Author Topic: I need help  (Read 3221 times)

sea storm

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I need help
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:04:08 AM »
My ex partner has been in contact and he is getting the rest of his things from the house and yard. He needs to do this in order to get the money from the house settlement. I don't know if he has finished getting his stuff. He does not let me know, although I asked him too.  This sounds so simple. I felt like killing myself but know that I can't because I have a child. I( am horrible pain and keep seeing him with new woman.
He said he is sorry I am having a hard time. Mostly, he talks to me as if I am a complete stranger which is very painful. We were together for eight years.

I am at my sisters otherwise I would go to a hospital. She has helf me in her arms while I cried. I dont want to be such a burden to her. Seh siad she would rather have me at her place than at the hospital.
This is not like a regular separation.  I feel like I have been raped and pillaged.
I told him I could not stand to do anything and to just leave his stuff but the lawyer said this has to end and there has to be closure so that it ends. I have gotten a lawyer, been arrested, found out about the affair, gone to the bank and remortgaged the house within five months. This has happened so fast. I got the lawyer after the first two weeks. I hope to god this is the right thing to do. To have these boundaries. It feels like it is too painful to bear.
Please please  say something to me. I am barely human anymore. I cant expect anyone to be with me because I am in complete dispair.

Sea Storm


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Re: I need help
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2007, 02:46:54 AM »

I can almost feel your pain. It sounds unbearable, but maybe you are hitting the bottom now and there is no where to go but up.

I hit many bottoms but there were false floors and finally came the last one and it was over.

Please just draw on the strength you have, and what we here can give you, to see you through.

Complete Despair seems like the very end, and now you turn around and fight your way back

Love and hugs, prayers and blessings


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Re: I need help
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2007, 03:09:13 AM »


I know you are feeling deep pain and I'm so sorry.  I wish with a snap of the finger you could leave it all behind.
Take good care.



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Re: I need help
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2007, 08:40:13 AM »
Dear Sea...high waves right now, but the sea changes.
It calms, dear. So will you.
You are letting the storm of emotions vent its fury...and you can trust that it will blow itself out...

You will still be buoyant, you will not drown. Even gasps between sobs are breaths.

I am sending you love, and a promise:

Time is crawling now, but time is elastic. There are going to be leaps forward, that compress growth and healing just as this time seems to scrape you across a sharp reef with every thought. There ARE going to be other kinds of time, where you are floating and sailing, and you'll look back at a barrier in the background, and it will get smaller, and then an even more extraordinary time, when your vision is filled with a horizon, and it begins to interest you more than the reef, and then you will forget to think about the reef every day, and it will not too long from now (not too long to bear) become valuable only as a marker of how far you have come.

On a new journey.

Sending you love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I need help
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2007, 10:00:08 AM »

So sorry you are in such pain at the moment.  You are grieving and that is a very painful process.  I am glad you have a sister who sees your worth and cares so much for you.

I think HOps is right, this is a hard time but it does pass, everything passes, painfully but it does.  Can you get someone else to deal with him.  I think any contact at all with him just sets you back and is like rubbing salt in the wound.  There should be no reason for you to have any contact with him.  Obvioulsy he does not care about you at all, if he did he would have either stayed or left you in a respectful way.  Seeing how hurt you are is I believe in some way supply for him.  Cutting him out of your life physically will make things easier for you.  This time last year I thought I would die without XN today if I saw him I think I would vomit as he disgusts me.  It has taken me a long time to KNOW that I was and am nothing to him and I thank God that I am free of his evil presence in my life.  I refuse to allow him control me anymore, even at a distance.  XN may be happy with his new supply for all I know and if he is so be it I am just relieved that I am not listening to any more lies, games, gaslighting.  You never again have to put up with his crazymaking, that is his new supplys job.  Focus on how you can keep yourself safe, that is what is important now.




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Re: I need help
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2007, 11:21:08 AM »
Dear Sea,
After reading your message, I too could feel your pain.  My first thought was toward your sister,  how kind she is  and you are very fortunate you  have a sister who loves you so much! You are not alone Sea, and I hope you can look deep inside and find a bit of hope, find something good to think about.  Do you paint or have a sport to get involved in? Even a small walk outside, get some fresh air and sunshine in your face, the world can be and is most of the time a beautiful place. You will be  in my thoughts today, Sea, take care today, do something different, something for you.

sela as guest

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Re: I need help
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2007, 11:41:26 AM »
Oh Sea!

Your heart will heal.  He's not worth all this agony.  You deserve much better!
I'm so sorry for your pain and I will say a prayer for you that it will subside.

Rushing out now but just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you today and sending you warm thoughts and hopes for a much better future.



