent surgery, as an adjunct, the doctor removed my ovaries.  Now I'm having hot flashes again.  No.  I'm definitely not normal!  :lol:


« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 09:20:33 PM by teartracks »


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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #81 on: October 10, 2011, 11:08:25 AM »
It's wonderful you're channeling those feelings, even negative ones,
into purging 1/4 of your clothes.

I look forward to hearing how you feel this evening...

good for you, TT!

(I've been reading an unforgettable slavewoman's narrative online...)

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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #82 on: October 11, 2011, 06:46:18 AM »
oh yes, tt... when I'm really sick - not just exhausted - the tears simply roll for no reason... like my hormones go all wonky, like when I was pregnant, you know? And I so know what you mean, about the two halves of the brain going in different directions sometimes!! (and I don't have to be sick to suffer from that...)  Which reminds me, have you seen the new Kia car ad on tv? He talks abouts the reasons he bought the car... for left brain, for right brain... then he tells 'em both to shut up and let him drive!

I thought it was a good idea.
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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #83 on: October 11, 2011, 08:24:19 AM »
How did it goes with the clothes purge, TT?
Did you link it up with loss?

Are you enjoying the spaciousness you created?

Hope so!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #84 on: October 11, 2011, 10:19:59 PM »
Hanging in with you while you wait for its passage...


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #85 on: October 12, 2011, 02:57:56 AM »

Thanks, Hops.

Dr. issued a script for hormone replacement today.  We'll see if that helps.  I'm racking my brain trying to figure what the heck is going on.  Unusual symptoms in a concentrated time frame. 



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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #86 on: October 12, 2011, 08:32:09 AM »
Could be, could be, could be... 

I can relate to this, tt - the physical crap that was/is still going on with me (new phase thread) started with a tooth that needed root canal. That's the same time all my funky dreams started, too. I can't tease out "the" one explanation that makes sense or fits.  Might've been photosensitivity to antibiotics; might've been a tick bite; maybe I AM allergic to latex... that kind of thing. Maketh me crazy... so I've been ignoring it, while treating symptoms, as best I can. It's exhausting emotionally, and my patience too is fading fast after a month or two of this. It would help, if I didn't simultaneously have these dreams taking up energy while I'm sleeping, too. Double whammy.

I hope the HRT works for you. I don't DARE and it wouldn't address my itchies or sore ankle, anyway. Unless the wiring in my brain is THAT far off! LOL...
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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #87 on: October 14, 2011, 07:44:19 PM »

I've had the blahs.  Felt like I'd had a shot of Novacane to the brain.  Whatever it is seems to be wearing off.  I woke up today feeling better, ready to continue working on my project of clearing useless (to me) items from my closet. 

I'm encouraged. 



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Re: DeCluttering: Inspiration, Success Stories, Tips
« Reply #88 on: October 15, 2011, 04:56:54 AM »

I've had the blahs.  Felt like I'd had a shot of Novacane to the brain.  Whatever it is seems to be wearing off.  I woke up today feeling better, ready to continue working on my project of clearing useless (to me) items from my closet. 

I'm encouraged. 


You go, Girl!  It's a work in progress!
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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