Author Topic: Lies  (Read 3037 times)


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« on: December 10, 2006, 12:05:27 AM »
Do you people really know who this Really Me is?  I mean really do you? What if she is the very thing that you are really trying to avoid what if she is your next best friend?  I"m  just posting this because I came across some names that seem so quite familiar!  Of course how many C's and A's are there in the world.  Could be hundreds and thousands of names but I am pretty certain I know the one that has been spoken of in some of these  posts infact her conversations have been posted.  Really Me if its the same people that you are referring to I would ask you to be careful as to what you post from here on out!  C may not have stood up to the integrity that is at stake but, A is quite the opposite.  I would please ask you to simply speak the truth as to what is said from this day forward.  In fact I would hope that you go back and ask them to forgive you and make it right with the people who really need encouragement.  This Dr. Grossman is doing a good thing here by providing a site for encouraging members  who need what he is providing! I don't know this C or as you call her lets see I think you may refer to her as Narcissist. 
First of all it seems like you are obsessed with these two and most importantly how in the word could a mother speak like that about her daughter and also her husband I wonder how they would take this if they received copies of all these posts.  (about right now I'm thinking Laura is saying OH NO I need to delete these before it gets into the wrong hands! Well, let me tell you this I have copies of all the ridiculous crap you have written)  including the spiritual MOM miss L I will give you some of well....... I"m hurt and so on Yes, you are hurt and sometimes we speak out of hurt I'll give you that! But people let me tell you this you have been fed a lot of LIES and over exaggerating what is the truth.  Really examine what she has said WOW..... Obsessed is the word, Jealous YES, I know the one person.  NOW the thing is there was NO reason why you should have spoken these things. Yes, speak truths REALLY ME!. I don't know C or this Narcissist so you say!  Let me Convey something to you she can at times seem like she is GREATTTER THAN or maybe give the preception as being a little over confidant but only in the things she knows.  Laura, in reality she is just like the rest of us she knows her faults and weaknesses she knows where she falls short in that I say that above all she is a loving caring individual with some tools that some of use only wish we could have.  If you want to call it means or experience or just the fact that she is a survivor like the rest of us then call it as it is!  You say the N person (C) is just like her.  Not so A wouldn't have put up with all that has transpired in this WEBB.  C sounds like she is very loving and can see past what the world calls GROSS!!!  Again, a weakness of A's (she does have a hard time seeing past the JUNK) it would make her sick literally! I won't elaborate I think Laura knows what I'm talking about.  Of course I don't know you Really ME so I shouldn't say anything except for the fact that I do know the N supplier so you say.  Members and Guest of this site If you really want to know the truth go on Pal I know at one time these two members use to both minister on there.  Go in the subject do something like needing to talk to C or A I know N supplier goes by jujubee_87 or send them a off line in fact I may go ahead and start the link... so whoever has been saying....... Is this for real, Could this person (laura been hurt like that by them) go on and find out the TRUTH...  Hurt yes I'm sure she was but theLies about why this relationship was broken  or why this person feels like she was REPLACED you will find that it wasn't half of what Really me made it sound like. This really is sad cause the people that really need the attention are overlooked by someone like this REALLY ME..   By the way the Dove and all the other so called names that she used will really open your eyes to the wholeeeeeeeeee truth.  Really me I don't know you so I don't want to state faults accusations but what I stated is 100% of what I know about A (N supplier) I can't speak for the rest but I do know some of what has transpired. She may not be the most patient person and may expect that those she loves be on her level and she would be the first to tell you she falls short but who doesn't. My suggestion is that you cut them loose and stop posting things that will hurt them and you in the end.  Lies are noway to get even.  In my world you just smile and say if you don't see the greatness in me then someone else will come along and see me for who I am and love me just the way I AM! 

REALLY ME  I hope you see this as an eye opener.  Have you really been honest with yourself and with those that don't deserve LIES that are members of this site.  Looks to me like this group of people really reached out to you and have really tried to encourage.  Do they deserve LIES? or an exaggerated version of you life?  Give them the Honest truth and if you don't know ask C and A I'm sure with all of those who have been talked about on your posts if you need help recalling they will help..

