..We go to see Nmom in the nursing home yesterday afternoon.
Due at my bro's for dinner but not sure when as he hasn't answered the phone. She urges us to go round his place and check things out. Just as we're leaving, he calls, says to give them half an hour. Fair enough.
I call my mom back en route there to say we've found him. NOW she's like 'So you'll be coming back later?' Well...no, because by the time dinner's over she will have turned in for the night anyway. 'Oh, so you'll be coming round tomorrow morning then?' Well, no...she KNOWS we have to leave early for the drive home. 'Oh...I thought you'd at least come back and see me before you go.' (In tone of almost betrayed disappointment.)
Bro & SIL, on hearing this, are like well, she hasn't seen you in nearly a month so that's why she's getting at you, BUT you can't keep rushing round everywhere at her say-so. And it's not like she gives signs of wanting to see or talk to anyone very much when you're there.
We call her from theirs and she's like 'You're NOT coming back in the morning? No, you won't have time, will you.' Perfectly sweetly. Like nothing had happened.
Wait, it gets freakier. We left this morning, got back, called her and she's like 'Oh, B & SIL came in...
They were surprised you didn't come to see me last night or this morning, but
I wasn't really expecting you to.'

My husband was like 'If they're going to say one thing to our faces and another behind our backs, that's it, I'm not going there again...'
I try to explain. It's not the first time something close to this has happened and we've ended up blaming someone, anyone to deflect things from her. But sometimes I wonder where I stand. Like I'm paranoid enough that I sometimes think people ARE saying two different things.
Tell me I'm not nuts, that this is the usual N divide-and-rule thing. The weekend was going almost tolerably until all this cropped up. Dohhhh...