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Re: I need help
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2007, 12:01:53 PM »
Sea:  I am here to help you.  Stupid man.  Anyone who cheats on someone and then flushes their self esteem should be hung.  Let us imagine that picture and get a smile out of it!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

Gaining Strength

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Re: I need help
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2007, 12:47:44 PM »
Sea - you are in so much pain because you are still attached to him emotionally.  I am going to give you some very strange sounding things to help you lessen your pain.  I am writing out something for you to say to yourself - modify it in any way that pleases you.  The goal is to cut the emotional bind.  You do not have to "feel" in agreement with the words but it is important that the words reflect how you want to feel. 

Thank you for releasing me from this man.  I deserve better.  This man has hurt me to my core.  I will no longer long for him or other hurtful men in my life. Even though I do not feel thankful, I am thankful to be free of him.   I will heal from my relationship with him and I will heal the core of myself that is so wounded that I found a wounder rather than a healer.  I deserve a healer.

Most important is to find words that help you move from being wounded by him to longing for healing.  Though he continues to hurt you he can only do that because you still are attached to him.  You must actually break that attachment.  Declare that you are glad to be free of that damaging relationship - even if you don't yet agree.  As you do this over and over you will find a release - slowly but surely.  Do not allow yourself to want ANYTHING from him.  He is utterly toxic.


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Re: I need help
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2007, 09:29:32 PM »

Hang in there babe. Please don't think of taking your life... we need you here. And would you really want him to think he has that much power over you?
Do what you can do just to get by. Keep coming here and do let your sister help you.

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: I need help
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2007, 09:45:54 PM »

Hi Sea,

I can't remember, do you have a small group or therapist but not following through presently?  If so, please get reconnected.  If you don't maybe that would be a good direction.  Churches often have counselors or can refer you to one.  We all need support during the hard times.  Bless your sister for being there for you.  People are here for you, but sometimes a realspace blowout with someone who understands your pain can help too.

Wishing you the best.



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Re: I need help
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2007, 09:53:53 PM »
((((((((((sea storm))))))))))
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: I need help
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2007, 09:49:24 AM »

I re read your post again and it just touched me to the core of my heart.

The overt madness started in my life with XN on 14th December 2006.  I spent the next months screaming until my throat was raw from the pain that was in me.  I could not stop crying.  I lost about 35lbs weight.  I could not eat, I could not sleep I could not think.  I believe I went into some zone whereby all I could feel was the rawness of the pain.  I would drink pints of water and smoke cigarettes it was all I could manage.  I had what I thought was a family, which I loved very much, XN and daughter, and it turned out that they were not who I thought they were.  It was as if my "family" had been replaced by aliens.  I thought I would go mad.  I thought of suicide, anything to stop the pain.  I became ill, I could not concentrate on anything.  I was desperate for everything to be ok.  I would have done anything to have things back ok again.

Time passed, I stayed with him, listened to his lies, games etc and slowly I began to see what I was dealing with.  When all the charm fell away I realised he saw the pain I was in and he did not care.  In fact he provoked me, set me up, and then cut the legs from under me.  It was a game.  I observed him, listened to him, at times got into the game with him and lost my cool around him but I saw what was going on and knew that all the pain I had suffered had been intentional.  It was as if he had set up his torture chamber and choose his tools.  On 14th DEcember 2007 I dumped him.  Took me a long time, but no more tears.  i did my grieving in the relationship and felt freedom and relief when I threw him out.  I thought I would die after him, I truely did but I felt alive for the first time in such a long time. 

I made a list which still is on my wall, I rarely read it now as the detachment process moves along.  Sea, make a list of the truth of your relationship with him.  I posted my list here at some stage, all the abuse etc and the final sentance............ And he loved me.  The pain you are feeling are your wounds and also if you are anything like me you are probably in shock.  In ten years time, you will barely remember him other than recall the creep who swindled and abused you.  It is all about detaching and healing.  Be gentle with yourself.  Cry out every tear, scream every name you can think of to call him, get physical, though you wont feel like doing that.  You must give your head a break from the replaying of the madness, Sleep.  I could not sleep proplerly until recently.  Sleep and one day you will wake up and he will NOT be the first thing on your mind. 

Can I be so bold as to suggest you have had a lucky escape.  you are in charge of your life now not him.  You can make a good life for yourself though I know that does not seem possible but you can.  Spend as much time as you can getting your grief and anger out.  I started seeing my T twice a week and spent a lot of time doing things which allowed my pain out.

I so feel for you but I survived it, you will, it will be slow and painful but you will live.




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Re: I need help
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2007, 10:57:16 AM »


(((((((((((axa for saying all the tender things I didn't know how to say )))))))))))))


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Re: I need help
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2007, 12:01:45 PM »

Rest, Sea, rest as much as you can. These emotions will drain you and you need to rest. Veg out, watch a lot of mindless TV, read if you can concentrate, sit outside just still and try to listen - anything you feel like doing and nothing more. It's the first step toward gathering your strength again.

I am thinking of you.

"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.