Sorry guys this was a forever entry but I had to come on line and speak what I know. 
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 10:06:05 PM by voicel2 »


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Re: Lies
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2006, 10:49:17 AM »
Hello Wow,
I respectfully request that you leave this space safe for those who post here.
This is not a site where we try to "out" people in their real lives, whether or not that were possible.

This is a place that people enter with whatever voice they have, and speak whatever is true for them emotionally. What a person here feels is held in deep trust. Violations and vengefulness are not welcome.

This is not a forum where we sift "outside" facts and rule them true or not. Nor do we judge what pain or what perception a poster is wrestling with. RM is a valued member here, and speaks the truth she speaks, and it comes from her own heart and her own perception.

If events in RM's life, should you happen to know some of the people, do not seem accurate to you, you are welcome to your own interpretation. Facts we share as we view them represent some kind of truth to us that we need to express. Beyond that, our "facts" are noone else's business.

I am not interested in having you interpret another poster for me, nor in having you come on here to try to harm them in the name of "correcting the record." Any poster who has called people in their lives N or vented anger and heartbreak here is doing so to process their own pain. And to grow. (Which RM has done as well as anyone.)

But bringing up a member's actual life, much less with threats to betray her privacy, is a gross violation of the anonymity and trust we all know here.

Even if you did happen to know ReallyMe in real life, that you would threaten to give her husband and child copies of posts RM wrote in great pain and frustration is cruelty. Everyone, whether you like them or not, is entitled to a safe space. Not to be perfect in a safe space. Not to be someone else's thought of what they should be in a safe space. Just to be in a safe space.

I will not dialogue with you about anyone else's "real life" and I would be surprised if other people would. I hope and pray you will leave RM this safe place to speak as she needs to.

If you find that you need to talk about your own life, you are welcome. Please adopt a new name, keep your own and others' "real-life" facts out of it for the sake of this community's safety, and share your own story.

Surely, we all have enough work to do on ourselves. I know I do. Perhaps you have things to work on too.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 03:12:32 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Lies
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2006, 01:57:22 PM »
.....I think Laura knows what I'm talking about.

Good, because I doubt if anyone else does.


sea storm

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Re: Lies
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2006, 02:35:45 AM »
Dear Wow:

For some reason you have entered the sanctuary of Voicelessness and it is a place where people can speak their own truth AS THEY SEE IT.
I notice that you are gossiping about someone and the tone you take is very judgemental and angry. Gossip is deadly and dangerous and hurts both the person who casts the nasty web of hate and the victim of their words.
Most people go around thinking gossip is just fine. Talking about other people and thinking that we know what is right for them and how to fix them seems ok. But it is really lateral violence.
What you can learn from this place is to speak your own truth and let other people speak for themselves.
Lucifer was one of God's favourite angels but he was thrown out of Heaven for basically gossiping. His name was changed to Satan which means something like SLanderer.
Hopefully, you will read the stories on this site and how people listen to each other WITHOUT JUDGEMENT.  There is healing here and you are very angry and it is spilling out of you all over the place. I would imagine this is causing you problems in your life. Nobody hates you for your anger but lashing out like this does no good and instead causes much harm. Try to find another way of getting your truth across, in a way that people can listen.

Wishing you peace and healing,
Sea Storm


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Re: Lies
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2006, 02:59:02 AM »
Hey Wow,

Do you people really know who this Really Me is?  

Yes I do a Friend and a member of this community.



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God is sooooooooo good!
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2006, 04:08:00 AM »
I just opened up my email to find this message in it:

December 12, 2006: Watch for the temptation to allow subtle, nagging feelings of discouragement and failure to undermine your position of faith and joy. This is what drains the life out of you and causes your focus to shift from God consciousness to self- consciousness. Take the time to trace these feelings to their root, and you will find that the enemy has deposited a lie that will undermine your spiritual well-being. Come back to the truth of My Word and remember My love for you, knowing that I have extended great grace and mercy towards you, and I have surrounded you with favor as with a shield, says the Lord.

