Author Topic: entering into a childs world?  (Read 5164 times)


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entering into a childs world?
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:50:27 PM »
 I just discovered this board from the website, and was looking for a little help. I am kinda scared that I may not be giving my children a voice, the articles have been very eye opening.  I was wondering what it means to enter into a childs world ...any help? What does it mean by not requiring them to enter into our world in order to make contact?


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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 10:49:04 PM »
Because of the type of personality I have, I tend to shoot straight with people, and sometimes a bit tactlessly, so I am going to share just one thing to NOT do to a child:

I once had a lady come to where I work, a restaurant, and ask her son "Honey, what do you want to eat?  chicken or burger?"

The child responded, "no, I don't want chicken.  I want a burger." 

At that point there was back n forth banter between this lady and the little boy, till finally she said to me, "you don't HAVE burgers do you?"  I said, "yes we do."

Then, she turned back to the boy and said "They RAN OUT OF BURGERS."

She said to me "He'll have the chicken!"


So, that's just one example of how NOT to raise children.  I have a huge repoitoire of them, believe me.



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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 12:21:25 AM »
I think the key is to treat a child as a smaller adult with less of a vocabulary... Like Laura's example showed, many parents try to speak for their kids or be dishonest with them. Children NEED to trust and they will not be able to if you are not upfront with them. That isn't to say you can't set boundaries (Kids, we are going to this retaurant and I want you to eat chicken or something healthful today... no hamburgers.) You can give them choices... do you want your bath now or in 10 minutes? (No choice on the bath, notice). But that gives them some say. Do you want to do your homework in your room or in the kitchen? Again, they feel in control, but are doing what they need to do.
Is that what you mean????
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2006, 12:20:21 AM »
Hi Shefellyb,

I think one of the most wonderful channels into a child's world is reading to them, with them.
I think if you turn off the TV (better yet, park it in the attic until summer) and take up The Secret Garden and then Great Expectations (I heard Dickens read cover to cover when I was 10...didn't understand every word but became completely absorbed in a world we all were sharing, since it was a family thing...)

Simpler books too, like Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little. The author understands a child.

You can too, and good books read together can help, imo.

And last but not least, welcome!

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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2006, 06:14:53 PM »
Oh, I like the idea of reading to them...something I am trying to do more of!

  I guess I just want to make sure that I am hearing my children when they speak, which is hard to do when there is SO much going on in my life! It takes time, and I am working on giving them that time by listening when something is wrong. But it is hard for me to want to "play" with them, like Barbies or dolls for example. I can handle the card games and the going for a walk, but when they ask me to just "play" I have a hard time with that.
Any other thoughts would be appreciated!

 I am happy that there is a board like this! And thanks for the welcome!


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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2006, 06:18:32 PM »
OK, guess I should clarify, that my thought of entering into a childs world is through play, and that's why I said about playing with them.



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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2006, 08:27:25 PM »
Well, I wasn't much of one to play with them with their toys either.  Looking back, and from what my sons have said, the best thing is to listen to them when they want to talk.  Find a way to be interested in the topics they want to talk about or discuss.

Listening and discussing does not mean to try and teach them, educate them or point out where they might be wrong or not know things.  They do know things and it is good to talk to them and listen the way you would to an adult.  Value their ideas about interests, school, friends, values, etc.  Discover your child in this way.  Get to know them in this way.  They are unique individuals from the start.

Sometimes I would just sit on the couch and relax while my youngest son was on the computer.  After a while, he would get used to me just sitting there and would start to think of things he wanted to talk about.  Then it would turn into a conversation.  I guess I'm saying, I make myself available for talking and listening every so often and it has become a pattern that he can expect and therefore feel comfortable with.

My oldest son and I never had it so easy-going.  But every so often we talk on the phone and he talks a lot during those times.  It seems as though he enjoys our conversations (he lives 8 hours away so we can't visit in person often.)  He listens to me and his dad too and remembers what we say.  It seems like mutual listening is going on.

I think kids appreciate it when we are being our true selves and when we allow them to be their true selves.  We don't have to like all the same things and activities.  If you don't like to play with toys with them, then find something else to share that you also enjoy.  Some card games can be good for both kids and adults.  We played Scrabble sometimes, and Boggle, and other similar games that were challenging for us and still fun for them.  Painting together was something we did sometimes.  Going to concerts and shows together, movies, listening to music in the car together.  Just paying attention while doing regular things together is great.

I think just the fact that you think this is important to do, giving them voice and trying to enter their world, is great and will do them a lot of good as they grow up.

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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2006, 09:39:26 PM »
I know what you mean about not wanting to play sometimes... My daughter has asked me to play with her sooooo much this past week that I gave in and played a game of UNO. The truth is, though, more than playing with them. I think it's listening to them and answering them. We do a lot of our deep talking in the car. We are crtunched in together and it's a good time when we can just focus on the words and questions from the day or week.
How old are your kids?
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2006, 10:32:25 PM »
Hi Shelly...
Dunno if you realize but you're on the "reference" thread...

want to start one on the main board? You'll get more responses there.

Hope your week has a great start.

One thing I've done with kids (professionally for a while) is have them tell ME stories while I write them down. They go to town.

Then I'd type them for them and they'd be thrilled with the printed result.

This was especially tempting for very little ones who can't write much yet.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: entering into a childs world?
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2006, 09:42:02 AM »
Hi Shelly...
Dunno if you realize but you're on the "reference" thread...

want to start one on the main board? You'll get more responses there.

Hope your week has a great start.

One thing I've done with kids (professionally for a while) is have them tell ME stories while I write them down. They go to town.

Then I'd type them for them and they'd be thrilled with the printed result.

This was especially tempting for very little ones who can't write much yet.


No, didn't realize it. What is the difference between the reference board and the main board (new here...LOL!) Thanks!

Thanks everyone for you response, they are EXTREMELY helpful!

  I like what you said about just making yourself available to really listen to them and hear what they are saying. It is amazing the times when I have done that, what I find out about them and what is going on in their lives. I never got that as a child and I really want to give my children the validation and value that comes from doing that. Thanks!

 my kids are 9 and 6. I like your idea about talking while in the car. I will have to try that on our next grocery shopping/errand day. It may make the imte go by faster! Thanks!

Off to post on the main board!