Song of Solomon 2:15a Catch us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines.


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Re: Lies
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2006, 12:58:40 PM »
 WOW, seem you stirred the pot here on voiceless. You said you didn't "KNOW" RM, but you seem to know the names of whom she wrote about. Seems fishy to me. And we don't usually put real names here, RM used fictional names to keep their identity a secret. And RM used my real name once but I didn't mind. Because my mom is an "N" and learning how to deal with her. So go fish somewhere's else. Dead fish stink.........ooops shouldn't of said that, but sneaked out.



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Re: Lies
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2006, 02:23:47 PM »
This invective smells toxic. Feels abusive. Appears retaliatory.



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Re: Lies
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2006, 03:07:09 PM »

Sorry guys this was a forever entry but I had to come on line and speak what I know. 

One.  Find out what personal responsibility is, and accept it.

Actually, you didn't have to come on line, and you didn't have to write what you wrote.  You chose your behaviour, and you chose your words.  I assume nobody is holding you to ransom, telling you to write that stuff.

So, you bear the full responsibility for your words, as each of us does, and you take the consequences.

Two.  Abusers will rarely, if ever, admit what they have done, and will generally try to project it away.

I only know, that if anyone who really knows me, and who I have talked about on here, were to find out what I have written, they will not be exactly pleased, and might well respond with anger, frustration, disbelief, and project all kinds of crap onto me that they cannot accept about themselves.  That is the nature of abuse, escaping abuse and outing abusers.  They do not like it, and cannot ever be expected to. 

But we each of us still have the right to talk of our own truth, and the effects of such abusive behaviour on us and our loved ones, regardless of the denial that may still exist in our families, friends etc.

Three.  Actions have consequences.

Part of the consequences of your post are that I for one am not interested in reading anything similar from you.

If you have anything meaningful to say about your own pain, and your own condition, then I am ready to listen.  Otherwise, have a good Christmas, and nice meeting you, and goodbye.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 03:19:20 PM by October »


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Re: Lies
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2006, 07:32:46 PM »
WOW October This is super duper .............................................................

I only know, that if anyone who really knows me, and who I have talked about on here, were to find out what I have written, they will not be exactly pleased, and might well respond with anger, frustration, disbelief, and project all kinds of crap onto me that they cannot accept about themselves.  That is the nature of abuse, escaping abuse and outing abusers.  They do not like it, and cannot ever be expected to. 

But we each of us still have the right to talk of our own truth, and the effects of such abusive behaviour on us and our loved ones, regardless of the denial that may still exist in our families, friends etc.

Thank you October


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Re: Lies
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2006, 12:01:07 AM »
This appears to be an example of an N's smear campaign.  Those of us who were voiceless victims of narcissists have found our voices here and will use them to protect this safe place!  Thank you!



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Re: Lies
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2006, 08:35:28 AM »
It does appear to be a bunch of rambling by someone who will likely never post again.

In it there is a veiled threat:
Really Me if its the same people that you are referring to I would ask you to be careful as to what you post from here on out!

Here's the smear:  some vague innuendo which is later contradicted (I don't really know Reallyme)
Do you people really know who this Really Me is?  I mean really do you? What if she is the very thing that you are really trying to avoid what if she is your next best friend?

Some clear untruths (Is this the reason they're really just posting?  who is this person kidding?  It's obvious they're posting for revenge)
I'm just posting this because I came across some names that seem so quite familiar!

Some demands (why does she need to control what someone else posts on a board she never visits?):
I would please ask you to simply speak the truth as to what is said from this day forward.  In fact I would hope that you go back and ask them to forgive you and make it right with the people who really need encouragement

Another demand:
My suggestion is that you cut them loose and stop posting things that will hurt them and you in the end.  Lies are noway to get even.

No one would argue with this.  By stating it, the poster is trying to gain credibility for herself.
This Dr. Grossman is doing a good thing here by providing a site for encouraging members  who need what he is providing!

Name calling (low blow)
First of all it seems like you are obsessed with these two

Another threat - implying she may give copies of these posts to Laura's family (wouldn't surprise me a bit if she already has - which would be vindictive)
and most importantly how in the word could a mother speak like that about her daughter and also her husband I wonder how they would take this if they received copies of all these posts.

still clearly rambling and threatning (in an attempt to empathize, I will say I do not doubt this person is angry and shocked - I also think if they'd give themself a few hours to cool off they might realize that revenge is a bad idea after all)
about right now I'm thinking Laura is saying OH NO I need to delete these before it gets into the wrong hands! Well, let me tell you this I have copies of all the ridiculous crap you have written)  including the spiritual MOM miss L

This is really incredible.  She's giving you permission to be hurt Laura (ha!)
I will give you some of well....... I"m hurt and so on Yes, you are hurt and sometimes we speak out of hurt I'll give you that!

But people let me tell you this you have been fed a lot of LIES and over exaggerating what is the truth.

Really examine what she has said WOW..... Obsessed is the word, Jealous YES, I know the one person.

Again, telling you you're not allowed to speak (!)
NOW the thing is there was NO reason why you should have spoken these things.

Yes, speak truths REALLY ME!.

[Yawn] (your credibility is pretty much shot with me by this point - I'm no longer listening/believing a thing you say - you're not conveying anything except that you're hurt and seeking revenge here)
Let me Convey something to you

blah blah blah then - implying the abuser's pain is more important?
it would make her sick literally!

Please, don't anymore
I won't elaborate

Crazymaking implication
I think Laura knows what I'm talking about.

Finally, something I can agree with
Of course I don't know you Really ME so I shouldn't say anything except for the fact that I do know the N supplier so you say.

(yawn)  no, not really
Members and Guest of this site If you really want to know the truth go on Pal I know at one time these two members use to both minister on there.

People who really need the attention...hmmm.  This sounds like you're comparing people's worth.  Making judgements about who deserves what (very N)
Hurt yes I'm sure she was but theLies about why this relationship was broken  or why this person feels like she was REPLACED you will find that it wasn't half of what Really me made it sound like. This really is sad cause the people that really need the attention are overlooked by someone like this REALLY ME..

OK.  Then why post all you've posted?  Why not just smile...
In my world you just smile and say if you don't see the greatness in me then someone else will come along and see me for who I am and love me just the way I AM! 

"Oh, but I'm not doing this all for me, its for you all too!"  (bleck! I don't believe this)
REALLY ME  I hope you see this as an eye opener.  Have you really been honest with yourself and with those that don't deserve LIES that are members of this site.  Looks to me like this group of people really reached out to you and have really tried to encourage.  Do they deserve LIES? or an exaggerated version of you life?  Give them the Honest truth and if you don't know ask C and A I'm sure with all of those who have been talked about on your posts if you need help recalling they will help..

I do not believe you're sorry.  This is what is called a false apology
Sorry guys this was a forever entry but I had to come on line and speak what I know.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 10:08:56 PM by voicel2 »


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Re: Lies
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2006, 08:34:04 PM »
good, I'll glad you're not afraid.  you are free

(((((((really me)))))))))))

As for money and prestige...well, most people I know who drive a fancy car and own a big expensive home are actually up to their ears in debt!  So, I'm not so sure she has money or prestige.  I certainly find it hard to respect people for driving around in cars worth half as much as what their homes are worth, dripping in jewelry and other non-essentials, trying to keep up with the Joneses and living far beyond their means - as if they are wealthy when they're in fact just making a middle class income like the rest of us...  I look at them and think:  what idiots!



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Re: Lies
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2006, 10:29:31 AM »
Also, small claims courts and other legal authorities don't like being used and abused by narcissists trying to control other people.  I've lost count of how many times I've seen TV court cases where the judge ruled that the plaintiff had no right to take back a gift.  Judge Judy lambasted a narcissist the other day and (guilty pleasure) it was FUN to watch!!!



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Re: Lies
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2007, 01:14:54 PM »
((((((Penelope))))))) love your indepth annihilation of his dumb ramblings  :P

WOW aka **** ( fill in as appropriate  :lol: )

reallyMe aka Top Class Chikita